Classes and Levels

Leaving the table to make room for the man, Arthur waited patiently by the side.

After typing a little, the man looked at Arthur and said, "What class would you like to be in?"

"Class?" Finding the question confusing, Arthur asked doubtfully.

"Classes are like those in games. The difference here is that it defines the types of services offered directly to you, as it will be more recognized by it. Of course, you will still be able to accept any offer displayed on the Guild Missions Panel. Classes are divided into strength, agility and intelligence statistics. Warrior and Fighter for strength, Assassin and Thief for agility and Scientist or Researcher for intelligence. So, which one do you fit? If you choose between Scientist or Researcher, you will certainly go far. "His voice at the end was a little encouraging, but only a little.

Thinking about what he wanted when associating with the Guild, Arthur soon chose: "Then put me as a Fighter."

"All right." When he finished speaking, the man soon typed again. After a while, he soon spoke again: "What do you want to call yourself?"

A smile appeared on his face and a desire to fight appeared in his heart.


After he put his clothes back on, Arthur left the room and soon everyone else also left the rooms next door. He also realized that the whole covered person had left before him.

As soon as he stepped out of his room, the main door, the one that gives access to the Guild hall, opened and some men dressed in suits entered in a small hurry and approached this person.

"Good evening, Miss Athena. We are here to welcome you with all the Guild's goodwill!" The look of what appeared to be the leader was as flattering as possible, as well as full of sympathy.

"We are very grateful that a Level B Mercenary has joined our ranks. They are very few in our Branch, so we are always grateful when one more appears." Another nearby man was also fawning over her.

"Come on! This way! Since you're new here, we'll introduce you to everything and you decide what to do next." The leader spoke again and started walking beside Athena towards the lobby door.

But as soon as they started walking, Tiago, who was bursting with self-pride a few minutes ago, said angrily: "Aren't you going to guide me too? I just passed the test like her, so I have the righ- gulp!" Before he could finish, one of the men who accompanied the leader suddenly disappeared, in the sight of Tiago and others, and in the next moment he appeared again in front of Tiago, already squeezing his throat.

Then, in a careless and sarcastic voice, the man said: "Shut up, you D-level garbage. Do you think you are a little prince to be treated like royalty? Get rid of the piss stench first, asshole."

The man then threw Tiago towards the wall, cleaned his suit and went back to the group of men and Athena. They soon left.

Watching all that, Arthur was slightly shocked, but for another thing: 'I barely saw that guy moving. If it weren't for my recent improvements, I would have thought he disappeared just like everyone else here. What's going on with this place ?? And me thinking that my title of Mercenary Class C was unfair! '

Full of confusion, like everyone else, Arthur soon left that place. The only ones left behind were the trio, with Matheus and Bob trying to help Tiago.


Now that he had finally passed the test, all he needed to do was go to the Betting Hall and challenge someone available. Each step that Arthur took towards the Hall was full of the will to fight and test himself.

After a few seconds, since it was next door, Arthur finally entered the Betting Hall and headed towards the reception.

"Good night. I came here to fight!" With impassive calm, Arthur looked around as he spoke. He noticed that very few people were in the lobby. It was expected, since you can place bets and stuff by cell phone, but he didn't bring his own.

"Good night, sir. Could you show your Guild Card, please?" Like the receptionist at the Guild Hall, this one also showed a smile that made anyone's heart beat faster.

Ignoring all the charm, Arthur quickly passed the card.

After she took it, the receptionist passed the card to a certain type of machine and some information appeared in front of her. After making a combinatory, some other names appeared on the screen, which would be the opponents available to Arthur.

"There are some options for you, sir. Would you like to choose or make a random combination? Of course, if you choose, it can't be anybody weaker than you."

"Well, since I don't know anyone, a random combination would be better-" But before Arthur could finish speaking, a booming voice came from the door.

"You are going to fight me, rookie! I feel a thirst for battle in you and I am dying to prove it !!" A very tall man, 1.97m, with tanned skin and a body full of huge and defined muscles, and a very strange shaped head, screamed with all his lungs, drawing the attention of countless onlookers who were at the tables nearby. His nickname (mercenary name) here was known as Hedgehead.

Seeing all that shouting, Arthur scratched his ears a little and said: "If you want, man. I can't do anything!" A huge smile appeared on his face.

But then Hedgehead spoke, smiling sinisterly: "But it will be a Life or Death fight!"

Soon all the people who gathered there, on account of Hedgehead, cried out in shock and surprise.


Deep down, Vitor and his comrades were laughing. Vitor mainly, since Hedgehead was one of his own, so obviously it was all set up by him.

'This kid will finally know what this world is made of and learn that he can't mess with everyone!'