Lower Commoner

"Excuse me!"


"Excuse me you too!"


"I liked that sneakers!"


Arthur didn't shut his mouth as he shot the hands with guns of all the people in the car. The driver was last, as his reaction was slower.

But he didn't shoot the driver's hand, but his two fingers touched his forehead. A vortex formed between these two fingers.


"Keep driving! You come here, you come here and you come here!" Arthur slapped the foreheads of all the other passengers. There were four in total, including the driver.



Now that everyone was under his control, Arthur sat in the back seat, between two of the men. He had already put the roof back in place.

He looked down at his hand, feeling the vortex absorbing the energies of these men.

"Head towards the snipers. I feel sorry for the lawn, but what can I do?" Arthur gave the driver his command.

"Ye, Master!"

With a turn of the steering wheel, the car broke a fence and advanced into the bush at high speed. As Arthur's skill only absorbs the individual's ego, he has not lost any of his abilities. He just couldn't think about the 'I' anymore, he was someone without wills.

Bang! Bang!

A bullet went through the windshield and hit the driver, killing him. Another bullet came towards Arthur, but he had already opened the next door and pushed the man out with him.

"It's good over here! Now I can see you!" With glowing eyes, Arthur's 'Absorption' skill detected the breaths of the two snipers. Before they were too far away for Arthur to see them.

His thoughts about Beatrice were very confused, and he didn't know what to make of her properly. But now he took the final step without hesitation, and even if there was some danger, he didn't care at all. When she almost panicked, wanting him to go away, he realized that something was wrong, and that it was quite possible that his life was in danger.

The reason he was even happier was that Beatrice was preventing the two of them from having more connections, for fear he would end up dying. Could he have been sad because she wanted to cut ties so she wouldn't feel bad later? He could. But he knew why he shouldn't.

As soon as he left Beatrice's house, he had already activated the 'Absorption' skill. So nothing went unnoticed by him. Including the four armed people inside the car that was coming towards him. He felt the shots too, and had already calculated his next moves.

Using the Force to push his agility to the limit, Arthur ran towards the snipers. He dodged 3 more shots in that run. It was three shots because there was one more hidden sniper.

"Hi, everyone!" As soon as the sniper in front of Arthur had finished loading his rifle, he appeared behind him. Pulling the back of the sniper's suit, Arthur slammed his fingers into his forehead.

Quickly ducking back, two bullets ripped through the body of the man in front of him.

Swoosh! Bang!

Arthur ran to another man before punching him in the ribs. This sniper had already gotten up and tried to shoot Arthur with a pistol. But thanks to the quick reactions, the shot missed and gave him an opening to take advantage of. The punch wasn't strong enough to kill the man, so Arthur touched his forehead as well.

"Watch out!" The other sniper's scream came just now, accompanied by a shot he fired at Arthur's figure.

Unfortunately for him, Arthur had already dodged and the shot hit nothing.

Bang! Bang!

What the other sniper didn't expect was for his colleague to shoot him without the slightest bit of hesitation, causing his legs to be punctured. He soon fell to the ground, but his gaze didn't leave Arthur's figure as he continued shooting.

That was until he received another shot in the hand from Arthur, who quickly approached and absorbed his consciousness as well. Afterwards, he just killed the two snipers.

"It's really an unpleasant experience, especially after going through all that!" Remembering that just moments ago he'd been having a wonderful time with Beatrice, the scene in front of him of dead men wasn't a good thing to behold.

With a snap of his fingers, the men who had stayed in the car suddenly rolled their eyes and died. Arthur has now learned that the further he progresses in a skill, the more information he has about it. Now he even had control over who he controlled, being able to discard if necessary. It also reminded him of Sinner, whom he hadn't seen in quite some time.

"Is this guy dead already? Last time he didn't eat for a week just because I didn't give the command. That skill is scary!" He could still feel traces of the energy absorption in the palm of his hand, and now he found it a little unpleasant.

Just when he thought it was all over, the grass around him spread out, with a breeze hitting him.


A sledgehammer appeared out of nowhere and hit the ground where Arthur was a few milliseconds away.

"You have a great reflex! It's a shame you have to die! Hahah!" A figure that didn't exist before gradually revealed itself. He seemed to be there all the time, but something was hiding him and making him invisible.

It was the figure of a large, muscular man, dressed in a black special operations outfit. This man was full of scars, and he had one in particular on his forehead. The sledgehammer was simply huge, big enough to sink into the earth just by being left on top of it.

"Harry Potter?" Arthur asked with a frown. Even in the face of danger, his mouth couldn't control itself.

"Die!" The man ignored Arthur's joke as he yelped and raised the sledgehammer as if it were paper. He swung it quickly, a heavy current of air already reaching Arthur.

"Your sledgehammer is big- damn, I said shit!" Arthur didn't advance, but simply took advantage of the opening the hammer caused. As the movement was horizontal, he just waited for the hammer to have passed him before moving forward.

But what he didn't expect was for the big man to drop the sledgehammer, sending it flying away. Clenching his fists, the man was faster than Arthur could imagine and had already punched him.

But he didn't despair and equipped his gloves. Opening the palm of his left hand, Arthur placed it in front of the man's large fist.


Even with such a great absorption effect, Arthur was still sent flying away. His body hit the ground a few times before he stabilized.

He put his hands behind his back like an old man before complaining, "Holy shit! Was it a fucking piece of iron that gave birth to you?"

"I didn't know dead people joked!" The big man's speed was much faster than Arthur imagined, and he was already in front of him. His fists were ready to punch.

With a quick movement, Arthur opened his right palm and slammed the man's fist, which knocked him away. The man even felt a very weak shock wave run through his body. He soon stabilized and ran to Arthur again.

They soon engaged in an exchange of powerful punches. It was at this moment that Arthur discovered how weak he was, being constantly thrown backwards. But he wasn't hurting himself, as if his body was made of steel and wouldn't dent under any circumstances.

But still, he was just a tough punching bag. If it weren't for his gloves, absorbing the opponent's strength and throwing him again, Arthur would have at least broken his arms on the first punch.

His arms were already numb, and he was losing control over them. Noticing this numbness, Arthur began to get worried.

"I don't remember doing anything recently. May I know why you want to kill me?" Arthur gritted his teeth and luckily dodged a punch before walking away.

"I don't think you need to know. And besides, you're not going to die. At least not today!" The man had a big smile on his face as he spoke. He'd been paid a lot of money since he started working for that guy, so he'd have to do a great job.

'The worst thing is that this shit is much stronger than me! I can't even run away without having to fuck myself all over later... that's it!' Arthur remembered a certain active effect on one of his skills. 'Since I have a method, I just need to get rid of it soon! But first, since I've been given this opportunity, let's train!'

Waving his arms, Arthur returned to the fray. But this time it wasn't for survival, but to learn how to fight for real.

The more time they spent fighting, the more the two learned to deal with each other. The big man wasn't stupid, and he always avoided Arthur's right palm, while at the same time weakening his punches in his left hand.

When he was going to punch Arthur, his punch weakened as he noticed his left palm. But just as he weakened, so did his speed.


A small dagger appeared in Arthur's hand as he cut a line between the fingers of the man's wrist. That bloodline immediately began to spurt blood, as if it had hit an artery.

As soon as the man drew back his fist, Arthur didn't let go and advanced. His dagger made quick work of leaving three more slashes along his arm and one more in his ribs. He only had so many opportunities to leave those cuts because the bleeding also seemed to have a numbing effect.

But it wasn't really just that. The constant shocks the man received from Arthur's right palm were already starting to affect his brain, slowing him down. Along with the slashes and the dagger's 'Bleed' effect, this was starting to affect his movements.

"It fucking hurts!" The man yelled loudly.

"And what did you expect? A massage?" Despite his serious eyes, Arthur's comments spoiled the mood of a fight to the death.

"I'll finish you!" The man's punches turned into claws, trying to grab Arthur so he could immobilize him.

Arthur knew that there was no way to escape anymore, so he activated the active effect of the skill 'Will'. Wind passed in area when all around 500m submitted to his will.

Normally the big man would have ignored such an average will with just a little discomfort. But now, with his brain dizzy and bleeding all over the place, he fought this headache like he was going to die. He was resisting this submission.

But then, something neither the man nor Arthur expected was for a black shadow to pass right across the back of the big man's neck, causing his eyes to roll up and pass out.

Not missing the opportunity, Arthur touched the palm of his right hand to the man's head as he activated 'Abyss' again.

"Where's your old boss?" Arthur asked hurriedly.

"He's-" The big man opened his mouth at his master's orders. But he was unfortunately prevented from speaking when a bullet pierced his brain. He fell back, his head ripped to shreds.

Arthur wiped the blood from his face as he stood there. He looked in the direction the bullet had come from and waited.

"I know you're listening to me, and I probably know your goals. And I warn you, I wouldn't buy war with me if I were you. There are few things in life worth living for, you know!" Arthur spoke into the wind, while still continuing to look in the direction the bullet came from.


A shot hit the ground beside Arthur.

"You know. Don't say I didn't warn you. See you later!" Arthur turned his back and walked away. He wasn't the least bit worried about another shot.

If this mysterious person wanted to kill him, the shot that hit the ground would be a little more to the left. This meant that all this killing was now purely a test of Arthur's skills and abilities. Something could be in the works for him in the future, or else the other side just wanted to give an advice.

'Rich family is another thing, eh!' With that thought in mind, Arthur had already removed his shirt to wipe the blood from his face. He looked at the hole in the ground beside the body. But it wasn't a bullet hole, but a small ditch. Whatever was there had already been recovered.


"Looks like the young master is going to have some problems in the future! I have to eliminate him, but now is not the right time... I have to leave the work for her to do!" In front of a large rifle, the butler who had fought Magikeen looked at the distant Arthur. They were at least 5km away, with him on top of a large building in the city.

Long ago he gave Magikeen a mission, but nothing had been done until now. He also learned that that man was in the city and had a fight with one of this boy's classmates. He should do his job quickly, but without dirt and evidence so as not to cause problems for the family.

"It's still too early for you to think you can buy a war, lowly commoner!" As he sipped a cup of tea, the old butler's eyes never left Arthur.