
The building is torn at down at every brick scatter. Any remaining features of the pub site is the among of glass shards and the pungent linger of alcohol.

At her command as the leader of a version of limbo, had disbanded the breeze. The adviser stands at light bow to his queen, at wait to her commands. The Clothus with them in blacken cloth stripe, lowers in watching at a safe distance. Clever to hide instantly for the aura ahead of them.

"You are late, as always." The mock of a human sat on a bar stood, leaning on the perfect untouched counter segment. Inside his bubble was still unmoved air, cosy and warm for both syth and tome to be enjoying, "I have done what you promised of me. I have protected the pages you left behind. I am sorry that it took to long. Yet... the investigation into your disappearances have been going on."

"I demand you give me back what you stole." She makes a weapon out of the floor under her, a long sets of floating javelin poles. These pole soon took aim and a twirl of her finger tips, she goes to stretch her arm out to strike.

"Would you like your collars off? I am obligated to offer this service at the exchange of you helping the investigations into you past 9 lives." Sean wakes with stretching and then freak out form stretching out to ice. Jumps with snatching the tome and hissing at the lady, "Dont be so rude, judge. We can't have them wet themselves."

"Who?" He asks in flatten ears looking about confused. James direct tilts with her shadow, "Maybe I should have asked what."

"Give me my names!" one javelin would cut his cheek to scare him. Indifference as he continued sitting on the stool.

"My... she is slow minded. She came here to find them two strange ones and expects us to give her what we gave them?" Sean tuts, "No names that she is asking for in your pages, right."

"Of course..." James makes it a lie after, "Not. Yet in seriousness I did indeed give them back."

Well it is true that he gave the souls and equipment back to the undertakers. He gave them to the next king in line, so it were with authority. He just didn't give soul names, not his place to hand soul names like candy. No.

"Then whom did you give my soldiers to?"

"The lad and his pink haired friend had spoke with me nicely. They were trustworthy and are under your command. I would have assumed they would have came to go find you to report that. That is you literally had just missed them moments passing. Not that I care about how time flows." He is playing her around. She knows it but has to tone her anger back... as this mock human was some nobody that could not have realized much of his actions. Her mind, a likely grim reaper whom missed being slaughtered in clean out. Her turn to take advantage.

"I see... You are simply a passing good Samaritan with no intention of causing harm to what has otherwise been a total world disaster. You see, we are the clean up crew whom rounds up any folks in the way of world reconstruct." Many worlds and universe has a clean up crew.

"Is that so?" James playing along, "Would you like me to check any abnormalities for this area? I was on duty souls collecting when all this happened. You being here to clean it up will explain why death has not sent me away from this world." Playing her well.

"Its quite fine. We simply misplaced our copy to check which is why we didn't realize you were here. My team have sure missed taking you with them when you met them. Such trouble makers." She puts the weapons down and offers her hand out.

"No! No!" The enders of her shadow disobey her from walking towards james, "Run. No!"

They are actually trying to save her from James... not the other way. The advicer gets wind of it and pulls her out of reach. James had to readjust the jaw back to be able to speak normally. Pouting in watching the two undertakers bickering.

"Nightmare of enders!" A captive broke free and was running at any way possible. Flaying about in a fast four point run, screeching the entire time. Sean jumps onto its back and removed the soul core... tossed it into the floating book.

"Run from..." the last three were pulling the two undertakers way. These three turned into dust... James stood right where the backs of them were. A serpentine folk tongue narrowly missed in a blink. The two undertakers jump away distance, perfectly away to had been sntached by someone else's gateway.

"May the court systems play fair." James shouts to them and the gate is closed. Sean jumps James's shoulder as the tome hits square into the gut, "Once the court is settled with a final verdict. We will have moved all the souls and living we can scavenge to temporary worlds and have another big bang."

"Did you take care of the hive mind creature on the mage island shore?"Sean had to ask.

"Its doing us a small favour before meeting the goddess of life. It was her creation and it is her responsibility to choose of we need it in the new tome." Sean gasped, "Our tome... our original book has taken past its due. Its why the few cogs I would have relied on clean up are missing... thier systems and existences relied on a healthy book."

"I not going remember this all?" Sean asked.

"Only if triggered by our contract agreement or... historical repeat." James bows his head, "I will be lost among the millions of souls again... Grey will be on his own again until next time."

"Why didnt you fight her?" James breaks out of human illusion and began a heart wrenching deeds of soul ripping the memories of worlds and places forgotten. He hopes maybe sealing Gates of the untouched ones can mean no need to do this process.

"Sean... I am not a hypocrite. I too do what clothus do. Snatch places and souls of people. How we treat some souls is the same..." Does his soft explanation as he works on world breaking actions. Claws that torn the time fabric to square out pieces needed to be saved from starting over. Saving time for the new seamstresses of the future.

"You don't exactly soul contract folks into doing things." Sean disagrees.

"I ignore their minds and heart to make my contracts, dummy. To anyone else, that is slaughter without motivate. I am fair from perfect." Sean chooses to no longer ask things.

It were getting to uncomfortable for the syth. Yet... he could only stare at what is going on around them, worlds bare of any individuality. The total collapse of a entire sections of sigil, as quicker travel to long stretches of areas.

"How is breaking of this love?" Sean asked a last question.

"Because its a mercy to stop thier pain. If I don't do this, the title of ender will fall to someone more broken and worse causing destruction then I. I would rsther do it then inflect harm of forcing it on another to burden it. This is why Grey looks for me. Tried of someone whom doesn't understand maintaining universe balance means."

"Where are all the Enders that are meant to be helping?"

"God court across 17 universes... Thats going to take a long time. All those enders are better skilled in delicate stuff. They see me as just a name to put fear into the societies of justice. United to the cause of pleasing me." James was pawing about many things and of holding souls in his gut, "I wish I didnt have to be that." He see Sean isn't able to be anything anymore. Sean could not worlds adapt fast enough. Thus... was a soul locked in a metal cat ornament on his shoulder. He protects Sean as he is protective of the other vast souls in him.

"Someday it doesn't have to be that way." Time lost life and thus unravelled to the point of being at a end. The collection of many voices within heard him and answered accordingly, "Keep trying."