
After a few minutes of speeding through the poorly lit streets at dawn, Arthur and Sinner finally arrived at the desired location.

It was a very well-built mansion, with a rustic and baroque architectural style. There were plants inside and outside the house, with a 5 meter wall and an electric fence.

"Very well protected, isn't it? Too bad I don't care." Arthur had a serious expression throughout the speech. His control over the anger he was feeling was visible.

"Isn't it easier to break down the door? It's a residential area for wealthy people, so they don't really care who lives here and if there is any noise at night." Sinner spoke as he got out of the car and locked it.

"I hate noise. I prefer to do things quietly. You can wait here, I'll go in alone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur jumped, crossing the wall, and landed on the floor like a feather. It was a very easy task, especially after today's fight, where he learned to control his strength again.

After he entered, he stopped there and put on his headphones. He was playing one of his favorite songs: 'Light em Up' by Fall Out Boy.

After putting the phone back in his pocket, he slowly walked through the mansion. It was big, it had a swimming pool, green areas everywhere and the floor was made of stone.

As in every Brazilian house, the entrance door, to the house itself, was also locked. To solve this, Arthur just put his fingers with brute force in the place where the lock tongue should be. He did it without much fanfare.

His hard, fortified skin helped a lot and he managed to cut through the wood like butter.

As soon as he opened a hole in the door, he simply opened the door and started exploring the house.

It was full of electronics. The living room consisted of a cozy leather sofa, an 80 "TV, an independent sound system, some game consoles and a small table in the middle of it all. It even had a flower vase in the table.

The kitchen was full of items such as coffee maker, sandwich maker, toaster and other things that you would only see in American homes. The kitchen cabinet was integrated into the wall and was colossal. The refrigerator was double-door and very chic.

Arthur went over there and opened the door: "Look, a sandwich. There's soda, too."

After picking up the sandwich, he went to the microwave to heat it up and opened the can of soda to drink while waiting for the sandwich.

In the meantime, he also went back into the room and fiddled with the consoles a bit.

"It doesn't hurt to live here. The house is big and good. I think I'll stay here until I get another one."

After the sandwich got hot, Arthur picked it up and went upstairs. After searching for a while, he found the bedroom.

As soon as he entered, he noticed that a small dog was looking at the door, ready to bark.

Arthur immediately used some of his Will, just to shut the dog up.

After entering the room completely, he saw that a person was sleeping in the bed. He went to the dog and picked it up.

So, he took advantage of the fact that he had a small sofa there and sat down. In his right hand he had a sandwich, while in his lap was the dog, sleeping lightly. Beside him was the soda can.

He stood there while staring at the person lying. His murderous intention and will began to spread throughout the room. Only the dog was untouched.

His face, lit by the moonlight, was calm and composed, but his eyes were almost shaking.


Carlos was dreaming a good dream. Today was a peaceful day, like everyone else. He woke up, took his shower, played a few games while his "maid" did a little sexual service for him. After that he left and went to a bar to drink with his friends. When he returned home, he again had sex with his maid and sent her away after paying her.

It was a day like any other, so there was no reason for a nightmare.

But, in the middle of his beautiful (sexual) dream, a face suddenly appeared.

It was a guy he had seen a while ago. The person he tortured to death.

Feeling that this was a nuisance, he woke up slightly, just rolling on the bed a little bit. Soon after he fell asleep again.

As soon as he thought his good dream was going to come back, it was actually the face again. One of them. Two faces. Three faces!

The faces started to appear one after the other, and they started to gain bodies and come after him. It was possible to see that they were angry and shouted 'You are going to die!' and 'Your death is coming!'

After trying to ignore it several times and roll over in bed every second, he finally couldn't resist and lost sleep completely.

"Damn it! Shit nightmare!" As soon as he got up, he rubbed his face a little and sat on the bed.

As soon as he finished rubbing his face, he looked around for his dog, but saw nothing.

"Looking for her?" Before Carlos could call his dog, a voice suddenly sounded in the room, when his dog appeared from the shadows.

As soon as he heard that voice, Carlos immediately jumped out of bed, startled. The happiness of seeing his dog didn't even come close to the fear he was feeling.

"Who are you ?? What do you want? If it is anything, I'll pay it! Please, just don't do anything to me !!!" Carlos's cries of despair rang out in the room.

"The debt that I want you to pay ... There is no way to be paid with money!" The voice continued to speak of a way to send shivers down any spine.

"Everything can be paid for with cash! And if it doesn't, it will have to be !! Do you know who I am ?!" Carlos' courage was overcome by fear. Despair blinds people.

"Yes, I know very well who you are. For that very reason I came after you."

Now that he was "calming down", Carlos stood up, still shaking, and said: "If you have so much resentment towards me, we can solve this!" Behind him was a pistol, which he had pulled out from under the bed. He took it out the moment he fell out of bed in fright.

"If that's what you want ..." The voice suddenly stopped.

When a figure bigger than Carlos suddenly appeared in front of him, covering the moonlight.

"Here I am!"

As soon as Carlos saw this person, he wished he had returned to the nightmare. That one, at least, was imaginary.