Primordial Times; the frist resting soul

It were that of wars came and conquered. It didn't need to be anything from humans or whatever the other beyonds could muster.

There wasn't any sense of where worlds started, mixed or ended.

It was of mircales that most being at all - fighting each other or at the things whom ate the worlds.

Gods. What gods? There no such ignorance. No one rules for long. All floors was a battle and would eat you.

A step on sand and you will have spent eternity being lost.

Mortal, everything is mortal. Even the monsters were call all agree are world eaters.

Dimensions have been already ate away, seeking answer to kill this hungery enemy.

It was coming to the last straws and ir was thanks to what we call humans to thank.

To thank them for thier ignorance, blindfolded and inability to comprehend.

It was the frist many types of races of humans whom learned to break the rules.

Well, there wasn't rules.

It was them in how short thier lives are. They way they teach blind things to thier children. Then this would be twisted later to the next children along.

It was thier nonsense that started it. They gave meaning to things that didn't need it at frist. They questioned, analyze then theories... then assumed and made work into repeating. Teachings that were twisted.

They domesticated our collective ignorance across many worlds. In having named things and assumed things, these names taught us to bend around them.

And we lap to the chance with pride... or for other reasons. 'I' still continue to question my part in all this.

It was humans whom told the stories and we... wrote them. A book that bounded everything all worlds could actually agree as truth. Bending was required for such formality.

I elected as the frist and for a while only sacrifice to such pages, so that no fool would rewrite these names... these rules.

My soul name... well. All know it as, 'everything'. But If I am to be my name... I will have to make sure these rules are followed.

Oh, humanity had such great plans and some very stupid. It was them that made concepts and controlled the enemy with dreams.

Thier existence of rules is what made the enemy a threat no more. Making levels? plains as they call it. They told me whom existed there and between them. There going to be some unwritten wanderers... but I will cross that when I get there.

After all, Human devised this sense of... Time. They walked on the ground and breathed air. They can reach into space but not make it to the edges of it. They could only surmised some agreement about a horizon.

You as a read have no right to question this, you exist in time outside this place. Outside my reach. You are many just observing and passing by. I am sure you have your version of meanings.

Humanity wasn't at all smart.

For one example, the heads of beasts on humaniod bodies. That is according to few that did write things. They had a civilization like no other so far. Something ahead of time for what they are, inspite of odd crocodile creatures eating thier souls when assuming next life. To be judged by society scales by the counterweight of a phoenix feather.

Another amusing set, else where wild freaks eating dirt whom. They made the sky a map. They sung hymns and created circles of star plots. Feasting at the solstice and prayer to earth for great years to follow.

Even the more primitive believe as hunter gathers. They are what they ate. They whom perpetually make a cycle. They hunt mammoth, rhino, Buffalo and even the cats whom ruled themselves. These gathers beleiving when they were to die, they became such things. Creatures whom hunger and hunted man. Some believed and twisted, Leshian are a great example. As will be the wendigo. The disheartened ones as I like to call those poor misfortuned assuming plays.

The frist ever beginning allow lords like death to be real walking figures among people. That such mythical creatures had place. Even the twisted were accepted.

One side took it to far. You could say life and death weren't the same when these many world nearly were less then 7 dimensions left of existence.

I felt that my soul sacrifice to being the lawyer was being... ignored. So... I ate four dimensions and left the leftover idiots to continue fighting.

I ate the most useful creative crafting creatures, all had potential. From what made humans to what could replace humans if they were to far stupid.

I ate most of what could be considered reality to protect them from idiots. Like life and death making monsters... well things without souls. Such soulless will have to be dealt with another time.

It would be later that this knowledge and my soul will be given to two whom will clean things for me. Because by human standards, I am the core soul of tomes.

I am and will one day be everything. I will consume it all and be all. I will become one singular once more. Thats thier promise to me... and they will never refuse it.

Souls made the rules. I am the keeper of souls in eternal rest. A pretty lie when needed.