
Seeing the audience in the stands increasing and the other fighting stages emptying out, Arthur understood what was happening. He then looked at Hedgehead on the other side and said:

"So, can we start?" A smile was identifiable by his eyes. His words indicated a willingness to fight.

With an even bigger smile, Hedgehead said, "Sure! I'm dying to beat you up, rookie !!"

"I doubt!" Arthur spat the word out through clenched teeth.

Shortly after hearing a small siren, which indicated the legal start of the fight, Arthur was the first to move and ran wildly while raising his fist, ready to hit his enemy's solar plexus.

"Arrogant! Do you think you can defeat me ??" Seeing such actions, Hedgehead also raised his right fist. Putting strength on the sole of his foot, he turned his waist and punched it towards Arthur's fist.

As soon as the two fists collided, something Arthur did not expect happened.

His right shoulder made a strange noise, his arm drew back strongly and he was thrown about ten feet away. His body toppled and spun wildly around the stage.

As he spun, Arthur's active mind was full of doubts.

'What!?!? How did this happen? Shouldn't I be stronger than him? If so, why is this all happening? ' After so much thinking, Arthur did not come to a conclusion. He even thought that Hedgehead was of a higher mercenary level than his, but remembered that he heard some things on the way to the stage, and he knew that Hedgehead was strong, but he was still at level C.

As doubts plagued Arthur's mind, Hedgehead soon approached and released his fierce fists. Each fist had superhuman strength and aimed at Arthur's death.

Sensing that he could really die if he stayed there, Arthur turned sideways and tried to get out on the left. But when he tried to leave, he was kicked in the ribs and again thrown away.

Hedgehead did not let opportunities slip by and ran towards Arthur.

This game of cat and mouse continued, as it went from a fight to a one-sided beating. After a few minutes of fighting, Hedgehead no longer intended only to kill Arthur, but to play with him slowly to death. With each passing moment, Arthur was beaten again and again, like a stray dog. The pride and arrogance that Arthur had before was slowly destroyed, while his doubts were answered one by one.

As it was a Life or Death fight, it only stopped while one of the participants died. No one could go up to help Arthur, not even say to stop the fight, since only the Branch Director could do that.

Arthur's clothes were being torn and thrown away, while his bruised body was shown to the public. In the end, even his sneakers were thrown away, leaving him with only his mask, hat, half shirt and pants. Even the mask was full of red blood marks.

The public was excited by the blood, but some people had a different opinion about the bloody beating.

"I said, you just came to die. You must be really stupid!" The old man, the one who commented earlier before the fight, rolled his eyes and tried not to look at the stage.

"It really sucks! Too bad!" The old man next door also spoke.

On stage, Headgehead suddenly stopped the beating and started talking to Arthur:

"You must be asking yourself now 'why am I being beaten so much?' or 'It shouldn't be like that!' and things like that. Do you know how I know? " A bloodthirsty look appeared as he said, "Because I've killed countless people like you! Who think they're great, and because they've won some struggle or power, they just think they're bigger than everyone and see everyone as trash! I feel enormous pleasure when I see the reality of these people falling slowly! " A sinister laugh burst from his lungs and some people in the stands were tense.

Arthur, still on the floor and with his mouth full of blood, drew strength from God knows where and got up slowly. As soon as he stood up, he raised his fists and said, in a cold, husky voice: "Do you really think this is bad? It feels like paradise to me." A laugh also came out at the end.

Arthur's words irritated and incited Hedgehead, his intention to kill increased.

"Since it is like this, I will soon end this little show!" Soon after speaking, he ran again towards Arthur.

'Frenzy!' As soon as he thought about it, the skill he gained after the fight with Abyss was activated and his brain started to operate at great speed, while scenes from the beginning of the fight and other fights he saw out of the corner of his eye were analyzed at high speed . Every punch, kick, deflection, block, pull, everything was being analyzed, understood and absorbed by Arthur.

When Hedgehead arrived in front of him, his movements were also analyzed and his fighting patterns were memorized.

Seeing that Arthur had changed in some way, Hedgehead was cautious and put more strength in his fists.

The moment the punch was going to hit Arthur in the face, Hedgehead saw that his fist deviated a few inches from the target and that Arthur had tilted his head slightly.

As his body moved rapidly out of control, he saw that Arthur's knees were bent and his posture had changed.

Just as Hedgehead did at the beginning of the fight, Arthur put strength on the sole of his foot, felt his strength and maneuvered it, pushing with his waist twist and guiding it through the musculature until it reached his fist and hit Hedgehead's ribs.

Boom! Crack!

As soon as his fist collided with Hedgehead's ribs at high speed, a sonic booming noise exploded and sounds of breaking bones were heard as a body flew away.