The war room topples

There is wonders of strange trophy collections from many weird worlds that had been conquered. Heads strange things are ornament fashionable furniture pieces. Materials stolen form those worlds, they would not act in natural ways those elements should act instead used as clay for the pottery. China plates and other useless nobility way of showing wealth possible. Salt cellers, four sizes of matching drinking goblets and the table decorations that used to be god artifacts or of minerals harvested off grand beasts dawned at the beginning of time.

It would all held splendor in the wrong sort of ways. Tacky that nearly looks fake, Halloween-like decorations that are real bones and skins. What has to be the worse truth of the matter is that there is no concept of death. Those body's still contain souls whom feel what is done to them. Unable to act out when you brain was scooped out with your own hands.

The meeting of human forms is how they look naturally to this world they made home. At truth it hides the animals that they are. They carry a broken understanding of how to do what humanity does. Outdated learning of human society.

Every being had their styles from all sorts of divergent ways of timelines, fashion that was erased due to their conquer. The more outlandish the more they hop to be noticed and favorable with thier highest rank lord. Often it were to show they not intentions of being the common filth.

This gang of folks are creatures of no agreements normally together but their soul past of human mistreatment has scared enough. All walks of estranged life in death together for the purpose.

All Clothus want to work out the universe but most of all why humanity across many versions seems to be... kind and cruel. This group focuses on trying to mimic the acts of cruelty by inflicting the same treatments they learned of humans on the worlds they snatch.

As any good mimic of humanity should have, these are just a group of high entitled folks abusing their privileges and trust by active changing court systems. They played the system and won big with being seat warmers above others. Now it was thier turn to be tyrants over filth.

"What of any news from the petty black coats?"

"The corruption in the 'ladyship' is in our favour... soon she will bring us big caught of nexus timeline to rule as kings! Plenty of small timelines to branch claim for each of us."

Among the servants whom puts drinks out, a beautiful lass in tacky well placed gems. Her collar was matching eye colour of a dark sandstone highlighted in flexs of gold. She lost her rights to control her body with how she gave them her soul name. Maybe she didn't even tell them her soul name. A toy doll of beauty for the face covered fools around here.

A victim of someone else selling her soul... in her mind she gave up. Her actions are mindless and lost of personality within those glossy eyes. Her soul, it fights for any freedom at any chances possible. Its the only thing about her that held resistance, it would always prove a point of making her freeze or refuse actions.

"Soon her ladyship will be like her little sister here. Our little..." The one in charge takes pause, "Over here. Now." Making her sit on him, "As we acted always." Like a switch her behaviour was switched, making passionate contact with and a little less stiff as before. Laying across and playing with hair or hung chain tear drop gems on his forehead.

This leader is the most silent and listening of them. If or when he speaks they all listened. There is a self image being up held, holding back the more natural animal instinct. The smooth slides of to adjust staring at everything is the the closes action he makes to his true self.

The overall covering is a toga of velvet like purple materials. Decorated by a scaled shirt made of rare metals, minerals, beautiful body pieces from otherworldly creatures and gemstones. His outfit matched his personal slaves rainbow colour arrangement, brightest colours lower and soon smooth in starlight necklace mirroring her collar.

All went quiet because he spoke and made his servant come to his side in a manner that its only to torture or show off. The few snicker in how deep that servant stare is getting.

Door of other rooms are slamming open, a breeze of power and energy surged around. A little of broken bodies or damaged building walls are apparently as the closer the gathering is.

"You set me up to die." Screamed at her highest pictch but powerless comparing to all of the nobility whom laughed at her. The room is silenced while a normal other servant was beheaded by her bare hands. The corpse tossed to the side with the Advicer going through clean up.

At the adviser shock, the servant fix themselves and continued thier work. A instant that he knew now that his partner is right, death has no concept among the world of Clothus. It bares a problem of why his ladyship has been unable to take her sister back.

"It seems you encountered another ender. What difference does it make to face another?" A left had speaker on the behalf of the boss, grins wide and at degree of twisting to look at her properly.

"No. This one is different. He slaughtered my entire elite team, stole the six souls with their names from my private collection. This monster isn't some simple joke you make it be." She breaks the table in her temper.

The close Clothus are stiffened still, low weak ranks like them would turn dust in her grasp. As of course low ranks sat farthest from the boss. Their seats mirror their ranks among themselves.

Within herself she had to make sure not to act to broken hearted as she has to endure the her younger sister insists of being passionate all over the one in charge. A dog on heat with how insist those suggestive movements are.

Anyone else paying attention and has been here long enough could make out that the servant was actually hurting the boss. Pulling off bits, making a breaks in the clothing. Those are not passionate kisses. They are full on blood drawn bites.

Yet still for her ladyships unawareness of this fact, it more that her younger sister is still 'alive' and not dead.

The deal is 'as good as dead' to a Clothus was more like living dead with no concept recalling past memories. This younger sister is meant to be dead, ashes that not bare shame. This was always the down side of hiring Clothus. She regrets the deal she made to sell her sister for power and place as a queen.

"And? Sounds like you're problem. We cashed in a favour for a favour. The cost goes up if you can't do it without our help."

There is this conversation of judgment by all the lower nobility having fun at disgracing this black coat queen. Nothing more then a tool. The table flexed with repairing itself... the bones of the creatures it is made of back together as they were commanded. She was disgust by that more then the Clothus mocking her. That the furniture was 'alive', its how she knew her sister was nothing more then furniture to them. That same obeying glossy eyes like the many heads as light source holders.

"I will prove some worth while to look into this mess, if my lord agrees." Cocky low ranks wanting to be showered in attention. This was simple fluttered with one gesture to make them sit.

"No." The boss spoke softly at first with travels in a echo, "I give this lady a few hands to take with her... a few servant's whom will prove worth. If they pass this, they can be given a treat. If they fail, its not on anyone. Not even little miss will have no reasons to falter because of them. Just bugs whom need squishing. A perfect solution for us both."

He stomps a foot under the table and put crawled thin figures at bow to him.

"You do as you are told by her orders. If you come back here, we will feed you." The three bow and crawl are her... sunk into her shadow.

"Have you ever heard that it takes a ender to behead another?" Hyperly asked by someone among nobility and that the dinner room screams in sheer joy of it.

"My advice is to steal the names of the one whom gives the hardest troubles. One you do... the rest crumbles." A weak rank whispered to the adviser, "Good luck taming the wild ones. They will eat sorrow." This was why the room was so full of laughter and joy... these pests underneath were eating away sadness and negative energy.

"In fact..." The right hand in command makes the room quieter, "How nice would it be for us to have someone make sure those worms stay in check?"

"Go on?" the leader wished to be amused.

"Why not send a recruited newbie to prove their worth? Sending a little certain snake..."

"Mmm... you make a good point. Have my dead weight brother go with you. He will be useless but at least his out there seeing the truth. Not locked away reading those dusty books." Snickered agreement howls among them.

Such bookworm had actually heard this, wasnt reading. No... he know the right hand clothus wants him dead so they can squeeze their new son to take his place.

This Clothus had nothing of wealth on show, nor did he have a servant of his own. He wasn't like other clothus here. He had no wounds, scars or had any experience of looking body parts. He had all of himself, no traded pieces. The clothing was common 2000's trends, a rock star torn jean look. Skater shoes. He was indeed younger looking and pouty. Leather biker coat with no logos or patches.

They call him a snake, not because he was any reptile soul. Snake because it was the hair style of the recently popular spy video game recovered from a timeline world recently. He is related to the boss due two coming from the same human owners from their life as pets.

The boss is a bearded dragon. This kid is the cat whom protected. Both died from being left behind, together. Neglect took the biggest toll. It were boss's worst punishment. Now that the boss brother had all the power, he neglected the cat whom in his eyes made things worse back then. Yet... this wasn't proper neglect by beardie. The boss sent secret messages and presents to encourage Cat into fending for itself. Cat does as he pleased at his own pace.

"I will be ready in the hour." Accepting this game. He had to make his own chooses and moves eventually. This wasn't the best opportunity, but it wasn't the worst so he assumes. The room is stunned that the brother can speak, let allow defy any sort of possible command the boss was going to give him directly. It was unheard of in how the younger brother left without permission by boss.

"This will not affect any current contract or make any changes. Those bugs I gave you are to be squished eventually. My little brother can defend himself if you failed. There no need to make a big deal."

She stares at her shadow that was acting up unnaturally for some moment.

"Come on then." Cloaked and masked suitable for off realm travel, no skin or sections were visibly human like. The boss waved them away at agreeing. The two undertakers open a gateway. Cat jumps through after the Advicer and before her ladyship.

Upon being the other side, the Clothus was as they were always seen as. Floating fabrics of cloth with a mask of stuck expressions. This fella currently in light was void black materials. In cloud cover when light dims, hues of red runic patterns scrolled over every drop and tendril. The face mask has also flexed a few red lines of features of his face... highlights to his mouth and eyes. The light shone brighter again, hiding the red away.

The Gate closed as waves of power is sent out to seek wherever Riddle and Hayto have disappeared to. As according to her powers, this is the closet she can be without being detected by something else.

The room of Clothus all shreik in laughter by such luck. So excited that they ignored the lack of servants around here. The boss being observant lift already too. The furniture was turned into ashes, releasing the souls of the thousands. The entire clothus law enforcement breaks through and cuffs every single one.

"The big boss is missing." Three different investigations leaders coming for this joint operation noted instantly.

"Issue the wanted poster boards." Demands to an assistant are made. Forensics jumps in quickly evidence collecting. The most important were that of the bodies of 19 ender beings underneath the table.

"Sir, a off world authority has agreed that this investigation is also their priority and wish to have representatives help oversee evidence."

"A title name attached?"

"The Elder of Enders, the soul tomes eater." read confused.

"Everyone stopped immediately!" Some smart screams, "This has turned into a god court section 19!"

Gasps of all and instantly all methods of evidence gathering is handed over to realm experts. The three leader team are allow to help and continue controlling minor evidence. The entire building was scanned by off world technology and the flood of strangers around here playing a sworn oath to have everything covered.

It will be a long case for generations to come. All of this was to be preserved for the longevity of it.

"Soul tome eater?" the clueless leader asked the expert whom got this investigation so high-profile.

"A Ender whom literally eats tomes of whole timelines; souls, space fabric and all. The rumours go, they have ate several universes. A monster that even god fears of the insanity levels scream from. You can not joke around them... they are to literal." A light cough, "In fact, 1000 Enders claim to respect and fear them."

"I think this is way over my league of understanding. I dont even know what enders are." A newbie then, directed to the corpses of some under the table. In the lack of experience, came right up to the corpses. To only be strangled to near death and had the absolute fear ripped from himself. He was let go, those enders not somewhat aware curled in any way to hide from light. He blankly stands up and had a whole team take evidence off him. Measuring the claw marks around the neck.

"Enslavement marks!" Shouted around by many of the team a bounty hunter whom specializes marks came to take control of the enders by rewriting their soul contracts. The allowance meant they can be turned against the owners. Sniffer dogs on a soul connection scent.

"This case is only getting worse. The punishment to befall the clothus cult responsible are going to regret it."

Nods of agreeing at the fashion of looking uncertain with that. A common way Clothus agree incompletely to prevent soul contracts.

"Universe laws just became multiverse laws." One of them corrected, "It is the first of its kind." That said has now unpacked a ton of misunderstanding and leaves these leaders of investigations terrified.