
After waiting about 30 minutes, Thomas finally came out of the bathroom with a set of new clothes that Arthur handed him.

"Pleased?" Thomas asked Arthur sarcastically.

"Only if you tell me what you did all day! You went into one of those frenzies again." Arthur already knew what happened to Thomas. When he picks up some new technology, or something new that involves computing, Tom simply forgets about the world and stays playing and learning for hours. This has happened before when he did some tricks and took out a "borrowed" cell phone and also the computer at the orphanage.

"Well, nothing much. I just learned a few things that I have to improve. I was basically able to master basic level programming languages ​​like Python, Java, PHP, C and C +. I also learned some things involving domains on the internet and other cool things like operation of database, cloud operation, HTML and a little bit of hacking as well. As I said, there weren't many things. " Thomas spoke with an excited tone, but even a little sad. If Arthur hadn't "woken" him, he might have learned a few more things.

While listening to Thomas, Arthur tried his best to restrain his desire to hit the boy. He learned FIVE programming languages ​​in less than a day and was thinking he hadn't had enough !! Not to mention the many other things he learned! This boy was a complete monster. But like a brother who knew the other's potential and limit, Arthur told Thomas with a smile.

"Very good. But I see that you are not very happy about it. Ambition is good, but if it leads to your own death, the name already changes. It's called stupidity! You have limits, just like me and everyone, so pay attention the next time you know you're going to be in a similar mood. Order food and lots of water and don't forget to keep it close to keep you nourished. "

Arthur knew very well that there was nothing he could do for Thomas except to warn him. Doing everything for the other person only makes them dependent and does not allow them to think for themselves.

"Okay, I'll try to control myself next time. But tell me, what did you do all da..." Before Thomas could speak any more, his belly started to make strange growling sounds, as if she were begging for food.

Laughing a little at the scene, Arthur smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already asked room service to bring us food. I'm going to take a shower, then we'll talk about my day. Okay?"

"Okay. You can go." Thomas thought about it and then nodded. He was hungry and a little eager to get back to the computer, so it was not a difficult decision.

Arthur then got up from the chair he was sitting on and went to the bathroom with a set of new clothes. But before he closed the door, Thomas spoke behind him.

"But don't be too long. You know I'm ashamed to answer the door."

Arthur gave Tom a slight smile as if nodding and closed the door.


After drying the water in the bathroom in which Thomas showered, Arthur waited while the bathtub filled up again. In the meantime, he took that time to finally get a good look at what the system is and the different things in it.

'That day was very busy, so I didn't even have time to check it out correctly. Statistics Panel! ' Thinking of the Panel, he soon appeared in front of Arthur.


| Statistics Panel |

[Level: 2] (10/1500)

[Name: Arthur (???)]

[Race: (???)]

[HP: 240]

[MP: 120]


• Good: 15 •

• Bad: ​​22 •


• Strength: 24 •

• Agility: 24 •

• Vitality: 24 •

• Constitution: 24 •

• Intelligence: 24 •

• Resilience: 24 •



[Supreme Skills]

• Vision of the Soul (Max Level) •

• Body of God (Level 1/10) •.


After seeing and fiddling with the panel for a while, Arthur finally discovered a few things. The first is that there are many types of statistics, but only 5 as main and 1 that stands out among all others are shown: Strength, Agility, Vitality, Constitution and Intelligence as main and Resilience as outstanding statistics.

The second finding was that the statistics shown had explanations. Reading a little, Arthur finally understood the basis of judgment.

Strength directly affects the power exerted by the body, as well as the strength and definition of musculature, and body growth. It must be in harmony with agility, which affects reflexes, speed and body acceleration. It also affects body control. There is no point in having a body with tremendous strength, but it moves like a sloth, just as there is no point in being quick as light and needing millions of blows to finish off the enemy.

Vitality affects the blood quality in someone's body, which is directly linked to the amount of HP and regeneration. High vitality also makes the body younger and more beautiful. As well as strength and reflex, it must be in harmony with the body, the constitution, which affects resistance to damage in the body, as well as other elements. A high level of resistance makes the body immune to any attack. It also affects the body's hardness, flexibility and quality. A vampire who dies with just one blow or a werewolf who doesn't survive a battle when he loses a lot of blood? Don't want to be any, but the best of both sides.

Finally, intelligence directly affects the amount of mana in someone's body, as well as the ability to learn and understand. It is not required to be in harmony with anything, as it involves the main human organ, but his special statistic has played a great role with it. Resilience affects the ability to stay in control in different situations and to think as calmly as possible, and when in conjunction with intelligence, the logic ability can greatly increase. It forms an impenetrable fortress and makes the brain immune to illusions or any type of mental attack.