Habitual Training

While Thomas and Arthur slept, some companies around the world were in an uproar.

A certain unknown identity had done some freelancing for them. All the work given was done impeccably and that is why they continued to work with the anonymous.

But at the end of the week, this anonymous sent a program to each of the companies, which was causing outbreaks of shock and surprise.


Google Headquarters, USA

An employee hurriedly ran towards his boss's office. In his hand was a laptop and some other documents being held between the arm and the ribs.

As soon as he entered the chief's office, who was looking at some documents at the time, he immediately spoke.

"Boss, you need to see this!" His tone was urgent and cold sweat was streaming down his forehead.

"Don't go in the door without knocking again! And you don't need to be in a hurry, calm down and speak." As he continued to look at the documents in front of him, the chief spoke in a slightly irritated voice.

"Sorry, boss. It is a very urgent matter!" The clerk spoke as he slowly lowered his head.

"Speak! Stop beating around the bush!"

"Okay! A few days ago, an anonymous person contacted us and said that he could help us as a freelancer. At first we thought he was kidding, but then we found out that he managed to break into our database and narrowly did not disable our AI. Since then we have been working with him."

"A day ago this anonymous guy sent us a program and said we could try it out for one day. It turns out that this program is able to improve the tracking of information from our AI, while improving the database firewall." As soon as he finished speaking, the employee was finally able to relax. This was his job and it has already been delivered. But, even so, his eyes emitted a great desire to acquire that product.

"If he sent it to us, then we can just steal. Take all our hackers and break the program code." Still in a calm tone, the chief spoke as if it were something silly. Even if it was impressive, sending the program for free like that would be stupid.

"Impossible. The anonymous warned us that any attempt to crack the code would release a virus and permanently disable our servers."

As soon as the chief heard this, a slight frown formed on his face. His instinct was also activated, the same thing that got him here today, and he worried about his decision.

"Take me there. I'm going to see this program myself."

"Yes, boss!"


At countless companies, all of whom this anonymous person made contact with, were having similar conversations, but about different programs.

They were miraculous programs that targeted companies' weaknesses and improved them.

In larger companies, where there was greater pride, it was difficult and the program passed several tests. They did not dare break the code, as every great CEO knew that their instinct and discernment skills were what got them where they were. But it still impressed each of them.

In smaller companies, which were not so proud, they passed a few tests before being accepted. Some even tried to break the code and suffered punishment. They did not have the same discerning skills as large companies.

On that dawn when the guilty person was sleeping, a business war broke out between all companies, since companies that were losing their databases or other things were also losing their market share.

It was a rope war for those who stood taller and stronger or who would fall.


05:00 am

Arthur was the one who woke up first. Before going to take his shower, he woke Thomas and handed over the brush and the toothpaste.

While Arthur showered in the bathroom, Thomas brushed his teeth outside. In just two minutes they switched places.

In 10 minutes they were already dressed and ran to the square.

When they arrived, Thomas was already slightly tired. They were in simple exercise clothes and wore a coat. Today was especially cold.

"Good morning, Mr. Silva. I brought my brother to train with me. He needs it, since he stays on the computer for a long time." Arthur went to Silva, who was already waiting for him, and shook his hand.

"No problem. I can do independent training for him. Then you can do yours, I'll stay with him." Silva smiled and told Arthur to go.

Arthur looked at Thomas and waited for confirmation. He was curious how Thomas had no problem being around Silva.

'Later i will ask him.'

After that, Arthur went to do his exercises and left Thomas doing some stretches with Silva.

He already trusted Silva enough to leave his brother with him. This week he spent working with Silva showed him that he was a tired old man who just wanted to enjoy his life.

This confirmation was made through countless uses of Vision of Soul. And the reason is that Arthur was doubtful with it since it started showing differences from person to person.

Arriving at the square's race track, Arthur walked while thinking.

'I haven't exercised since my body evolved, so it's better to adapt to my growth. Let's check the statistics to see if there are any unexpected changes.'

After that, with a thought, the statistics panel appeared in front of Arthur.

| Statistics Panel |

[Level: 5] (30/10000)

[Name: Arthur (???)]

[Race: (???)]

[HP: 3630]

[MP: 1440]


• Good: 300 •

• Bad: 150 •


• Strength: 198 •

• Agility: 198 •

• Vitality: 363 •

• Constituition: 363 •

• Intelligence: 288 •

• Resilience: 480 •


• Constellation •

• Absorption •

• Will •

• Abyss •

• Force •

• Berserk •

• Quickness •

• Golden Blood •

• Mithril Body •

• Cold Blood •


•Universes Absorber Technique•

• Heavenly Flow Technique •

[Supreme Skills]

•Vision of Soul •

• God Body •

Taking the opportunity, Arthur also opened the description of the skill that appeared in his statistics.

Cold Blood

•Rank: C•

•Level: 1 (0/1000)•

•Passive Skill•


Your analysis of things is colder. Killing a person will not stir up any negative feelings, much less positive. You become a cold-blooded killer.


•Keeps sane in the face of atrocities•

•Cooler and more rational analysis•

'Did I get a new skill? Was it in the mission's reward?'

Thinking about it, Arthur opened the Quests panel, but it was already empty, confirming his theory. He also remembered the rewards, Fenrir's Dagger, to be more specific. He just didn't remember when he won them.

'I probably won while I was in a rage yesterday. I think it's best to check it only when i'm at home. Appearing with a knife in the middle of a public square is asking for trouble.'

After letting go of these matters, Arthur started doing the exercises.

'As there is a huge difference between the statistics, the exercises will be somewhat easier. I think it is better to increase the difficulty.'

By changing the exponential growth of gravity to 5G at a time, which means an increase of 25G at the end, Arthur finally started the exercises.

The first exercise was 20km of running, followed by push ups, abdominal, squat and pull ups, 200 of each.

Just as he thought, it really got easier, and his organs were no longer hurt and his body was fine until the end of the race. But, on the other hand, his muscles were aching to the extreme, totally destroyed.

The wear and tear that was shared throughout the body was now focused only on the muscles.

'It seems that my body is fine, but because there is a huge difference between Vitality/Constitution and Strength/Agility, there is a much greater wear and tear on the musculature.'

After drawing his conclusions, Arthur continued the exercises and even increased the variety, adding jumping jacks. They were great for blood circulation and also for muscles.

The Strength and Agility statistics were both in 198, which would mean about 20x stronger than the average person. When gravity ranged from 20G to 25G, it would be the most painful time for Arthur. His organs were already holding the pressure calmly, so each exercise was like an electrical discharge.

The muscles were destroyed and rebuilt at all times, in an intermittent step. His body strength was increasing a lot. Adrenaline and endorphins weren't even working anymore.

His body even excreted a goosy dark substance, but in small quantities. Arthur stopped to wash himself for a moment to get rid of it as soon as possible.

As soon as he completed his sequence of exercises, Arthur's body was as lean as ever, but much more defined. On the outside he looked fine, but on the inside it was a mess.

There were no internal injuries to the organs, but his muscles were constantly healing and growing stronger. Even Arthur's last muscle fiber was hurting and undergoing this process.

His stomach should have rumbled by begging for energy for the tenth time, but Arthur suppressed all that pain with clenched teeth.

As soon as it was over, with all his strength(not that it's too much) and courage, he went over to where Thomas was with Silva. Thomas was in the middle of a light stretch.

After sitting down on a nearby bench, Arthur spoke to Silva. As soon as he sat down, a slight shock was transmitted from the buttocks.

"How was he? he's still in the stretches?" Arthur's face was tired and his body was rigid. He didn't dare move a single muscle.

"Yes, but he has already done a good amount of exercises. I sent him to do three sets of exercises, which involved 1 km of running, 10 push-ups and 10 squats. These stretches serve to keep his body active while resting. There is still one set." Also doing the stretches to encourage Thomas, Silva spoke to Arthur with a laugh.

"Ok. I will follow this last set." Arthur nodded slightly. He did not speak to Thomas to save energy.