Finally It's the Time

Arthur, who was already downstairs, had a busy mind trying to understand what had happened to him. Unlike the posture he displayed in the private room, which was relaxed and unconcerned about the subject, he was actually very afraid of it.

His body was unbearably sore, even after the pill. He also didn't show much of it to everyone. Every step he was taking was painful as hell.

And about the parts of the memories he remembered, that was what made him afraid. He remembered a detail: Spite. Blind and unreasonable hatred.

He felt the urge to kill Shadow, because he just couldn't get a single hit on him! This is not a reason to feel blind hatred.

He could feel it for someone if plausible reasons were presented. But with nothing to incite him, he would simply ignore it. Furthermore, HE was the one who asked to fight, not Shadow.

'I can't find reasons for that, but I need to find a quick fix. If next time I'm directed at someone I can kill ?! I'm just going to be a crazy killer! ' Arthur's thoughts were getting troubled and he couldn't understand why all this was happening.

After searching for a while and asking for information, Arthur arrived in the bathroom of the Betting Hall, where he took out a Health potion and drank it.




It took three health potions to rid his body of pain. He didn't feel tired or fatigued, so he didn't drink the Vigor potion. He also made a point of looking at his Health status (HP), but he was intact, even before drinking the potions.

'This really is hell! I urgently need to look for something for this. If I will always need to rely on health potions, the ones I have will only last a few uses, since I need to save them for emergency cases. ' Plans and forms of resolution were forming in Arthur's mind, but none could be effective. He didn't know the root of the problem, so there was no way to solve it.

'Leave tomorrow for tomorrow. I'll look for information on the internet when I get home. ' Temporarily resolving the pain issue, Arthur was not overly concerned. It was just going to fill him with anxiety to keep thinking about what he couldn't solve.


In the Arena, at one of the tables, was a big man. His face was thin, and countless cans of drinks and plates of snacks were placed on top of his table. You could clearly see that his body, now a little wilted, was already full of protruding muscles.

Countless people discussed his situation alongside.

"Who would have thought he would be in this depression for a simple defeat. Tragic!"

"That was a week ago, but since that day he hasn't even stepped out of that chair. If it weren't for his well-trained body, he would surely have died from lack of blood circulation." The object of their discussions was Sinner, the one who tried to face Arthur, but whose conscience was absorbed.

"It was really an unbelievable thing for him to lose to that guy. By the way, what was his name?"

"He's the super newcomer of the Arena: God of Fight!"

"He really is good news. But after a long time without showing up, he just gave Goliath a beating and accompanied that mysterious guy. Did something happen-" But, before one of the mercenaries there could complete his speech, others around him they tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to a person who was coming.

"Speaking of the Devil!"

Arthur approached calmly. He walked without fear and with his head held high. Now that he was without a mask, his unique beauty caught the attention of some people around.

The mercenaries were a little envious of his beauty, but that was all. They did not have the courage to be irritated. Not after Arthur's show of strength when he arrived at the Arena, against Goliath.

He walked towards Sinner and sat at the table too.

"Sorry for making you stay here this whole time. I didn't have time to come last week, as promised." The first to speak was Arthur, who picked up one of the snacks that was on the table. He sniffed to see if it wasn't rotten.

"I am here to serve you, sir. Regardless of how long it takes, I will always be waiting for your orders." Sinner spoke in a calm, mechanical voice. The only thing that was absorbed was his Ego, so he was like a meat robot that served Arthur's commands.

"Great. Take these potions. Your body was very degraded during that time, and you must also be very tired." Arthur spoke, while taking some potions from "under the table".

After drinking them, Sinner's body was visibly better. His muscles have recovered a little and the dark circles under his eyes have completely disappeared.

"Sir, my body is much better and it is not tired. But my mind requires rest after a week of activity. I will only be able to hold on for about 3 hours before I completely black out." Again in a mechanical voice, Sinner informed Arthur.

"No problem. We'll settle the matter before you pass out. Then you can rest. Come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur and Sinner got up and walked towards the exit of the Arena.

After climbing the stairs, Sinner guided him to his car: a BMW Series 3.

After sitting on the comfortable bench, Arthur looked all the car interior and gave an approving nod.

"It's a really great car! I'm definitely going to buy one when I'm old enough." Arthur had really liked the car. Since he was a child he has always had a passion for cars. This was a perfect car for driving around the city and not wanting to run at the speed of light within the city. If he bought a Ferrari or Porsche, especially high-performance cars, that desire would definitely come.

"Everything I have is yours, master. So this car is yours too." Sinner looked at Arthur, handing over the car keys. Like a robot, of course.

"Stop fooling around and drive." Arthur patted Sinner's hand and gave him directions.

After that, they headed for the upscale residential area, aimed at those with a lot of money or who work for the government.

It was possible to see a cold, murderous will in Arthur's eyes.