Burn in Hell

"W-what ... you ... you should be dead!" Carlos's shaky voice barely came out, his legs were shaking more than before and drops of cold sweat were streaming down his forehead and back.

"I also thought I should be! But I survived." Arthur's voice remained calm and composed. His hatred was being exhaled in his murderous intentions.

"But why are you- !!!!!!!" Before Carlos could finish, a hand suddenly grabbed his mouth and nearly broke his jaw.

"I hate noise!" Arthur almost lost his temper a little, but held on at the last moment.

After that, while Carlos tried to scream, Arthur took him downstairs. He discovered a basement there, but he hadn't entered it before. He figured it would be a great place for what he was going to do.

As soon as he opened the cellar door, an unpleasant smell rose. Smell of sex. Rotten smell. Everything mixed up.

Arthur's eyes met Carlos's for a moment, seeing that he was getting desperate.

Arthur then ignored everything and went down, while dragging Carlos, still with his hand on his mouth. (This was where Arthur was holding Carlos)

The moment he came down the stairs, the scene in front of him was completely disgusting.

Girls and boys, all tied up. The girls were undressed, and the boys were just in their underwear. They were all with needle marks and were clearly doped.

Arthur lifted Carlos up to his line of sight and said, clenching his jaw more and more: "You are a despicable trash!"

Arthur was able to recognize some of those faces by news of disappearance in the city, thanks to his Panmesia.

He then took Carlos outside the house and threw his body at the gate, hitting it hard.

"Please- aargh!" Before Carlos could say another word, a kick was sent straight to his chest.

The door slammed open on impact, and Carlos's body stopped on the sidewalk.

As soon as he saw Sinner, Arthur said: "Keep an eye on this guy. I'll be right back!"

Arthur then went back into the house, took some clothes he was carrying for safety from the Inventory and went to cover the children.

It was a total of 7 children, 4 girls and 3 boys. They appeared to be 9 to 10 years old each. Their bodies were completely bruised and scratched. In the boys, there were deep cuts that had become infected, bacteria and fungi were everywhere. The girls had marks of squeeze and rape.

Arthur untied each of the children, gave each child a Health potion carefully and covered them with clothes. He tried to do his best to keep them asleep after the potion had withdrawn the effects of drugs.

His Will, which usually contained a murderous and bloody streak, was now filled with a comforting and cozy air. This kind of aura spread among the children, while Arthur took each one of them to the living room and placed them on the leather sofa.

As soon as he saw that there were no more problems with the children's bodies and that they were sleeping peacefully, a breath of relief came out of Arthur's mouth. If you looked carefully, a small tear drop had formed in the corner of Arthur's eye, which was quickly wiped away.

Little did he know that the moment his comforting aura covered those children, the nightmares they had while they were doped were gone, replaced by sweet, warm dreams, of times when they were with their parents. Their bodies and minds were also resting peacefully.

As soon as he reached the door, Arthur took out his cell phone and dialed a number he had received a few hours ago and asked for help. After giving the address and location, he also asked to call the emergency.

After he finished speaking, he hung up and spoke to Sinner: "Sinner, I'm going to need you to stay here until some people arrive. They are trustworthy, so don't worry. I want you to take care of the children who are in there for me."

After giving a few more orders on how to act, Arthur got into the car and threw Carlos's body in the trunk. He had been punched till he passed out by Arthur.

After only a few instructions from Sinner, Arthur learned to drive and soon left.

His face, lit by the moonlight, contained traces of hatred and fury. His wish was to tear Carlos apart piece by piece. Unlike a few moments ago, his Will now, if in contact with children, could cause them to have a mental breakdown.


02:00 am

After a few minutes by car, Arthur parked a kilometer from the shopping center.

He got out of the car and walked over to the trunk. As soon as he opened it, his first action was to imitate a certain film he once saw.

He opened his hand and with the region between his index finger and thumb, he hit Carlos in the throat with a little force. Now he no longer needed to be bothered by noise.

As soon as he took Carlos' body (still passed out) from the trunk, he took his feet and jumped ... Very high!

His jump was enough to climb into a building that was close by, and so he was jumping from building to building.

Carlos, who was hanged, was vomiting countless times, in addition to enduring enormous pain from the impact that Arthur placed on his organs. He had woken up after the first jump.

Whenever Carlos' head was going to hit the ground, Arthur pulled his body up hard. The force of gravity and the force of the pull was calculated in such a way that it did not cancel each other, but added up and caused greater damage.

After jumping for a while, he finally reached his goal. Arthur looked around the region for a while and saw that his plan could work.

'No cameras, no pedestrians, not many things on the side. Perfect!' Arthur thought while he formed a plan. Of course there were cameras, but his plan was to avoid all of them.

It didn't take long and he soon got into action.

After jumping again, Arthur was on top of a store, which was his goal. He managed to evade the cameras that were on the back door and went in there the same way he did on the Carlos's house door.

After entering the store, Arthur realized that, obviously, everything was dark. He then picked up Carlos, who was covered in vomit and blood, and threw him on the floor.

His vision in the dark gradually adapted and he could see Carlos's silhouette.

"It would be really embarrassing to let you get away with just what I intended to do. After seeing the scene in your basement ... I think that even the hell won't want you there." Arthur spoke as he slowly approached, cracking each of his fingers.

All Carlos could do was look in panic at the demon coming towards him. Those green eyes were shining even in the dark. And there were even some dark spots in them?!

As soon as Arthur approached Carlos, he took his knee and bent forward. He broke his knee as if it wasn't worth the effort.

"Yummy, isn't it? It's such a pleasant pain!" A sadistic smile formed on Arthur's face, giving him a frightening look.

After one knee, it was the other. After the knees, it was the shoulders. Then the arms and legs.

Each broken bone was a tear of blood shed by Carlos.

Arthur's eyes, which were once a brilliant green, now had a few streaks of black, and his pupils began to become thin and vertical. This time, there was no one to stop him.

Carlos' body was transformed into a puppet doll every minute, while "Arthur" did everything to keep him alive and break him even more.

When Carlos had a weak heartbeat, which could be heard in that total silence, Arthur forced him to drink a Health potion and repeat the whole process. This happened five times.

All Carlos wanted to do was die. Whenever he was healed, Arthur soon broke his jaw, so there was no risk of biting his own tongue.

At the end of the whole process, "Arthur" gave Carlos a Health potion again. But unlike before, he just left him on the floor, without breaking him again.

"I ask you something. Have you ever been burned? It's an irritating pain, right? I wonder what would happen if I burned your whole body ..." A calm, thick voice sounded in the darkness, while black eyes with streaks of green stared at the body on the floor. If someone illuminated well, it was possible to notice that the pupil of the eyes was so thin that it was barely visible.

After he finished speaking, "Arthur" took a few gallons out of the inventory and started pouring the liquid into them all over the place. As it was all dark, he just threw it all over the place and left the gallon half full somewhere. He did this four times, spreading the liquid in the gallon all over the store.

Carlos, on the floor, had no more mind to pay attention to his surroundings. He was already psychologically dead.

As soon as he finished pouring the liquid, "Arthur" took a lighter from the inventory and threw it on the floor. The last words he said before leaving were:

"Burn in hell, asshole!"