Preparing to School

At 5:00am, as routine dictates, Arthur woke up. His deep, bright green eyes opened and he lay on the bed, enjoying the comfort.

The early morning sunlight hit the closed window and lightly illuminated the darkness of the room. But since it was still early, the sun was weak, and the only reason to hit Arthur's window was because he was on the first floor, higher so the sun would hit him.

'I slept so well I even drooled... a thousand times better than the hotel bed!' As he stared at the drool that covered a small part of the pillow, Arthur slowly rose and stretched. On his face was a sleep-satisfied smile.

He then walked lightly to the bathroom that was inside his own room and rinsed his face. He stripped off his bodysuit and changed into an exercise suit. He wasn't too keen on taking a shower and wasting time, leaving it to do after his workouts.

Arthur then left his dark and dimly lit room and walked calmly up the stairs and down. He wasn't the least bit concerned about not making a noise and Thomas waking up, as he had asked to soundproof his and Thomas's rooms.

Downstairs, Arthur walked to a metal door that ran before the kitchen. Pressing a button on the wall, the doors opened and the elevator opened. Arthur entered the elevator and pressed the button for underground and waited patiently.

'If someone asked me five years ago what I imagined for my future, it certainly wouldn't be this. Being rich is really fucking good!' As he stared at his reflection in the elevator mirror, a smile formed on Arthur's handsome face.

Once he reached the underground, not even a few seconds passed. The doors opened and showed him a floor that was completely wallless and huge, as big as the land area. Arthur didn't even want to know who built this house, but he knew this person had done it very well.

The underground floor was divided into two parts, without a wall separating it. The first and largest had a floor and walls, as well as the ceiling, in pure, gleaming white. It was a very beautiful space, but it was completely empty. Arthur left this space for the future, as he loved cars and is wealthy, so put the two together and you will understand why Arthur prepared it.

In the other part, where Arthur was currently, the floor was all solid material, but flexible and all black. It was the same material that some gyms put on the floor, and Arthur imitated it and put it on too. But, unlike the gyms full of different machines, the space Arthur made only had a few machines. They were a large and modern treadmill, a structure designed to practice pull ups and some more equipment seen in ginastic gyms. He always focused on strengthening the body through calisthenics, so external weights weren't enough.

It was there that Arthur spent the next hour and a half and when he finished his body was already completely soaked with sweat, and his muscles screamed of pain, trying to regenerate. As he needed to reduce the amount of time, because of the school, he increased the effort many times. Also, he was already fully adapted to his new strength and knew how to control it very well, so it was a new journey in search of strength.

But as soon as he took a step from where he was, his body immediately stopped and looked at the system notifications that appeared in front of him. A smile formed on his face as he read.



Every time these notifications appeared Arthur was unable to respond and was overwhelmed by the pain his body suffered as it developed.

'I said I was in need of a passive skill, but it would be nice to have a stronger skill than two medium skills. Also, I don't like relying on too many scattered powers!' With that thought in mind, Arthur didn't hesitate and chose the first option.



Arthur then felt some changes in his body. As he looked down at his hands, his skin tone turned red and his veins stood out even more. He didn't notice either, but his pupil dilated, the iris turned red and the white area turned completely black. But, this state didn't last long and soon the effect was gone, leaving only Arthur's body even more sore. His head also started to ache slightly.



Arthur without hesitation chose the first option again.



As before, Arthur's body underwent changes, but these were not visible. He just felt that his body was incredibly relaxed and aroused, as if looking for something. Understanding the skill with just a glance, Arthur tried to move. But as soon as his intention to move emerged, he was already on the other side of the room and his body slammed into the wall heavily. As he didn't want to run and just move, the impact was not great and only shook the wall slightly.

'Fuck! I know my body is tough, but this shit hurts too much!!' As he stood up and stretched his back, which had hit the wall, Arthur realized that the effect of the skill was also gone.


•Rank: B•

•Level: 1 (0/1000)•

•Active Skill•

•Can Evolve•


During the First Great Magical War, when the Demon Portal was activated, a legion of demons were unleashed. After the 100 Years War, numerous researches were done on the remaining bodies of demons, and this ability that allows a mad activation of abilities was originated.


• Strength improved by 750% for 1 minute.

• User sanity is consumed with each use.


•Rank: B•

•Level: 1 (0/1000)•

•Active Skill•

•Can Evolve•


Discovered and developed by the Elf King during the Age of Peace, this ability is passed on to the best of the generation in the Elven Realm. It consists of a brutal increase in speed in exchange for stamina in a short period of time.


•Agility improved by 1000% for 10 seconds.

Looking at the effects of the 'Impetus' ability, Arthur soon realized why he had flown nearly 50 meters in not even a second.

'But now that it's all over, let's get ready!'

After taking the elevator to the ground floor again, Arthur quickly climbed the stairs and knocked on Thomas's bedroom door three times.

Tock! Tock! Tock!

Arthur knew there was no point in screaming because of the soundproofing, but he also felt that he didn't need to. Not even a minute later, a still yawning Thomas answered the door and looked at Arthur with a look of understanding.

"I'm coming! I'm just going to take a shower." Stretching slightly, Thomas reentered and entered his own bathroom. His room was also a suite, since Arthur used the two he had to make personal rooms.

Arthur then went to his own room and took a shower, wearing some normal but very expensive clothes. He wore a pair of not-so-tight black jeans, black and white Adidas sneakers, a plain white V-neck shirt and finally a very nice black zip up hoodie.

When he left the room, he realized that Thomas still hadn't left and was possibly getting ready, so he went downstairs and made breakfast for them.

Walking into the kitchen, Arthur opened the huge two-door refrigerator and looked at everything inside. It was definitely a lot, but his focused eyes saw some ingredients and he immediately knew what to do. Grabbing eggs, bacon, pepperoni and some spices from the cupboard drawer, Arthur soon went to the stove.

In a skillet, Arthur soon began to fry the bacon strips with pepperoni already chopped into perfect cubes. Meanwhile, he beat the egg with some spices in a bowl. When the things in the skillet were perfectly fried, Arthur quickly dumped the eggs over everything and covered the skillet. Some time later, Arthur removed the lid and a perfect omelet was there. It was just big enough for Thomas, who hadn't exercised.

Arthur, who was still starving, picked up some tapperware that was full of food. Like the bodybuilders, who made the food in large quantities and separated, Arthur also thought about the problem of time and decided to make a lot of food for him last night.

After heating everything up in the microwave built into the cupboard, Arthur waited a while and then Thomas went downstairs. He was dressed simply but as well as Arthur, and he already carried a backpack on his back, with school supplies they'd bought the day before, along with the things from the house.

As soon as he smelled the food, he walked to the kitchen counter and sat in one of the chairs there. He was facing Arthur, who was waiting for the food to heat up. In front of him too, a plate with a perfect omelet was on display and some silverware on the side.

As soon as he started eating, he also asked Arthur: "Why didn't you wake me up to exercise with you?" Thomas had fallen asleep until he was awakened by Arthur, and his tired body didn't care for the early-up routine.

"You needed to rest well to do well in class today. Also, I only took you to exercise because you spent the whole day in your room. Now that we are studying, exercise time is replaced by school. But ignoring the subject, did you sleep well?" As he spoke, Arthur took the tapperware out of the microwave and began to eat the food inside each one in succession.

"I've never slept so well in my life. That bed is so fluffy I almost felt like I was drowning in the sheets. Also, the climate in the room is pleasant and the lighting is so good that it looks as natural as day. I was even thinking it was all a dream, but when I woke up and saw that scene, I knew it was all true. All that said, thank you very much!" Thomas' eyes sparkled slightly as he spoke and enjoyed Arthur's food. In addition, his eyes also emitted a sincere gratitude and respect for Arthur.

"You are my brother, so this house is ours, no need to thank. Finish eating fast, we have to go to school. The gates close at 7:20 am and after that just enter with justification." Arthur spoke while looking at the time on his cell phone. If someone normal had this cell phone, he would thank God for the opportunity to have it, but in Arthur's hands it was only used to check the time or research something.

A few minutes later, at 6:50, the two had already finished. Entering a door near the exit of the house, they soon appeared in the main garage of the house. It was big and white, with the same kind of material Arthur had asked to put underground. There, two modern black bicycles were waiting for them.

As Arthur couldn't drive yet, and didn't want anyone to drive him because it would be too extreme, he decided to ask Sinner to come back and buy two good bikes for himself and Thomas.

The two took their bikes and soon left the house, heading for school.