God Body

After checking the statistics and how they work, Arthur started to check what the exposed karma was. In that same moment, he noticed that the bathtub was already full and entered it completely, being submerged with only his head out of the water.

'What should this karma mean? And why do I have more bad points than good? ' Arthur was slightly doubtful about this.

After analyzing the explanations given by the system, he finally understood what it meant and what it was for. One's karma can be accounted for in several ways, but universally attributed to two opposites, bad and good. Good actions lead to good karma points, just as actions classified as bad are bad points. Of course, this is not accounted for by a pre-established pattern of behavior, which defines what is good or bad. They are the same as Creation / Destruction, Love / Hate, Order / Chaos or Peace / Discord. They are opposing ideologies and that is all.

His role, however, impressed Arthur a little. A quantity X of points, individually, can lead to a random gift given by the system, but the quality (Good or Bad) and quantity of the points also influence which gift it will be.

They can also be used to improve equipment or techniques. Good karma points lead the technique or equipment to better terms of support, healing, and also vitality, intelligence or resilience bonuses. When it comes to bad karma points, the effects applied involve destruction, aggravation of the condition, as well as bonuses that involve strength, agility or constitution.

'My techniques and equipment can evolve to an incredible level with this type of upgrade. They are really very useful. Speaking of equipment, let's see what that Absorption Glove is. '

Searching the inventory, Arthur soon checks the glove's statistics.

Absorption Glove

• Grade: A- •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •


Created by the master blacksmith August Desmont, the gloves follow the law of absorption and dispersion, which are printed on the right and left glove, respectively.


• Right: 70% impact absorption rate.

• Left: 70% impact dispersion rate


'Yeah, it's really not bad equipment. These effects may be very necessary in the future. What is strange is the fact that it only has these effects, but no type of bonus attributes. I think I should invest some karma points for them to show up. ' Arthur was slightly disappointed, but soon recovered.

It was the real world, after all. Nothing makes your body stronger or more agile, it just relieves your body's burden, making work easier. A sledgehammer does not make you stronger, but the material of which it is made conveys the force of the body in a blunt and powerful blow. Again, it just makes your life easier, but your body is one thing and the equipment is another. Strength and Power are different things.

After verifying that there was nothing else to see in the weapon's statistics, Arthur finally equipped it to check it closely.

After equipping, two black gloves started to materialize in both hands. They were made of high quality synthetic material, with a design quite similar to Ken's gloves from Street Fighter. It was black with golden details that led to two ideographs, also golden and different from each other, placed in the center of the back of the gloves.

'The ideogram of the Right must be "Dispersion", while that of the Left must be "Absorption". Interesting!' Arthur found the glove very elegant, but at the same time wild and full of brutality. 'I will definitely use it at the Arena tomorrow!' While showing animation, his eyes also showed a touch of coolness and excitement.

Putting the glove back on the inventory, Arthur realized that his silenced pistol was also there and tried to check his statistics, but, unlike the glove, the entire panel simply appeared full of "???" in all sectors, from Name to Effects.

'Very strange. Doesn't the system recognize what kind of weapon this is? Well, whatever! ' Arthur then didn't even care about it and just tossed the pistol into the inventory again.

Soon after that, he finally jumped to his ultimate abilities, since the [Skills] and [Techniques] tabs were completely empty.

'This Vision of Soul is the one I checked before, but I only have a vague idea about it. Let's see it more deeply. '

Soul Vision

• Rank: SS + •

• Level: Max •

• Passive Innate Skill •


You can see through things and judge them correctly. The more focused you are, the more information you can see. If analyzed for a period of 3 seconds, the statistics can be shown.


'Just look! Much more than I thought it would be. This question of being an innate skill really is about what I had before, only now it is much stronger. ' Arthur was very happy knowing the true effect of the Ability, but completely ignoring the fact that his innate ability was Rank SS +.

Moving on to the next supreme skill on the list, Arthur noticed the peculiar name.

'God Body? Well, let's see what that is then. '

God Body

• Rank: SSS + •

•Level 1•

• Passive / Active skill •


It transforms the latent and dormant power of the body, unlocking its limits. It can be activated in times of emergency, or at the user's will after obtaining sufficient control, so that his body undergoes a momentary transformation.

[Passive Effects]

•Potential Body Limit increased by ∞%

•Perfect body

[Active Effects]

•Statistics increased by 100%


"What? What !? WHAT!?!?!? What do you mean the limit of my body is infinite ???" This time Arthur completely lost control, even forgetting to think and started screaming. Not even his Resilience characteristic could contain his calm.