Mercenary Guild

Realizing the expression he was making, Arthur quickly composed himself and says to Vitor as they walk to one of the wooden tables:

"How do things work around here?" Already seated at one of the middle tables, Arthur was now carefully analyzing the place.

"Well. Where do you want me to start? History or place?" Vitor was talking while waving to one of the waiters at the Betting Hall to bring some drinks and snacks.

"It is always good to start with the history, isn't it?" With a focused look, Arthur began to pay attention to Vitor's explanation. He was logically using the Vision of the Soul to see if it was true.

"Okay then, from the beginning." Vitor spoke while he sat up and continued his speech: "Remember the technological advance that took place five years ago? In fact, it took place eight years ago."

"In the first two years, the increase in population started to generate many problems of lack of space coupled with the lack of preparation of humanity to receive so many people. With that, one of the worst problems started to grow exponentially: Crime."

"This advance came mainly for middle class people upwards, while the poor remained as fucked up as ever and became more and more over time. Their only solution was to resort to crime and violence to survive." A sad look appeared and quickly disappeared from Vitor's face.

Arthur also felt the damage that this advance placed on the lower classes, who were unable to pay for these foods and were dying of hunger more and more. There were several victims in the orphanage, of children who were over 16 and were expelled, but days later the news came that they had died of starvation. He just never knew that these cases were global.

Vitor continued: "The governments of underdeveloped countries seeing this, with "empathy" and "love" for their own, as they said, tried to fight for the rights of the poor and lower the price of food in order to be able to buy in greater quantity. Logically, countries with a very low poor population, and also with the power of modified foods, "did not resist" and lowered prices."

Before continuing, even the cruel Vitor couldn't stand it and let out a sigh. "The problem is that these motherfuckers simply lowered prices as they wanted! Countries in armed conflict for long years had the lowest rates of exchange for a moment, but soon afterwards prices went up again. Thanks to that, the tense conflicts got even worse, and those thinking about peace treaties went crazy and started attacking each other for the "sacred" food."

"So, while millions of innocent people and soldiers died in these conflicts, the profits of these countries in weapons of war and war transport have soared."

"It was only after 1 year of endless battles that governments finally came to understand the whole stratagem, but left everything in total secrecy to the world population."

"The conflicts were already armed, people were dying on both sides, innocent or not. So what to do?"

"The answer was: Mercenaries! This shadow profession has long been forgotten by the world, but as alive as ever. People who work risking their lives in exchange for a reward."

"As soon as the answer was obtained, the countless countries in the world started to hire mercenaries like crazy, as well as companies too. Now that everyone had disposable power in hand, the conflict was no longer between just a few countries, but now all over the world , involving theft of technology, patents, weapons, etc. The world has gotten into an even worse mess. "

"Seeing that apart they were all as stupid as a wall, and that if things went on as they were the likelihood of a world war would be very high, the UN brought all countries secretly together and formed a secret organization called the Mercenary Guild."

"Taking advantage of the excuse of overpopulation, was implemented the famous 'City of Remains' law, which is nothing more than a facade to implement the Guild in each state and province in each country."

"Now, there is no longer an official contract between mercenaries and third parties, but between the Guild and third parties. Missions are placed and executed every day. Thousands of Mercenaries exist all over the world, so what was a complete mess now was a mess swept away under the rug."

"After that, the Guild developed and gained more and more reputation. The Arena was also created to entertain idle mercenaries, as well as powerful people who want some brutal entertainment. The Betting Hall was implemented for the same reason, generating a huge circulation of money all over the world. It works like a huge reception. This is where you can logically bet on the mercenaries you think will win, as well as you, if you want. It works by app or just go there and bet. They also serve these snacks and everything, to entertain the public. "

"That's all I know, sir. Do you want anything else?" By that time, drinks and snacks had arrived and Vitor ate slowly while he spoke.

Arthur did not touch anything that Vitor asked for and only absorbed the information he received. It was a very shocking range of information for an "ordinary" person. He used his skill, so he knew the information was true.

'These governments are really not worth shit. Political games, corruption and all that stuff. ' Arthur was feeling a little angry at the innocent victims of these schemes. He was not necessarily an empathetic person who cared about everyone in the world, but the one who really listens to such a story and has no reaction whatsoever is the real psychopath.

Knowing that it was no use crying over the past, Arthur simply asked Vitor: "I want to fight in the Arena. Is there anything I have to do before that?"

"First you must go to that Association building and, if you pass the test, officially register as a mercenary. After that, all the facilities here will be able to be used by you, including the Arena. There is also access to other Associations in other States in Brazil." A smile appeared on Vitor's face, thinking about what Arthur would do.

"Test?" A slight frown appeared on Arthur's face. Doubts as to whether he really should associate with these types of people started to appear in his mind.

But after a while, he came to a conclusion.

"Okay. I want to see the level of people here!" A little excitement shone in his eyes.