An Unpleasant Smile

Despite everything he's been through, his anger collapsing at these people he thought insignificant and even changing his way of looking at things, Arthur was, after all, a young man. Feelings were inevitable due to hormones. So even if these two in front of him didn't have a value greater than shit to him, the anger at being humiliated and beaten, that he tried so hard to arrest, in the end still stirred his heart.

"What are you guys going to do?? I'm not going after that girl if that's what you want. J-just leave me alone!" Arthur's voice was shaky and he bowed his head slightly. His body hurried too and he tried to move between them, only to be pushed back.

"Don't think you're going to get away as easily as last time. One spanking is not enough to alleviate the anger I feel for what you put me through! So, take advantage of the fact that there's no one here and let us beat you!!" Carlos had an expression that showed both happiness and anger at the same time. His look was that of a gorilla who thought he was superior to all. But as a gorilla he only had the face.

"I think you're overestimating yourself if you think you had a chance with Patricia. For a little trash like you, she wouldn't look at you at all. That aside, let's get this over with. My hand is already itching!" Charles' expression remained calm and his gaze at Arthur only became more arrogant. But, the words he spoke to Arthur about Patricia seemed to be more self-assertive, since he was a bad loser to Arthur in terms of appearance.

Arthur, who had been pushed, continued to look fearfully at them, but soon his disguise was not supported any longer and a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"Funny, mine too..." Arthur's voice was low, but it was still heard by both of them.

"Looks like you really need a spanking! Take this!" Carlos could no longer stand still and went to attack Arthur. His fist was already raised and with one clumsy move he tried to punch him in the face.

Arthur's eyes only lightly caught the movement Carlos thought was a punch and the corners of his lips lifted slightly.

'Was it really for this idiot I suffered before? I really was very pathetic...' Not even moving, Arthur just continued to stare at the coming movement. Before, he felt time flow slowly in these moments, but everything was normal at that moment. His heart didn't even slow down or increase the number of beats, as if it didn't even matter. He was calm as a still lake.

As soon as Carlos' punch was a few inches from his face, Arthur's arm came up and gave a backhanded smack in Carlos' fist a little. This smack couldn't even be considered weak for Arthur, but it was enough for Carlos' entire arm to go towards the impact and his body to spin slightly.

But how could Arthur make it that easy? Before Carlos's face turned any further, Arthur held his nose and twitched slightly. Not hard enough to break again or dislocate, but enough to make Carlos feel great pain again. Accompanied by this movement, Arthur also moved his arm and hit Carlos in the stomach, causing him to fall to his knees, his right hand holding his nose and his left hand holding his belly.

Charles, who saw all this happen, stared with surprised eyes. He knew that the strongest of the group was him, but Carlos wasn't that weak either. He had even taken some fighting classes at the school.

"Did you find someone to teach you how to fight? So you could get back at us after being beaten? Too bad that alone is not enough!" Charles began to walk towards Arthur calmly, even though his heart was a little shocked. But who was he? First place in the local Karate tournament, a young man with an athletic and strong body, always called the school's biggest. He wasn't someone who would lower himself or run away from fighting anyone he'd already beaten.

Arthur also stood and waited patiently for Charles while his green eyes stared at him. He managed to find traces of arrogance, dominance and strong pride. But there were also traces of shock being suppressed.

"Y-you... will pay!!" Carlos, who was on the ground, tried to grab Arthur's legs and pull. But no matter how much strength he put in, Arthur's feet didn't even leave the ground, as if they were steel beams in hard cement.

"Shut up" With a nonchalant expression, Arthur pulled free of Carlos' grip before kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying to the wall.

"You went too far!" With a low cry, Charles quickened his pace and aimed a kick at Arthur's stomach.

"Pathetic..." Still indifferent, Arthur waited for the kick to arrive. But just as the kick was going to land in his stomach, his hand grabbed Charles' leg and pushed it hard towards the ground again. That force caused Charles's leg not to hit the ground but to pass straight through and his body staggered forward.

"You go-aargh!" Before Charles' voice could say anything else, his throat was suddenly held in a strong hand. That hand began to squeeze tightly and began to lift his body

"I hate noise..." Arthur, who was clutching Charles's throat, had a calm, amused expression. His chest was still burning with anger a moment ago. But seeing their pathetic strength, he couldn't even feel anger, and only pity replaced the feeling.

"I will be very direct. I didn't expect the two of you to study at this school, as you look more like two bums. But it's not like it bothers me. I just want you guys to stay away from me and not cause me any problems. I hate having to deal with the same person twice." The more he spoke, the more the grip on his hand tightened, making Charles's head redder and redder.

"Did you understand?" Arthur spoke again and looked at Carlos, who was leaning against the wall with his hand on his stomach.

"Go fuck yourself!" As he spit on the ground, Carlos raised his hand and held up the middle finger at Arthur.

A not-so-pleasant smile crept across Arthur's face and he lowered Charles's body, still holding his throat tightly. He walked calmly and stood in front of Carlos. Arthur then lifted his foot and placed it on Carlos' stomach, pressing also the hand that was on his stomach.

"Wrong word. One more chance. Do you understand?" This time Arthur was looking at Charles in his hand, whose head was already changing slightly to purple. His foot also began to press down on Carlos' stomach and hand, and it wasn't light at all. His grip around Charles' neck tightened as well.

"Aaargh!!" The two screamed at the same time as they tried to resist Arthur's strength. Carlos tried to get up, but each attempt was futile and only made Arthur press him harder. He also tried to push Arthur's foot away, but it was impossible. Charles also tried to get out of Arthur's grip, but his effort was futile and every time he tried to hit Arthur, the tightness in his neck made him feel pain and his movement stopped in shock.

Not even a minute passed and the two finally couldn't take it anymore: "A-all right! We won't do anything to you! Now get out!!!!" The two shouted in unison, with a slight desperation in their voice. They had already accepted that there was no way to face Arthur now and directly.

"Well... see, it didn't take much effort." Still indifferent, Arthur threw Charles into the wall, causing him to hit his back and start coughing violently. Carlos was no different either, and he even started vomiting what he'd eaten that morning when Arthur's foot came off his stomach.

"Disgusting..." A look of disgust formed on Arthur's face as he saw the sad scene of these two people in front of him. 'To think that I had been beaten for these two pieces of garbage. I don't know if I thank them or not... 'As he was thinking about it, Arthur started walking towards the end of the corridor, to join the other people on the square and find his classroom.

As he walked, Arthur felt that the air was better and a great weight was removed from his heart, as if he needed to vent this frustration for a long time.

As soon as he got to the end of the hallway, he saw a small scared girl who was looking at him in fear, but there also seemed to be admiration. In his hand was a cell phone and he appeared to be recording something. She was leaning against the wall and in the middle of the grass that had some plants for decoration. This girl had smooth white skin, her eyes were big and black, and her black hair only fell to her shoulders. She could be described as having an average appearance.

Arthur hadn't felt anything or anyone watching him, as he concentrated on trying to vent his anger. If he was normal, he would have heard the footsteps and felt something.

"Did you record all that?" While looking at the little girl, Arthur asked calmly and with a smile on his face. Using his ability, he knew the girl had no bad intentions and was only afraid of him.

The girl couldn't even speak and just nodded her head. Unlike before, where she was shocked by the actions of the person in front of her, she was now shocked by his cute smile. That row of white and matching teeth, in addition to the impact that smile brought, it was inevitable to capture the attention of any girl.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to do anything. You can do whatever you want with the video. Are you a new student too?" Still carrying a smile, Arthur slowly approached the girl.

"Y-yes!" Still staring at Arthur's smile, she nodded and managed to squeeze out a few words.

"Great! Turns out I don't know where our room is and I'm kind of lost. Can you guide me please?" As he held out his hand for the girl to get out of the grass, Arthur wore a calm expression and his green eyes regarded her peacefully.

The girl unconsciously took Arthur's hand, as if under some spell, and quickly left the grass.