Life and Death Fight

Confused by Hedgehead's speech, Arthur asked the receptionist, "What is this life-and-death struggle?"

"It is a type of fight that we have in the Arena. Only one side or competitors come out alive. It is extremely dangerous and everyone uses everything they have to fight! The only benefit of all this is that all the money you earn from betting is doubled."

Letting the receptionist finish speaking, Hedgehead looked at Arthur and said, "So, newbie? Are you going to take it or are you going to piss your pants like a crying baby?" Sarcasm was planted in his smile.

'Is this guy some kind of comic book villain? Your lines are so monotonous! Anyway, is accepting the fight good? Extra money, but danger multiplied? ' The cruel doubt in Arthur's mind was beginning to merge with all the others he had when he stepped foot in that place. Everything was strange, people stronger than he could be anywhere and his confidence in his own strength was falling.

After so much thinking, a phrase that he saw in a tv series came to mind: 'The strongest steel is forged by the fires of hell.'

As soon as he remembered, his blood started to boil and his heart beat faster. 'What would be the fun of a battle without risk of dying? I'm here to fight and not rehearse a play 'His thoughts were getting steadier and stronger. His body screamed for action and his ego screamed for the desire to fight without consequences.

Arthur then looked at Hedgehead with a cold, sharp look and said, "What are we waiting for? If it is a fight you want, I will give you a fight!"

"That's the way it is said, boy! Receptionist, you can register the fight. I'll bet 2 million on it!" Hedgehead spoke with visible excitement.

Looking at the receptionist, Arthur asked, "Can I bet too?"

"Shure!" The receptionist's smile widened. She didn't care who died or lived, as long as the betting rates were high, she would also earn her share.

"Then you can put R$600,000 as my share!" It was all that was left on the card, but if a Life or Death fight only has two results, then winning that money also had two.

"Come on, my blood is boiling!" Hedgehead screamed even louder, drawing the attention of even more people.


As Arthur and Hedgehead went on stage at the Arena, the bets grew exponentially. A novice was looking to fight one of the greatest mercenaries in level C. The result was already more than obvious to everyone.

This battle of Life or Death has now become one of the main attractions of the Arena and everyone commented on it and also bet on the possible winners.

The bets placed were already reaching an incredible R$10 million, and the bets were 8: 1.3 for Arthur. Nobody believed that he would win this battle, so almost nobody was betting on him. Only a few bet little on him, in case any miracles happen.

During this short walk, Arthur was already receiving death wishes from professional gamblers. Even if they didn't earn much because of the difference in rate, money is still money.


After arriving, Arthur analyzed the stage on which they were going to fight. It was a common, circular and 10m in diameter, but its floor was harder than normal.

After finally taking the stage, nervousness quickly attacked him. The stage was completely surrounded by bleachers and hundreds of people watched. The lights were bright and focused on them, as a bloody battle was about to take place. But that nervousness didn't last long and soon went away after a few deep breaths.

Realizing his opponent's restlessness, Hedgehead took the opportunity and said: "Come on, man. You're not going to be a woman now, are you? You have to be a real male !!" In the end, Hedgehead gave a shout, which cheered up the crowd that was watching.

Arthur's sharp gaze swept the crowd and he only waved a hand: Two fingers indicating for Hedgehead to start and approach.

That alone was enough to make the crowd rejoice. Excitement and disappointment stamped on different faces.

"This rookie is crazy, man !! I don't even know who he is, but I wish I had met him before he died!" One of the spectators in the stands shouted excitedly, thinking that he would win the easy, easy bet.

On the other side of the bleachers, an older man spoke, muttering: "These newbies these days. They didn't even take the stink of piss out of frauds and they already think they are invincible."

"It is a pity that someone has to die so soon! Too bad!" Another old man who was nearby commented nonchalantly.

This type of conversation filled the stands completely.

All other fights were quickly ended and more people entered the bet before the fight started. Gradually, the main fight was taken by Arthur and Hedgehead.


"This guy is really crazy! I didn't think he was going to accept this battle so easily. It looks like we are going to make some good money today." Vitor was laughing at the situation.

All the money bet by Hedgehead was a joint work of the group, which later would be returned to everyone with a small increase. Of course, those in the group also bet independently, to earn some extra cash.

"Hey, Vitor! Hedgehead and I are going to keep a bigger part, since we are a team, so it will be deducted from your part. Just letting you know." A man with somber expressions and a hood spoke. He and Hedgehead were a pair and had only been working together since they joined. His nickname was Snake, a well-known C-level assassin.

With hidden hatred, Vitor gently nodded. He couldn't do anything about it, since not even his boss was around and he had no power to be recognized as not even an E-level mercenary.

'Let my chief arrive and you will know who's boss, sucker!' Vitor's smile was getting bigger at that thought.