Definitely Not Expected

The distance from Arthur's current home to the school was relatively great. The locations of most schools were mainly concentrated in the Housing Center, and very few were outside. Arthur and Thomas' schools were no different, but they were almost on the edge between the Housing Center and the Business Center.

It was still 6:50, and as the two were on bicycles, it took about 15 minutes to arrive. When they were close, Arthur said goodbye to Thomas and told him to call if anything happened. He had already gone with Thomas to the school, so he didn't need to go again.

So, not even a minute later, Arthur had arrived at his school. The only thing different about him was the pretty black backpack he carried on his back, also carrying his school supplies. His cell phone was in his pocket and a wired headphone was plugged into it and playing music for Arthur to hear.

As he didn't want to attract attention on his first day at school, he decided to change the phone to a wired one. It was just as good, but cordless headphones carried a status of wealth that he didn't want to show others too much.

He dismounted the bike and pushed it until he reached the gates. There were a lot of people talking and laughing, and some seemed to be older than Arthur and therefore were already studying at the school.

He walked by calmly and relaxed as he pushed the bike, not trying to get anyone's attention. But if there was one thing he couldn't hide, it was his beauty....

"My God, what a cute boy! Is he a new student?" A girl of about 16 years old spoke to her friend beside her as she watched Arthur enter the school.

"It sure must be! I've never seen such a handsome man in my life!" The friend next door also exclaimed as her eyes sparkled.

"Look at his skin, hair, nose, mouth, everything! I think I'm falling in love!!" One of the girls who were alone at the gate spoke softly.

Similar whispers filled the place and all the girls looked at Arthur and were impressed. Some even tried to look into Arthur's eyes, only to be shocked even more by the beauty of that vibrant green.

"I want those eyes!!"

"You are crazy? I want him whole!"

The male students, on the other hand, looked at the female students' reaction and looked at Arthur with hatred and envy.

"'Cute boy' my ass! He must be gay."

"Surely he must be, because to have skin like that, only a bigger vanity than any woman to justify it."

"Come on guys. Are you guys really bothered by him? The situation remains the same, no girl is going to be lost!"

"That's right!" The boys in the group immediately nodded like chickens pecking grain. Only with this false sense of superiority, the threat this new boy poses is gone.

These conversations were not lost on Arthur's sensitive ear, but he faced it all with an indifferent smile. But even that smile that unintentionally formed on his face caused another wave of passion for the female students and envy for the male students.

Deciding to speed up his pace, Arthur immediately walked through the gate and into the school. He wasn't as well used to the place as the people who came the day before, but since his memory was perfect, he could remember where there was a place to leave bikes because of the first time he came. This area was near the room where he took the test, and was located in an open hallway.

As he walked through the school, countless unfamiliar faces crossed his vision, but he didn't even bother to use his ability. With that many people he would definitely interact with, it would be better to meet them all in person. There were around 600 students.

His beauty again did not fail to draw people's attention there, and as there was so much more to the inside than to the outside, another explosion of voices and whispers about Arthur exploded.

"Is this a new student? This year is definitely about to get better. The first one that arrived is no longer enough, now they are two boys who seem to have been sculpted by God!" A second-year female student fixed her gaze on the farther and farther Arthur's back, and in her eyes there was excitement.

"I think he's prettier than the last one! The other one is very handsome, but he was more muscular, while this one is thinner."

"By the way, where is the other one?"

"I think he went into his own classroom to drop off his backpack. But the Anthem will be played soon, so he'll show up here."

Those people were concentrated in a large area, but students were everywhere in the school, especially in the squares that there were.

Arthur passed by silently and his eyes never stopped looking straight ahead, ignoring people's surprised looks. He soon arrived in an area with almost no one and that was exactly where the bikes were.


Shortly before

"Hey, Charles, when are we going to smoke? Are you really going to wait for Patricia here?" A thin guy with a little dark circles under his eyes and a slightly crooked nose spoke to the guy in front of him. The smell around him was of a strong perfume that was depriving the smell of cigarettes. He was Carlos, the chimpanzee guy Arthur punched in the ex-smokers' assembly.

Charles, athletically built and large, continued to stare at the gates.: "Of course I have to stay here, idiot! I have to show at least some service. Free sex isn't easy to get anywhere, so I have to hold on with everything!" A mocking smile formed on his face, and his eyes were a little lecherous.

They were leaning against some horizontal iron bars that served as support for the smooth ladder. This smooth stairway led directly to the secretary, director's office, teachers' lounge and women's and men's bathrooms.

"All is well then. That mouth is really worth it!" A lewd look also appeared on Carlos' face. He also began to look at the gate in the distance and awaited Patricia's arrival.

But as he watched, his eyes widened as an unexpected person appeared in his field of vision. His gaze fixed on that boy who came through the gate and didn't leave in a long time.

'That boy... Could it be... no, it's definitely him! This shit really came to this school. What a wonderful coincidence!' His mind was confused for a moment, but he soon noticed some features of the person and his anger rose along with his surprise. That face he will never forget, as the memory was filled with the pain of his nose being displaced.

He nudged Charles with his elbows and said: "Look at that guy! He's the one we beat up on New Year's, who was thinking he was going to get something out of Patricia." His eyes were still visible with anger.

Charles's gaze also followed Carlos's index finger and his gaze fixed on a figure who was carrying a bicycle through the gate. He looked into that face, but still couldn't match the image of that weak, pathetic brat with this person who was entering. The difference was too big.

"You're getting crazy. Besides this person being much bigger than that idiot, just look at the behavior. That kid looked more like an innocent puppy. Even the appearance is not the same, without taking off the clothes as well. Nothing in common!" Charles' eyes only focused on that person for a moment before his focus returned to the gate. In his heart there was also a shock of inferiority regarding the beauty of that person, but he wasn't the type to be bothered by other people.

"I'm telling you, it's definitely him! He might even be different, but my anger at that idiot made me recognize him even if he was dead!" Carlos' nerves were getting shaky and his voice held an irritated tone. Although smoking and nicotine calm someone, the negative effect would be instability without the presence of these things.

"Dude, just shut up! Besides, we already beat him once, and I only did it because he made out with Patricia and because of you. Although I would give another spanking if I could, I'm still not going to get in trouble with someone I'm not sure is my target." Charles' mind was obviously much more mature than Carlos's, and for that very reason he was the "leader."

"If you come with me to wipe out that idiot's race again, I'll buy you the rest of the month's cigarettes and I won't touch Patricia again for the next week. Can be?" Carlos' tone began to be pleading. His ugly face was also filled with anger, making it even uglier.

Charles then looked at Carlos and then at the person carrying the bicycle who was already walking away inside the school and nodded.

"I don't need your permission to do something with Patricia, she's already mine. But about the cigarettes, then I'll take it. My hands are also itching to hit someone so it's a double benefit. But we have to be quick, before my mom leaves or Patricia arrives!" Charles' face, slightly prettier than average, twitched slightly and began to walk hurriedly behind that person.

'Yes!!' Carlos's ugly face relaxed a little and he soon followed behind Charles.


Once he arrived at the place where the bicycles were, Arthur took the bicycle lock and secured the tire. His gaze was calm, but his hands were starting to shake slightly. His body also stiffened and his heart began to beat faster. After locking the bike, looking at the entrance to the hallway, two figures appeared.

As soon as these two people appeared, the calm gaze suddenly faltered, but soon returned to normal. He had already sensed the hostility directed at him from these people and also knew they were following him.

With his fists slightly clenched, he walked to the entrance to the hallway with calm steps and, as soon as his gaze locked with the two in front of him, a mock surprise was exposed, along with a hint of fear.

"Y-you… what are you doing here? You can't study here, right?" Arthur's expression was one of persistent fear, as if he was remembering a painful memory. Really Oscar-worthy acting.

"I told you it was him, Charles. This little piece of shit still remembers the spanking we gave him!" While enjoying Arthur's startled look, Carlos burst out laughing and spoke to Charles. He didn't even make a point of noticing that Arthur's height, which at the time was shorter than his own, was actually at least an inch taller than his height.

Charles also wore a surprised expression, but a look of scorn and superiority soon manifested.

"Looks like you really are that insignificant little mosquito. It seems that even though you has grown, you is still a piece of shit!"

Despite his expression of a scared face, a mixture of joy and anger was pulsing in Arthur's chest.