End of the Month

As soon as Arthur went flying with the pulse of energy, Magikeen quickly rose to her feet. Her body was shaking slightly and she was holding her own breast, seeming to try to hide it.

When she saw that Arthur had hit the wall and passed out, the face behind the mask immediately sighed in relief.

'I know it wasn't on purpose, and part of it is my fault, but... that was very embarrassing!' The memory of Arthur firmly holding her breast made the redness in her face even brighter. She clearly had never experienced this kind of situation.

She calmly walked over to Arthur's passed out body and checked to see if he was breathing and well. After confirmation, she carried his body to the leather armchair in the first room.

Seeing Arthur's steady breathing, she began rummaging through the office desk in the room, seeming to be looking for something or a document. But her head was clearly still in shock from what happened.

'How did he manage to guess my identity? Did I disguise myself poorly?? But I made sure I made everything perfect...did he mention something about 'smell'? If you think about it, it's one of the only weaknesses in my ability...everything else he described too!!!! Will he find out who I am?' The expressions the face beneath the mask made ranged from surprise to a slight blush forming. Her hands also fumbled at times, shaking slightly.

After a few minutes of searching, she finally found a document and left, taking one last look at Arthur. Her face quickly turned blushes and she closed the door quickly.


A few minutes later, Arthur slowly opened his eyes. A calm smile spread across his face and he rose from his chair as he lightly straightened his clothes.

'She shouldn't be that old, let alone experienced. Losing concentration over something so silly and still not even realizing I was awake. Getting dragged here was pretty nice.' As he walked through the door, Arthur lightly locked it again and walked as if nothing had happened.

He obviously wasn't passed out, but just pretending, and very well at it. With his constituition, a simple knock on the wall definitely wouldn't have made him pass out. Although his ability hadn't yet reached the bone-strengthening level, his skin was already much tougher and more pliable than usual.

'But... what the hell was that pulse of energy? It was definitely not normal. There are every strange people in this world!' Arthur's mind was full of doubts about what could be that blue energy that was released by Magikeen. But he quickly ignored this problem, as he wouldn't be able to find out without asking.

As soon as he left the room, Arthur walked to the exit of the Arena and went to the Hotel right after. It was almost 3:00 am, so the time he spent there was very short. Resolving the house issue took a few hours and this pleasant fight he had with Magikeen didn't even take 30 minutes.

Walking with light steps to the Hotel, Arthur's imagination ran wild with thoughts about the house, school and even about the last day of work there at the Kiosk, which was getting closer and closer.

Once he got to his room, Arthur just stripped off the top of his clothing and sneakers and lay down to sleep, still in his pants.


So time flew like the wind. There were still an average of two weeks to the end of the month, and three weeks to the start of classes, but even so they ran like wildfire.

When Arthur finally came to realize the time, it was January 31st. There were only 4 days to go before classes started. The two schools called Arthur to let him know that he and Thomas had made it perfectly among the students. They also announced that classes would effectively start on February 5th, as the 4th was the reception of students, and it was only to introduce students to the school and get them used to it.

The morning workouts were getting heavier and heavier, but Arthur's body kept up as usual. Also, he didn't increase gravity in training, so his body slowly slowed down in the rate of strength growth. Arthur's purpose with this was to completely adapt to the body he had before training hard once more to get stronger. His strength and agility stopped at 250 points each, and all other stats didn't increase one bit.

His body also stopped developing muscle and reached its limit, completely defined and sculpted, like a work of art. Any girl who saw Arthur shirtless would definitely feel something about him, for along with his flawless face and mature, attractive aura, he could certainly charm anyone with little or no effort.

The experiences he gained post-workout no longer count, and his experience bar has remained at (0/10000) since leveling up. This was even generating doubts and his head was breaking from thinking about it, but nothing helped him.

Night training also progressed a lot, as Arthur's movements were becoming more decisive and without pollution from excessive movement. He was also getting through 30 minutes of constant pressure from Gabriel's Killing Intent and his body didn't come out so worn out from practice anymore, but it was still a pain that would make even grown men cry. His own fighting style also became firmer and more fluid, relying on the Heavenly Flow Technique to make everything better, giving Gabriel constant unpredictability in the middle of the fight.

His progress with the Flowing River and Standing Lake Techniques seemed to have reached a bottleneck, and he didn't know what else to do to progress and cross over to the Inner Layer, which would be to apply the principles of the techniques to the space around him. He could speed up his movements as he wanted and stop them too, with the aid of Force and muscle control, and he had full control over his blows.

Even Gabriel was impressed with Arthur's progress and found him truly deserving of the nickname God of Fight. What Gabriel had taken about 3 years to polish and progress, Arthur stole, copied and assimilated in a matter of three weeks.

Regarding the situation at the Kiosk, Arthur was being known and renowned, calling more and more female customers to eat. After all, a handsome and skilled man in the kitchen caught the attention of many women. His sandwiches were finely prepared and looked like works of art, worthy of offering to the Gods. Not to mention the taste, which was much better, and it looked like Arthur was born to cook.

Silva made a few jokes about being upset about it at first, but he soon got used to the lifestyle of resting and enjoying the view while Arthur worked hard.

The trio of girls also constantly came to eat and Arthur became very used to them. Sara and Madison tried to ask him out indirectly every time, and Emily just watched as she ate. But with Arthur's shrewd, skillful eyes, he read the three of them like the back of his hand.

Sara and Madison were clearly more brazen and didn't hold back when it came to men. They didn't know Arthur very well and never even saw his face very well, as he was always wearing a mask and cap, but that didn't stop them from asking him out. Emily clearly had a good impression of him, but she wasn't bold enough to do the same thing as the other two, appearing much more reserved.

Arthur didn't really care about it and just had fun every day, making jokes with Silva in public and making the environment pleasant for everyone. His relationship with Silva also grew into something more than boss and employee, making them almost friends despite their age difference.

At the end of the day, being his last day on the job, Silva offered to help with the cleaning at the end and the two did so while chatting amicably.

"And when are you going to accept those girls' invitation to go out? Or are you going to tell me you're not interested in girls? hahaha!" Silva spoke as he placed the garbage in one of the garbage cans in the square.

"No, I'm not gay, if that's what you've hinted at. I just don't think I'm old enough yet, because I know they want something more than dating. I know it's a crime at 13 and under, and I'm almost 15, but there's still an age difference that you have to respect." A smile formed at the corner of Arthur's lips as he spoke. He wanted to have fun and see what it turned out to be, but he still held back and left those things for a little longer in the future.

"Don't give me that 'age difference' sorry! And what about that girl you brought here for New Year? Did you intend to just become her best friend?" A sharp look was directed at Arthur from Silva.

"It's not the same thing. And I'd rather forget about that day. It wasn't a pain in the ass, but a nice kick in the ribs!" The smile that formed on his face faded and his expression turned sour, but he hid it from Silva. He didn't have any serious resentment against that day, as it was the day his life changed. But it's never good to be reminded of a pain that can be forgotten.

"Okay then. You know what you're doing. Also, good classes next week. I know you're not coming to work here anymore, but don't forget this was your first job and bring those girls back here whenever you want. Hahaha!" A rare smile formed on Silva's face as he approached Arthur and shook his hand. In addition, he also discreetly passed R$500 to Arthur's hand.

"I don't need this warning, let alone this money. Or don't you want me to come train here more and have breakfast? And with the amount of food I ate here for free, I should be the one to give you that money." Arthur spoke as he returned the strong handshake and the money.

Arthur then finished what he had to finish and soon left. But before he took a few steps, Silva's voice came from behind.

"You are a good boy. Take care!"

"You too, old man. Make sure you take your medicine right!" Arthur spoke with a smile on his face before continuing to walk.

Another smile appeared on Silva's face as he watched Arthur's figure leave. But that smile carried a hint of melancholy and nostalgia, as if he were watching an old friend walk away, or even his own image back on past.