Amazing Force

The moment Arthur knocked Vitor to the ground, the whole place was absolutely silent.

This was so absurd that no one could understand it properly. After all, Vitor was a gang leader, very dangerous and not even the police had the courage to face him.

People who were previously concerned about Arthur's safety were now very shocked and even more concerned about the consequences of his actions.

"My God, boy. What did you do?" one person said quietly in the crowd.

"Now things are going to get more serious."

"I can't believe he reacted. He's either crazy or doesn't know who he's messing with."

Many people started talking about what would happen to Arthur now. But the person in these conversations was not at all concerned.

Coming very close to Vitor's ear, Arthur said: "What now? Are you still going to react or do you want me to disjoint the other arm?" His tone was cold and dismissive. He only came to eat, but that person wanted to fight him for no reason, and even tried to murder a person who was trying to protect him.

Seeing his condescending tone, Vitor was furious again, ignoring the pain in his left arm "Listen here, you little shit. When I get out of here I'm going to look for your fami-Aaaaaaaaaaargh !!".

He hadn't even finished speaking when Arthur pulled his other arm hard, causing his right shoulder to be disjointed as well.

"I've seen stupid people, but like you, it's yet to be born." Arthur spoke, laughing a little.

When Vitor screamed a second time, his henchmen finally realized what was happening and ran to attack Arthur.

Rising very slowly from Vitor's back, Arthur again entered a state of keen awareness, analyzing the henchmen's actions and movements and seeing what he could do.

The same quests tab also appeared, but it was providing only 1000 Exp and no bonus rewards. Realizing that there were ten people, including Vitor, Arthur was able to understand the logic behind the provision of Exp.

Three people arrived in front of Arthur, with their punches and kicks already aimed at him. The first one to arrive was the punch of a tall guy, which Arthur dodged, grabbed the guy's wrist, pulled him to stand in front of him and then pushed him in the direction of the second henchman's kick.

As soon as he did that, the kick went against the taller guy's chests, and ended up messing up the formation they tried to do. Taking the opportunity, Arthur went towards the third guy and punched his diaphragm, causing him to completely lose his breath and fall to the ground.

Defeating two, he soon landed a downward kick in the second, responsible for kicking the first in the chest.

In less than 10 seconds, 3 henchmen were dropped like shit on the floor. Realizing that the young man in front of him was more powerful than he appeared, a little fear passed in the eyes of the remaining henchmen. But before they thought about running away, Arthur went towards them.

Perceiving the young man's boldness, all the henchmen were enraged.

"Just because you defeated some, do you think you're like Anderson Silva? Go to hell, boy".

"Everyone, let's take this son of a bitch down !!"


The enraged henchmen also threw themselves towards Arthur to defeat him.

Seeing the irrational and disorderly attacks, Arthur was completely shocked "Do you think you are excellent fighters?" Arthur couldn't bear to laugh.

Seeing the ridiculousness in Arthur's words, the already enraged men were now completely filled with hatred.

"We are going to kill you, bastard !!!"

"To kill!!"

"Hunf!" Arthur grunted before moving.

Taking advantage of the unrestrained run of these people, Arthur knocked down one by one with simple strokes, but due to unrestrained speed, they looked like monstrous strokes. Each blow made the floor tremble with the constant heavy falls of the men. In less than 20 seconds, all the once infuriated goons were now moaning in pain on the floor.

Screams of surprise and disbelief came from the crowd with each fall.

"This boy is completely unbelievable!"

"He fought alone against people that even the police are afraid of. Impressive!" An old man who was nearby spoke. This comment received nods from several men present.

"I want his number! A man who is handsome, knows how to sing and even fights. It feels like I'm in a dream!" This comment, on the other hand, received several nods from the women and grunts of envy from the men.