C8 - Feathered Acceptance, part 3 (last part)

"A very long time, I lived lives and have other life styles. I am both horrified and proud of my history. I will of course always feel terrible to be dragging use a long line of lives. Each keeping something. I am not af of my past, I am more afaird of my partners reaction to it."

"You sound all more like a spy then the real pet."

"You do look like a clover, sunny. Them whom from that house title are dirty handed fools that think to high of themselves." I glared through the prince, "Not a club or heart; they been to scared of crossing over. No.. you sir, are a diamond. Wealth carries a nice very assassins target on your back; for the moment you became famous that is. Not that tainted of a line but sure played a few murder cases like puppets on stings. Nasty tongues with crossed the wrong ways. And don't you worry; this is all in honest writing. Sure, go ahead and try to have my head for my rough words. I haven't been afraid of death for a while now. I have accepted being the doll to protect my partner. I take his wounds… but his to proud for me. So whom knows when it comes to the day he murders his first." That look is a creaked expression of some very scared clothus, "Aren't angels mean to be soilders in this war that lost it's meaning. A war start before the dawn of time to this realm and has dragged this place into ruin by the nasty influences. Sure, thanks teaching us society and farming. But you brought war and greed too. Imprinted into humanity brought them to shame by their four world wars between themselves."

"Who are you?"

"A foul minded ceature that refuses to give my name away. It's not some candy to be handed out to you little souled children."

"It's more foul then we imagined… how does the angel take it?"

"The angel see that a friend then a pet. Tame isn't part of it."

Camp has so far had the few visitors from this bar come around in visitation; as they been expecting this prince arrival there. There been some to sneak around and attempt murders or just the few to measure the strengths of the servants left here. None of the bar staff sorts but all the bad attractions about this place. My notes on them have been of how to idenifty them for later; that to be wary of when needed.

By the dawn proceeded to go into this place, my partner was out from my shadow. Cloaked and mute, I sensed that there was a lot of thoughts. I can sense he was trying to see things as the used to be. Yet, given with all he knew now and the story of twilight and the belief of what humans had seen of these places of the afterlife. He read my anger from back then and sees how much change I made to finally accept things. It weighs a lot for him to carry his wings. I hope nothing comes of harm for him to know better.

I mimic this cloaked hidden style; walking in mute and following the clothus with what they do. We write strictly what is spoke by our group and nothing else. We also cross mark each as spent trade and make no agreement or disagreement towards anything or anyone.

What is a remodelled table stuffed train station; dark and broken of all electric. The only light around these tunnels is that of the few candles and the very fewer magic casting light here. So this place would only attract the dead souls – this place brings no attractions for the living and is avoided by even plant life around here. The place would be damp for it being underground caves but… there is no sense of water but what is in the bottles. I bet it has to do with the cost of magic. The cold generated from the collective of clothus that roam around is what might have frozen the water into promofrost. The day it melts with being this place down in parts.

"You two stick around me… I can't have you first timers lost in there." The prince warned with being at the entry. This open section of a terminal as the servant split off to station lower then service floor. The services of product is just above that and seating area for common to rich follow with the floors between that and ground. Ground is the honours lounge; top players only and often where the living humans will only go to stop for trades. The only place in this bar that the living dare try – from the looks of it – tonights restock night. Barrel kegs of drinks being moved by the lift service that have working again (by slave pull system). A good way of knowing is just the vast amount of cloaked beings here on the lounge floor as all breathy warm human bodies. The three odd fleshy that are lizards walked oddly and have cold bodies. The majotiry of afterliving is self-proclaiming traders or title ranked clothus and demons.

We take the lone booth table out to the side; unused by anyone until us. We have the few staff come to take the orders… secret spoken then drinks asked. Minutes or so later returned with drinks of choose.

"Anyone got a method of congealing blood?" a new clothus sits… I do but I wasn't speak. Just mute silence, "Prince of diamonds; how's the chess game playing you?" This has to also be the owner or associate for them. Given that the drink flow to his hand easy without a word.

"Franky, you would mind not enslaving my watchers. They here by contract to me." Wow, like that was easy; "Freshy folks with clean wings; just here to keep watches on me."

"Sounds like you got them for the pure intent of having a alibi in some murder case."

"The moment I left the realm, everyone been talking about the murders that happened by my hands. Which have been proven wrong by untainted honest feather friend and pet. Good luck telling them apart."

"I count this as drink worthy… for all." Everyone has a wine placed in front of them. I took out a holy water and dropped in both our glasses; blessed the drinks. We both take our glasses from there and still don't drink them.

"Wow, they upper ranked in silent blessing methods."

"Try low ranked watchers. Whom knows why they are bellow ranks. Not for sale as they are worth the information they keep tracking."

"So this entire conversation." We mirror actions, the clothus way of agreeing, "Great… just do not try selling back information we already know." the blank no reply was followed into moving conversation.

They talked of their clothus realm matters and was often drewn out boring; but there is a under conversation going on. From how the spoke in body isn't what thw words were saying. Clothus have to be part cat in this conversation.

I were offered a note from my partner, asking to return to my shadow. I waved offer a hand in welcome to that. Sinked him away to better comfort. Crowds aren't his thing; which is strange for a watcher – they should be used to crowds. Maybe he was writing more information and needed the full focus.

"back to ghosting? They were doing that before we came here." My reply had to be with taking a blank book and making out as it I were writing, "I see. It is a lot of boring conversation to be writing."

I pause and 'stare' about that.

"I have a feeling you knew what the real conversations about." The owner shivered, "Watchers are extremely rare, more so out here and nosing in my business." I stare to the owner with wonder about if he knew that have already been watching this place a while or not, "You got to be the pet."

"In the silent mode – full cloaks and mute practice. They aren't what they can seem. This mine not be the pet." I looked back on someone trying to look at the blank paper pages. That moment of turned to stare deeper into them, "Then again, the reptile is protective more."

"Really?" I plucked them by the callor and stood up. This imp screeched in surprise, "You can put the imp down. Just a common spy." I study them for a moment longer then tossed them into a summons door – straight back to where they met their owner. I sit back down and dropped both glasses of drink to shadow. Hollowly sat there, "Wonderful. Remind me never to piss you off."

I tilted in ask but got on to continued writing. Fake writing and real writing. The occasional note on something else for later.

"I find it a shame you made a heaven deal to have them."

"A payment from a ranked upper friend… gives the lowest ranked watchers to take. They will be given higher rank upon their return home – if they go home."

"Home being back up?" the owner laughed, "After being here."

The bar is disruption with a demon's fight that had a knife land in front of me, missing the book by a hair width. Not even a flinch when it came to even noticing it. Just written down the detailing of the knife in the book in front of me and which one came forwards to claim it back. However, three folks did…

"Cloaked figure, give me that knife." I tapped the knife to return to a ring… yes another assassin ring. Write that down… Pour a drop of holy water and watch it dissolve into merucy (the only metal in liquid form at room temp). I collected all that in a vale and had it disappear.

"What did I just watch?" someone asked another.

"alright petty wing feathers, fight me for the damage."

"I am not the angel but only a eye witness. Fighting isn't worth you blood and ashes – you're either the target or the assassin; both don't want to be in my jaws."

"You a slayer?" spoke like a joke. But the thought clicked with those around staring at me for any answer about that. Then backing away with realizing that to be to honestly truth to be real. The only one's that stuck around were the unaware, brave or think themselves above dying. This included the prince, the owner, a grim that haunts around us and the ink nightmare laughing with the grim.

"You haven't any reason for fighting sis, despite the thearts." I hear from my shadows. So still I stayed with writing that continued.

"If that was a slayer; wouldn't it eat us? and not speak?"

"Unless it's that trader west from here."

"didn't that thing die of age or something."

"Just rumors." A sword through the table It will burn me if I dare try touching it. Holy water going to do nothing. I just sit here writing like it never happened. The nervous tick in my lower left eye.

"Stop intagonizing it." someone here to point a syth through this demon, "If I were correct to assume I knew that voice; they did used to eat you lot for the laugh of it."

"Old grim, you're ageless as always. Whose in need of that extra care in reaping or is this holiday?" my partner froze with his writing, "I remembered what happened, how confident you are in taking me without fear. It helped me in other ways I didn't expect. Respected as always, specialist."

"Sheesh it is you." The bar clear out of demons with a reaper like them around, "Not the meat taker anymore."

"I live in a brighter life now, above the need to hunt. Who knew mango was refreshing?"

They joined us in greeting and ordered a drink; clearly holiday. Tells a few tales and has my partner in joining to met them. But I were still protecting of hand shakes.

"I guess you would be wary. A living mentality to refuse the touch of a grim. But it does curse folks, so you make a good point."

There wasn't much to be told about our knowledge of each other; just the painful story on how I left this place. The souls he moved off since were more interesting then that story. This linked at some point to the grims openly disscing the issue of the soul stuck in the clothus ring; sparking many to ask about it too.

"You been keeping a lot of folks out in the dark about you, lizard." The nightmare snickered, "You must really had been the bird of twilight… even the nightmares like me are scared of something to happen to us… in that fashion. You single handedly triggered this mass mix of laws."

"I didn't even know; it was after the 12th that I wanted to refuse… but by then I witness some vaults already slaughtered – as humans locked in boxes do. Locked trapped souls; I sense it had to be me to make sure they were checked for souls locked in places. I wasn't expecting the grim to play to full slaughter… which only made me feel worse.

Then without a moments freedom; to be shamed in a clothus contract… witnessed the death of that realm's most famous. To die watching them dust beside me. Make some peace to them. I had to make the next life I live something to pay back my wrongs, aware that even now those haven't been creditedly finished.

It's like I had fallen from whom I was; good or bad. In most ways, today I accept my burdens and the debts I have yet to make right. Even if it were lifetimes ago, I often still have my same exact nightmares… not the one's you think I mean."

"So even slayer's have to be plagued by nightmares." The owner still misunderstood or pretending to.

"No, I said that they aren't the same." I sigh, "Besides, I make no big of a threat then them stupid vampire butterflies."

"I do wonder if she makes things up or it that they are real."

"Oh, they are real and even nightmares fear them." the owner lightly laughed, "this place was nice swamped around here with them but I been making sure them pests don't come back. It takes one to infect, and take three to be a slaughter house here by the locals."

"I seen a few time that fleshy folks living and afterliving get caught up by them… takes hours to pick out the right ones since they seem to eat souls."

"That makes more sense." I have one my collection taken out for that note taking, "here I always thought it was some form of toxic venom but soul taking is reasonable."

"Excuse you?" the repear huffed, "Since when was that a fact."

"All theroy, do not stress it my private collection." Waved the ink dry and back it goes and back to the false writing. The repears both glared about me and then looked at my partner with a degree of wonder, "My partner has nothing of interest to you both, maybe a few question but even then… You leave them alone."

"Fine by me." the sepcailist showed defence, "I seen some nasty work you did with skins. I hate to see what you do to a human or a clothus."

"You forgotten my rules. I didn't kill the talking folks."

"yeah, your still creepy."

Conversation turned new leaves of life as there is a international web of news to spread between them, all of course written down. The place has became tamer since my word echoed here. I withdraw to being of any notice; as did my partner. Background folk to be forgotten.

The room of people slowly floods back to a normal stream of folks; the owner left us to be chatter boxes. The grims passed some good advice about this realm and drags out the fear from them. There was soon some honest words from them to my partner; making him see to understand things better. 'To learn from the past is to make sure it never repeats'.

To finally leave here has finally us out from the shadows; stepping out the tunnels to the moonlight.

We are finally going to the angels that are to take us home. The journey has been quite a reveal for Castor, I haven't had a proper conversation as of yet. If he sees any less of me for my backgrounds or not. Such a question; I trust that he must be somehow still comfortable with me. Although learn so much about the working system from an outsider view, the views of those we over hear and as ever from the views peer angels.