Trouble Everywhere

Arthur, who was in his quiet place and listening to music, suddenly started to hear screeching noises coming his way, mainly tremors on the floor. When he opened his eyes to see what could be happening, all he saw was the scene of a giant man coming to his table. This man had a reddish skin and his breaths were deep.

As soon as the man got in front of him, he opened his mouth and started to say something that Arthur, besides not wanting to know, could not hear, because he was still listening to music. This picturesque scene of a giant man screaming while the other person just looked calmly, continued for just a few seconds before the giant stopped talking.

Goliath, seeing that Arthur was ignoring him completely, felt even more angry. He was so angry that having a stroke would not be a distant reality.

"It seems like it really was a waste of time to say something to you before your death. Now that I'm pissed off, I won't let you say your last words either!" When he finished speaking, Goliath simply raised his giant fist and launched it towards Arthur's face, ready to crush his brain.

Some of the spectators around, who had already followed the scene, since Goliath started his walk, simply turned their faces away from seeing the scene that would happen. They were the mercenaries of level E and F, who could not do anything.

The surrounding C-level mercenaries did their best to prevent Arthur from dying. Not because they wanted to, but forced to do everything possible to protect their fellow mercenary. That was one of the rules when you become a mercenary.

But, as Goliath was a high-class C-level mercenary, his speed was much greater than those who were trying to save Arthur. His punch soon arrived in front of Arthur, killing intent already filling the room.

When everyone thought that 2 mercenaries were going to bag today, one for breaking the law and the other for death, an incredible scene happened before everyone.

Before Goliath's punch could hit the target, Arthur moved his hand slightly and the blow was deflected, where Arthur simply tilted his head a little to dodge. Taking advantage of the impulse, Arthur grabbed Goliath's wrist and pulled his body forward.

"What the-gulp!" Before Goliath could finish speaking, his neck was suddenly grabbed by a hand. Even though his neck was much bigger than the hand, it somehow managed to completely envelop and stop his breathing.

"What do you think you are doing?" Arthur's calm, methodical voice sounded a little psychotic as he grabbed someone's neck. His tightening increased slightly, making Goliath's face redder than before.

"I-I-I n-no ... gulp !!" As Goliath tried to say words without connections, Arthur's grip suddenly tightened even more. Traces of purple were beginning to spread here and there on his face.

"It looks like it's kind of useless ... Okay then!" Knowing that he had never seen that person, Arthur was simply going to return the change for bothering him. His grip began to make small noises in Goliath's neck.

Everyone who was watching this scene, both the mercenaries who turned their faces and those who ran to save him, were amazed and with their mouths open. The scene really was almost impossible to happen normally. A 2.30m tall man, as muscular as a gorilla, was being held by a man 50 centimeters smaller and with much less muscle. Not to mention the fact that everyone knew their fame.

"Did… did this guy get stronger?" One of those who ran to try to save Arthur was in doubt: Whether he laughed or cried.

"Again ?? How many supervaccines did this guy take from last week to today ???" Another viewer commented when he saw the scene.

Similar doubts began to spread through the crowd. Even though Arthur had shown his strength as God of Fight, his fame did not reach the feet of the Arena's Merciless Giant. Goliath was known for his strength, which reached the feet of level B mercenaries.

But now ... A newbie had blocked an attack from this giant as if it were nothing. A rookie who took all his strength just to be able to defeat some average level C.

While everyone was thinking about the impossible that was happening before their eyes, Goliath's red face had gone completely purple, now approaching black.

Before Arthur could break Goliath's neck for good, one of the spectators suddenly shouted at him, even running towards him:

"Don't do this- Argh!" Before the mercenary could approach, Arthur used his Will on him. The mercenary suddenly fell and knelt, almost kissing the floor.

"Why should I not do this? Explain it to me!" Using his will again, Arthur spread his voice around. He had also noticed the movement of the people who ran to try to save him, so as there were no connections between them, he thought it was some rule of 'not being able to kill fellow mercenaries'.

Before anyone else could speak, a hand suddenly rested on Arthur's shoulder. A voice also came from behind:

"Because this is not something that a true gentleman should do, young man." The voice was soft and carried a tone of grace.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, like a frightened cat, Arthur moved instantly and was already 10 meters from where he was before.

Drops of sweat ran down his forehead as he thought, 'Was he behind me? When did this happen? My senses were supposed to catch anything 1000 meters from me, but did he manage to deceive that and get that close? '

Knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere thinking, Arthur shouted at this person, "Who are you and what do you want with me?"

"Wow! Calm down, man. You turned on the turbo mode, did you? I'm not a ghost ..." The voice carried a playful tone, as if it were talking to a familiar person.

The person who was speaking, in fact, was the young man who was watching Arthur fight that day, for one of the private rooms.