You Know Who I Am?

As the line formed in front of the nightclub, everyone paid attention to the new sports car that appeared. It was a BMW M4, roaring its engine for attention.

The owner of the car parked it right away, and got out with his chest out, as if feeling like a heartthrob. But he soon noticed people's strange looks at him. He then followed their gaze to the side, and noticed there a car that surpassed his many times, whether in performance or price, as well as beauty. There were a lot of people taking turns photographing around it, so he hadn't noticed before.

'Who the fuck is this car? Is he already inside the club?' An envy began to sublimate inside him, seeping through his mind like poison. "Whose is it? Does anyone know?" He approached too and asked some people.

"I don't know who it is, but I'd definitely like to meet him!" A girl standing nearby didn't even spare a glance at his well-dressed figure and spoke while chuckling.

Cesar tried to contain his growing hatred from envy and began to round up the car. He didn't notice that Knight was already out of his car and watching him from afar.

"What's up man? Is the asshole here too? Oh, look at him over there!" Arthur came up from behind and recognized him.

"You here too? Can every kid play around these places these days too?" Knight didn't hold back and greeted him.

They had fought before and knew each other that way. Not to mention they both did favors for each other. Arthur didn't let out all of his anger and avoided breaking Cesar in half, and Knight helped him in the guild by giving his vote.

Arthur leaned against the car next to him to watch people move around the Audi. He was a little worried that someone would do something stupid to his car.

"How is it going? Still working for this pig's family?" He decided to broach the subject as he watched. He wasn't required to arrive exactly on time. He only arrived earlier because he couldn't keep still.

"I don't work for them. His grandfather helped my wife and I once. I am grateful to him and he is also a rich old man with many tasks. That way I kind of work for him because he always give some missions. I don't complain either, but taking care of this brat sucks." Knight corrected Arthur on a couple of points. After all, they had only fought each other, so they didn't know each other.

"I understood. I'm opening a group in the future, so if you need any protection or extras. I'm a little paranoid, so I've already investigated you and your wife, as well as this asshole's family." Arthur pulled a cigarette out of nowhere and offered it to Knight. His research went deeper even to know his tastes.

"I don't complain, you are strong and you need to know who your enemy is. But I appreciate the offer. I can't say anything right now, but I'll definitely consider." Knight is not the least bit offended by this. As long as one didn't interfere in the other's life, everything was fine. His wife sometimes helped him with this too, but he wanted to keep her as far away from this bloodthirsty world as possible.

"Feel welcome anytime you want. Did you like the car?" Arthur used his mana mist to avoid breathing in the cigarette smoke. He also saw Knight looking at the car in awe.


"I bought it recently. Looks like the idiot over there liked it too. If he touches it, I'll break his hand."

"My job is going to suck like this..." Knight sighed.

"I don't care. It's your problem..." Arthur shrugged. His somewhat murderous mind was always conflicted about whether or not he should get rid of Cesar, as this guy was obviously a rapist and fucking deranged. But he didn't want to give in to those thoughts unless he was in a more than justifiable situation. Despite having many more people in the world, killing one was still a crime punishable by death since few years ago.

"Aren't you going in?" Knight asked as he pointed at the nightclub.

"I'm thinking about some things..."

"Are you nervous?"



"I'll cut your throat if you continue..."

"Fuck you then!" Kinght backed away a bit. He didn't have the patience for this kind of conversation. He continued to admire his dream car.

"Don't let that kid do shit, or I'll drop him harder next time..." Arthur said goodbye as he finally crossed the street to leave.

The moment he reached the sidewalk of the club, a few girls looked at him with clear interest. He was handsome and very well groomed.

"Arthur? What are you doing here?" An uber parked in front of him and two figures got out. The one who spoke to him was Patricia, who was a little shocked.

"Enter..." Arthur spoke simply without showing much emotion.

"Do you think this is your home? Go to the end of the line, clown!" An angry guy spoke from the line. He didn't like the attention this kid got from the girl he asked out. She looked at him like she wanted to eat him or something.

Arthur didn't even listen and kept walking. He didn't care what these people thought. His face was listless, but he appeared to be someone who didn't care what others said, so that drew some anger from the men in line.

"Oh, man! Go back. Only those who have an invitation can skip the line, so excuse me." A figure a finger taller than Arthur stepped in front of him with arrogance. He walked over to the security guards holding his cell phone. It was Caesar.

It was known by few that some invitations were issued to people of greater fame in the city, such as influencers and children of wealthy families. Who suggested this idea was none other than Amanda, when Arthur was talking about the marketing campaign with David. They were on call for her to go over the reports when he spoke a little and she suggested. But he didn't think the little shit in front of him had actually received it.

The security guards had seen the fight a little bit, but it was just two young men, and as long as there wasn't really a violent fight, they had nothing to do with it. Though they found one of the youngsters oddly familiar, but they couldn't be bothered with that. They were expecting a very important person today.

"Do you want to wait with us at the end? It won't be long, we'll be talking..." Patricia didn't seem to have understood all the messages yet and kept insisting on making some move on Arthur. Knowing that he was rich also helped to keep the courage. She even tried to touch his arm.

"No need..." Arthur didn't even look at her, but he gave the girl behind her a friendly wave. After all, he wasn't the nicest person in the world, but he managed to show it. Adjusting to the environment was the right choice.

Walking over to the guards who were still checking Cesar's special entrance, he looked deep into their eyes. He suddenly raised his hand, to everyone's shock, and slapped the fattest's bald head.

"Baldness before 30 is really a problem, you fat fuck. And you don't look weird, bushy slender!" Arthur pointed angrily at the thin and the fat. Afterwards, he showed a sincere smile.

At this moment, everyone had their chins down, including the guards. No one could understand this sequence of actions, trying to process why he was looking for a beating like this. After all, no one would be silent after this slap and insult.

But then, to everyone's other huge shock, the security guards suddenly burst into laughter as they greeted the young man in front of them.

"Arthur, you bastard! Miss you, man!" The fat man was a little more emotional and refrained from hugging Arthur.

"It's good to have you back, man! We got into a few good ones without that big head of yours!" The thin one only gave a handshake that looked like they had been trained for years.

"You can change shifts right now, put others on and let's go in. By the way, don't let this guy in. Thanks!" Arthur wasn't the type to show affection with a lot of people looking, so he just clapped them on the shoulders and walked inside. His last action was to discreetly give Cesar the middle finger.

"What the fuck was that?" Everyone was still trying to process what had just happened, with only a few quicker minds understanding. The young man seemed to be important or very well known, so he just walked in. And if that other one really stayed out just because he asked, then his status would be a little higher.

"Is that kitten your friend?" The girl had already almost fallen for Arthur's passive charm. Not to mention that he's just shown the influential power he has.

"Alright, show is over. You can continue to enter normally. Wait just a moment before continuing to enter." The thin security guard soon took care of the situation and ordered the fat man to speak on the communicator for others to come and replace them.

"Okay, can you move out of the way so I can come in?" Cesar had already been angry at being ignored and demoted to an extra in the situation. That always happened when he tried his hardest around Arthur. He wanted to be the protagonist, not the boring extra!

"Sorry, but you won't be able to get in." The skinny one didn't even give a second glance as he continued checking the identities of the people entering.

"How it is? You know who I am? Of course I'm going in!" Cesar tried to force his way in, but he was soon held by a hand with more than enough force.

"Your grandfather is calling you home. He said he needs to have a talk with you!" Knight relayed the "information".

"Say I'll come later, can't you see I want in? There's no place in this city I can't get into, especially if that motherfucker can!" Ceasar looked like a spoiled child now, wanting the toy the other one had. In this case, it was a pass.

People watching this had already started recording, with some from the very beginning because of Arthur.

"It's urgent, it looks like there was some problem with your master. Let's go now!" Knight insisted.

Finally, on hearing this, Cesar's attention seemed to have been attracted and Knight escorted him back to the house. Little did he know that another day of his life was on the line because of this.

"What happened here? Aren't you going to line up?" Charles suddenly came up behind Patricia and the girl, asking confused.

"Nothing..." Rolling her eyes, Patricia left upset. She didn't want to be around the shit, and her rich prince charming had just shown who he was without taking her.

This subject was discussed and soon taken to social media. Little did Arthur know that this would lead to some problems later on.