Buying Stuff Is More Fun

Four more days had passed since the end of January, and today the classes at Arthur and Thomas's schools would be welcoming new students and introducing them. Classes started at 7:30 am, and it was still 7:00 am.

As Arthur no longer worked, many hours of his day were left vacant. He used it to study what he could about himself, as well as spend the day with Thomas and see the amazing things he did. In fact, the cluster had burned once more, as hacker intrusions became more frequent, and despite already knowing how to deal with them, it was not Thomas who defined the cluster's resistence, even on overclock.

On Arthur's side, he finally managed to define what might be the Force he learned to control, and the system also helped him by responding.

As soon as he saw what the system had informed him, a huge shock went through Arthur's mind. Not because he could control a mental energy, nor that it was amazing.

'I... can I awaken magic?? How can I??' Arthur's mind filled with shock and surprise, and a clear animation could be seen in his eyes.

After all, who didn't want to learn about magic? Set fires through your hands, freeze things and make objects float, just like he saw in cartoons and movies.

Even without fully understanding where this Force came from, Arthur was still excited, because it was an amazing thing. And besides, it was in full control of him, so there was no problem.

With a happy smile, Arthur made a quick call to Sinner and went to get ready with Thomas. They had already returned from the exercises and had already had breakfast there at Silva's Kiosk, but this time it was paid. Of course, Arthur who made the sandwiches at Thomas's request.

A short time later, a BMW Series 5 appeared in front of the Hotel, and Arthur and Thomas walked down the stairs and into the car. Before leaving the Hotel, Arthur had already put all of his and Thomas' things in the Inventory and checked out.

"Where are we going?" Sitting in the backseat, Thomas asked the question as he looked at Sinner's back, which was big and scary.

"We're going home!" In the front passenger seat, Arthur looked at Thomas and smiled mysteriously.

"Home? But we don't have... Ooh!" Thomas's expression changed from confused to strange, and a moment later his eyes began to glow.

Sinner revved the car and with a ferocious roar of the engine, they soon headed for the privileged area of ​​the community center. There, only rich people and high government officials were allowed to live, and Arthur fit into the front row.

It wasn't 15 minutes and they had already arrived. The Hotel was not far away, and they took a few streets until they came to a huge house, almost a villa. There were plants in the front and it was very well decorated, giving it a modern but natural style.

Thomas, who had unbuckled and climbed out of the car along with Arthur and Sinner, was slack-jawed and looking disbelieving.

"Brother, say you're kidding. This house is very beautiful and all, but we didn't get rich overnight-" Thomas spoke quickly and breathlessly, as if he was getting nervous. But, before he could speak, he saw Arthur pulling a key from his pocket and pressing a button.

Immediately, the driveway door began to open and a huge area was revealed to Thomas. Just with what he was seeing from outside the house, it was already possible to see a sports court, a swimming pool, flowers and trees... Without taking the huge house that was in the middle of everything like a castle!!

Arthur looked slightly at Thomas with a smile on his face and asked, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"No... no... it's a lie. The car I can understand, the money you earned I can understand... but this..." Every word Thomas spoke was a step back he took, and his expression was resolute in disbelief.

If Arthur could buy that many things, then it was because he finally won a jackpot. If he managed to do that, renting a nice car like the one they came was also possible. But a house that size... it would be normal if Thomas believed it at first!

But Arthur of course didn't let Thomas take another step back and lifted him up and slung him over his shoulder.

"Put me down, Arthur. Brother, don't play with my heart like that! You know I'm weak!" As he begged Arthur to put him down, Thomas's hands slapped Arthur hard on the back.

Due to his constituition, Arthur didn't even feel the biggest hit, so he quickly ignored it. He walked straight to the house entrance and opened the door. Sinner was getting the car in, and he was going to wait outside for Arthur and Thomas.

As soon as they entered the house, Thomas' eyes widened even more. The first reason is because they actually came in, and the second reason was the amount of cool stuff they had in the house.

Modern furniture, televisions and video games. Comfortable sofas and even the floor was carpeted. As he passed the house being carried, Thomas said no more and just admired everything.

When he saw the kitchen full of things, his jaw dropped again, but he didn't look long before he felt himself rising. When he looked at the ground again, he saw that Arthur was climbing the ladders.

A few seconds later, they arrived in front of a door on the first floor, and Arthur opened it without Thomas being able to see it. As soon as they entered the room, Thomas was placed on the floor and Arthur's voice sounded lovingly.

"Enjoy your room."

When Thomas looked around, few tears leaked from his eyes, and his mouth was slightly open.

The room was painted black, but that didn't make the room dark. There were numerous LED strips that lit up the room and made everything look like a cybernetic word. A huge, comfortable bed was in the middle of the room, and beyond the bed was a table built into the wall, full of dolls and action figures from Thomas' favorite cartoons, as well as some details that involved the world of technology.

The floor of this room was half made of glass, where the half that wasn't was the closet and bed. But everything else that was glass floor was filled with little wall cabinets, full of Thomas' favorite things, and also a few posters. In addition, this glass floor overlooked an even larger room below, which was painted and decorated in the same way, but was completely empty.

Wondering what that might be, Arthur's voice clarified Thomas.

"This is the server room. You'll be able to build a cluster as big as you can get there now. If you need more space, just let me know!"

Thomas then looked at Arthur and stared at him for a long time. After a few seconds, Thomas then began to walk slowly towards him and spoke in a tearful voice before hugging him.

"Don't disappear again, please."

"I won't! Rest assured! And if I disappear, you can bet I'll come back later with a huge gift for you, Hahaha!"

So the two stayed in the house for a while and looked all over the place. The house was too big for just two people, but that didn't bother Arthur and Thomas. The more empty space, the more room for improvement. Plus, with a pool and court, plus a BBQ area, it was more than either of them ever dreamed of.

When they were searching the house and saw that only the furniture was there, with no signs of food or even common products of the house, the two faced each other and spoke at the same time.

""Buying stuff is more fun, right?"

With a laugh, the two simply ignored that they had to go to school and went out to one of the supermarkets in the area, which sold everything wholesale and retail.

At noon, they returned. Along with Sinner's car, which was full of snacks, there were 4 more taxis loaded with things the two bought. This ranged from cleaning products, bowls and things for organization, food, to groceries and other things. Everything the boys felt like buying, they bought it. Sinner also helped out by giving some tips when Arthur asked.

It took the rest of the day for them to finish organizing everything and by the end, they were both starving.

"Hey, make that fresh sandwich?" As he lay on the living room sofa, Thomas yelled at Arthur. He'd already showered in the prettiest bathroom he'd ever seen, and was currently watching cartoons on the living room's 80" TV. His hands were holding back from grabbing the video games, but he waited for Arthur.

"Could be. Then I'll learn how to do the other things, it shouldn't be that hard."

Picking up meats and other things they had bought from the fridge that was filled to the brim, Arthur started making some sandwiches to satisfy their hunger. Also, today no longer had training with Gabriel for obvious reasons.

Arthur and Thomas then spent the night playing and having fun, as moving to such a big house had left them ecstatic. In the end, Arthur had to carry Thomas to his room and then go to his own.

When he arrived in his own room, there was nothing to be seen, as if it were darkness itself, a black hole. Arthur's room was arranged the same way as Thomas's, but no bright lights, just deep black, even on the computer. It was so simple and clean, but full of pillows on the bed and the carpet was fluffy.

Arthur threw himself on the bed and soon fell asleep.