
"What happened to that second-year boy sucked, didn't it? Arthur, what happened? You were there, right?" Aline asked Arthur when they remembered what happened to Charles. Not that they forgot, since that was the topic of the day. But now they had the opportunity to ask one of those involved.

"I have no idea. Maybe he took a laxative?" Arthur shrugged, not really caring. It's not like he can show her why either, right?

"He's gone home, and I've heard some rumors that he's going to stop studying here. Either he's going to transfer or he's going to study at home." Gabriel also commented. His eyes were focused on the window. More specifically on who was down there.

"We're about to have lunch, so I think talking about him is a little gross." Beatrice also saw the scene and reminded everyone.

"Changing the subject then. Did you do all the work? Sorry I didn't attend. My dad is kind of paranoid about these things." Aline looked at Beatrice and Arthur.

"Yes." The two turned their faces and answered at the same time. Beatrice because she wanted to hide her flushed cheeks a little. Arthur did it because he saw she was going to do it and wanted to synchronize.

"OK then..."

"So, back to the sex toys thing…okay, it's a joke." Arthur was about to talk to Gabriel again when he noticed the strange looks from the girls. "Could you get me those Guild testing machines? I want to do some things with them."

"I can. Also, the matter of your cars is almost all resolved. In a month or so they will be on your doorstep. The amount has already been paid." Gabriel spoke quietly. Arthur didn't seem like the spendthrift type, so it was obvious he wanted to keep it a secret.

"What are you guys whispering about again?" Beatrice chimed in.

"I'm buying cocai- creatine, that gym stuff..." Arthur changed his way of speaking as he sensed Gabriel's murderous intent directed at him.

"Can't you speak normally?" Beatrice asked while holding back a laugh.

"I hit my head when I was a kid. The doctor said it might have messed with it a little and I went crazy... Do I lie so well for you to look at me with those faces?" Arthur rolled his eyes at their eye roll and picked up his plate for lunch.


"I got in touch with some investigators. It's going to take a while and we're out of resources to see the DNA tests right now. I have to know where he is, so I'm meeting them now. We'll find him, I promise!" The delegate patted Rebecca's head in a hidden room at the police station before heading out the doors to sort things out.

Rebecca was now wiping her tears away. She looked like nothing more than a worried daughter and sister, completely unlike her cold, rigid mood.

"I really want you to be alive. If we fought so hard for you and traveled this far just to find you dead, I'll kill you again!" More tears fell from her eyes as she grabbed a cloth to dry. Soon her cold, indifferent expression reappeared.

"Rebecca, are you there? The delegate just left saying she was going to sort out some things, so I couldn't talk to her." Jonas appeared as Rebecca was leaving the room.

"What's the problem?"

"Someone has come for a prisoner named David..." Jonas read the report in his hand. "This prisoner is now on probation, so could you fill in the details and what's missing in the case? I have to go now!" He spoke in an almost pleading voice. It was now his lunch time and Rebecca had just arrived from hers.

"Okay, I'll do it!" She took the file from his hand and walked away.

"You're tough, huh?" With a sigh, Jonas also went his way.


"Why do you need me myself? Besides, shouldn't you be at school?" Augusto asked Arthur, who was waiting beside him at the police station.

"Because I need. But relax, I just need your documents. And even then it's not dangerous. By the way, I'm your cousin, so you're the one who's going to handle these things." Arthur was too relaxed, almost lying back in his chair.

Soon, a policewoman appeared at the front desk. Arthur and Augusto looked at her at the same time.

"I fell in love..."

"Hey, it's you!"

The two said different things, while Augusto declared for himself in a low voice.

Rebecca's eyes widened a little as she looked at Arthur. She remembered that this boy stopped a robbery at the grocery store a short time ago.

"Are you here to get David? Fill out this form." She placed the form on the table.

Augusto got up hurriedly, containing his nervousness and saying, "Good morning!"

"Good Morning." Rebecca replied emotionlessly.

"Hey, I deserve an award for what I did, don't I? Stopping a robbery these days takes a lot of courage... miss... Rebecca..." Arthur was all excited as he approached the counter, talking about his accomplishments. But as soon as he read the name on the police officer's uniform, his throat went dry and his eyes glazed over for a moment. 'No, that's impossible... yeah, it's impossible!'

With that in mind, he coughed a little and returned to his usual self with a smile on his face.

"What you did is not something to be repeated. A lot of people think they're brave until they get a bullet in the chest." Rebecca noticed the change in Arthur's expression, but thought it was because he thought she was pretty. It wasn't hard to have a reaction like that around her. Not that she wants to brag about her looks, as she found people who approached others for their appearance disgusting. That alone made her have a slightly worse view of Arthur.

"Come on, don't be so harsh! I am strong and athletic! If someone shoots me, when the bullet sees me it will turn around and hit whoever shot it, screaming words of indignation for wanting to shoot someone so handsome! Do not you think?" Putting on a tight front and twitching his biceps a little, Arthur had the look of an idiot hero now.

All this show and bullshit almost caused a short circuit in Rebecca and Augusto's minds. He might have been putting his information on the form, but he didn't stop listening. The pen even dropped when he shivered for a moment.

"All right then, "hero"! You're done filling it out, so follow me." She took the form from the table, wanting to forget about this idiot teenager's display.


Arriving in a corridor with cells, they walked quickly. The cells were empty at that moment because nothing had happened in the city yet, that it was necessary to arrest someone. David, whom they wanted to release, had been transferred here only because he was on probation and needed to be released. All the others involved were in a municipal jail far away.

With the sound of melodious whistles, they soon arrived in a cell. A thin, pale man with messy, greasy hair was there, in wrinkled clothing. He was whistling like he was at home and relaxed.

His eyes met the people who had appeared in his cell, with clear confusion.

"You are free until the trial. If you commit any offense during your release, it will also be used as a resource for your arrest. You can go out!" Rebecca opened the cell door and stepped out of the way.

"And who would have been so good as to do that for me?" David's eyes fixed on the two remaining people.

One of the two people approached him. He was a tall, athletic guy, dressed in dark clothes. This young man looked familiar, but he didn't recognize where he was from.

"It was yo-"

Before he could finish speaking, Arthur punched him in the jaw. His brain rattled before he passed out, with a trail of blood running down his mouth.

Arthur then grabbed his shirt collar and started dragging him out of the cell.

"You know you're committing a crime of violence inside the jail, right?" Rebecca already had her hands on her pistol holster, ready for any violent reaction from Arthur.

Arthur stopped in his tracks. He was trying to contain the anger he felt right now. He looked at her then.

Rebecca felt Arthur's sharp gaze and imagined that he could be a dangerous person. After his gaze dropped to the pistol, she had already unlocked the holster.

"I'm angry and he's my brother. Don't you think it's fair that I have to educate him after the shit he did?" His voice was calmer, as his anger seemed to have vented a little. Also, Rebecca seemed to be familiar to him, and even had the same name as her. So he didn't want to hurt her, or even glare at her.

"That was still violent. But you can go, I'll just pretend nothing happened." Seeing that his gaze fixed, seeming to have run out of anger a little, Rebecca blocked the holster again. Besides, his argument was fair. If he was part of the family or responsible, a good spanking was justifiable.

"You are nothing alike..." Augusto, who had been silent until now, raised this point when he looked from Arthur to David. They were already walking away.

"Of course not, damn it. We are orphans from the same place." Arthur spoke softly as he carried David.

Rebecca's ears seemed to have become more alert at what Arthur said. She looked at him but thought it was impossible and ignored it all.

'Impossible that he could have gotten so healthy and muscular like that. He looked as thin as a toothpick and the doctors said his health would always be bad because of malnutrition... Where are you, brother…' Rebecca was lost in her own thoughts as she thought about it.


"Don't tell Emily anything about today. You know things and I know things. It just stays between us. I'm not asking you." Arthur spoke to Augusto. He used a random excuse to be absent today, so it wouldn't be a nice thing if she found out from her brother that he'd gone to the police station to pick someone up. The lie would only get bigger.

"I know. After all, what do you have with her? You don't look dangerous, but I really don't like your secrets..." Augustus frowned. He wasn't the type to tell everything, but the request made him find it all very strange.

"I'm not dangerous, you're right. But I do have nasty secrets. And I like your sister. Pretty simple, right? I'm not saying I'm going to hide it, I'm just asking you not to tell it now." Arthur shrugged and opened the game.

"I understood. You are a cool guy. Who you'll have to convince to stay with her is someone else..." Augusto also made his intentions clear and had already gotten on his motorcycle to leave.

"I know. See you later!" Arthur waved his left hand.

Saying goodbye, Arthur headed towards his car, parked not far away. It was in a closed garage and a little out of the way.

"I think it's good here..."

Arthur stopped behind the car and threw David to the ground, who woke up on impact.


Author Note: I'm really not feeling well today, so it's just one chapter. Maybe tomorrow I'll post three or recover that lack on Saturday or Sunday. But today will only be this chapter, sorry guys!

Good Reading! :)