C9 - The lift to...

"Welcome back, could I take the written journals?" the stacks offered across to the watchers that of higher ranks from us both, "Sir Joseph has requested to see you both to the focus room."

To be back home around golden gates of the security check; close enough to say we are home again. The contracted has came at it's end with folks taking word of proof by the other watcher can have vouch of this in testimony. Things were adrift with how I returned items or followed my partner around. I shunk to a bird and hide in his shadow when time came to talk with Sir Joseph – a another with a task for us to follow now our orders with the gerenal under him were done.

That we hang around some key places around the living gates for information; to be exact was to look for information of missing comrades or vital information for anyone that might appear to come forwards with anything. To be ware of those with tricks bt heed them.

I had us stand to the edge of this hall when this conversation was finished – because that wasn't the agree location to speak to this 'Sir Joseph'. Castor caught this thought to; in undering our combined teamwork to sneak around over to where we should have spoken to someone.

Brownie points as the faker that spoke to us go scooped off by others. It was a surprise test or a unexpected one to have been done (this faker wasn't what we planned on listening orders from).

"Perfect timing and nice job to have ignored the fake." Hand reached on my shoulder which I hand take and place to my partner (the twin effect tricks folks often), "I see, I wanted to show you something." Hands on shoulders but in directing gentle way. He could have intented on shoulder touching in a friendship way, "Here, this is the controls to the focus of hevean on earth. All can be watched as long as it's in range of the gaze or not in the shadows. But it your trip with clothus, I didn't even notice you at all. Despite looking out for you both." So been watching from above all the time. Expected it that much, "I did caught up the few times in seeing you but always to quick to fade away. I have to say, it's almost expert levels. Better then the few watchers above your current ranks."

Mimic bow in thanks and the mute manners. The long stare for the amount of wonder does have us share a stare of confusion. He shook out of it and directed us away from the controls; not letting us touch anything.

"Here here. A rookie and pet in watcher duty. Just returned." From leaving the sight master Joseph to being handed off over to a lady of wings and many weapons. She lowered as there is a substantial height change, "I could hardly notice them. Maybe worth you time."

"Watcher duty takers." She tilited in checking the expressions, "Which is the pet?"

"They are." My partner directed to me, "Often almost like a twin." I was looked at for a while.

"If you find me rude, I don't mind being something more simple."

"It's not that… just find you above average – both of you. Archangels are rare and you mysterious pet is just top graded rare too." I was given a nod to move off and I took a nod with fluttering into a large bird. Taking a perched seat with another bird. This bird was a death bird and is here for emergcany use… no other pet dares sit with one in fear of dying. I find it sad for the clever crows that have long interesting conversations.

'Good evening crow carrier, anything new?'

'oh? Not scared by my duty?' I stepped a little closer and kept an eye out with them in their scanning looks. They would maybe hop off to take a glance under the arch way bellow but returns back here. Such a majestic flight taker and fearless. Them eyes read through you.

'I was in your place a lifetime before, so I don't fear death like others do. You clever crows often have the better conversations then these lot.' I fluffed up with settling here and keeping a causal witness duty. Mostly those around my partner and the body language they made with him.

Look of weapons being of threat. My eyes went from them to the flocks of creautres around here as partner pets with angels. The commands of pets over real conversation. Animal's are inside readers but over look the easy stuff there for misunderstanding the meaning behind commands. I can read you like a human would but go further as a animal in my scan of looking at anything.

'I can image it from what the little ones talk about. The older one's sometimes ask things or have talks too. You be the first youth I seen try.' The crow watched me deflate with just being a normal acting 'bird'.

'Not a bird really, they see me as some black sheep among them. In some ways I understand it and respect their reactions and other times I feel all the more alone for it. Just as it were when I was you.' My words were welcomed by the crow as it guessed I would be if I was sitting here with it, 'Do you ever get that impulse to want to tell them I more normal they expect in their heads? That I mean well and never harm.'

'Plenty of times. Being a carrier for the grim realm has it's cold reactions from those your meant to be helping out of an issue.' The light cooing froze with watching some folks walking around, 'Looks like my call. I hope to talk with you again.' Drived off and lands to a shoulder of a grim, this grim coming forwards to speak to my partner. I hopped about with lining up my flight… the frozen with looking at some other bird watching me intently.

"Never thought I see you again, fledgling." The clever hawk from my hatching days and training to live, "What are you up to?"

"Kate!" hand lefted in waiting for me.

"Waiting for them." I drive off and landed so gentle on his hand.

"You called?" I tilt with looking around folks, "What? Never seen a shapeshifter or hear a pet talk?"

"Both of them things with the level of language and intelligence you got."

"I wouldn't under estimate the few others around here. They are clever too." I walked around to his preferred side he wants me on and have my head on a let buanting with him.

"You would both heard about the twilight story, right?"

"Not this again." I commented.

"I thought you wouldn't want this." My partner muttered, "But if there something that can't be helped."

"Might as well." I agree, "I in the understanding guess that what you meant is twilight of the shroud that took over humanity."


"Yeah, what exactly about that time are you asking and why bother at all?"

"We were going to sent on a mission to c

dig up better details… but how does a pair like you already know this?"

"I wrote it."

"I read it and hear it from them."

"There's original written text?"

"My personal account of the events… not a happy memory. Twilight is an old name of mine and I have only started to teach my partner about the events. I couldn't be sooner or later with teaching him." I get the odd stare and the dark glare of a grim, "Don't you stare at me, grim. I made peace with my actions eventually. You folks need learn to follow basic fundamental understand of theat realm."

"Gee, thanks. You would happen to have an idea of where you died back then."

"Those bodies and ashes were already sorted and respected in burial. Best leave corpse where they belong. Nothing on them of value, not even the cursed ring now back home to the clothus from the last I heard of it. That and the other few items… no souls. The lands already sorted them since you lot couldn't be there to take them."

"Ouch, you do have a nasty tone with grim." I have my mouth closed, "In a life after being that bird, she did go back to put the land at rest there and helped out the vaults the grim missed in the cruades." My partner get the odd stare, "I read her books and had my questions with them. I think I just getting my head around this whole; she remember previous lives like yesterday deal."

"Still hung up on my greeting to that grim, then." I commented without my normal voice.

"yes and how do you do that?" I bend feathers like fingers and he sighed, "Right, never a real shape other then the dot trade time."

"Yep, but not my colouring."

The rant off the side these folks sighed and were trying to get over a bunch of the conversation that already confused them. Overall the got that I could answer some questions that needed answering. Much of the same things I have already gone through; three left from the group of 8.

One ran away before even arriving there. One was paid money but killed for being in the know. The lady friend murdered for being in the know. The hunch men and servants that my last master fought. They were killed by him or from their contract with the wrong people (tricked souls). The two whom left didn't take anything and just assumed they find the place again in another season; never returned at all or were murdered since.

My master died by our contract and by the fatal wounds sustained in the fightings. I died with him but contract agreement.

On my return, souls were already go but my last master trapped in revenge within the ring key. The gems of greed were spent off as trade (because in that life trading meant more then keeping it). The rings of the beloved (I still have them and I would have kept my master's ring if the spirit didn't lash out on me for having it). The pieces and ashes all contained in a mass grave and three individual ones.

Fitting really.

"What about you? Which were you?"

"In what sense, from during the time it happened and where that body ended up?" nods of asking, "the skull I kept but the rest of me was buried beside my late master. It was fitting for that life to be place there with them. My tag and the late master's ring were taken by the group that followed me to the gravesite. They were looking for a more recent assassin spot (which they did fnd after this one), crossing my territory when I was material savaging."

"Oh, that does explain how the ring's back in the cloths realm. But they stumbled there without realizing the significance."

"One must have to made it a big deal; resurfaced the rumor around my late master… it must really still piss them off more. There were starting to be to many in my terrirtory that I had to be on the move again… very busy around there."

"Why have no demon hunter came after you during that time?"

"If they weren't clever then they made good stew."

"That explains the meat cooking notes." My partner hummed, "I don't think you need to go back to the diet. Or if you do, it be a sustainable and not talking spieces."

"I take your words on that…" I scratched off bits kept all calm inspite of what I looked like.

"Fix up." Castor reminds me. I shake and have the part returned.

"What race were you?"

"I were the dark hooded trader, the only living at post town ruins. Moved up until I was finally alone again. Then just sort of, build from the ashes I let ruined a lifetime before. Taught humans to survival skills and returned back a lost order of societies. Made a proud community; lasted all the way up to the earthquakes… proud people I wish are out there still."

"Would say that again?"

"I were a hoodied trader among clothus while being alive. Is that harder to grasp then me help back humans from extinction? They weren't in danger for a while anyways… the security systems in the few I were helping would have dusted even repears."

"You heard of the machine dolls?"

"I traded with them too." I take out a nut, "and was allow to fix things too. Needed my help as much I needed them."

"Would they have surivied a earthquake if returned back to those vaults?"

"I knew they would have."

This was news to them, and once more I pass my ask to the bird of not repeating history. It understood now and stayed.

"You have been talking to the crows again?"

"They have the better corpse stories. I also don't want the shame of my action be repeated by another. It's a terrible chain on ones soul to carry." The grim stared darkly, "You're top folks would be with them. They would leave them stranded. That was our agreement."

"You are the twilight raven."

"Yes that pety soul forced into a bird puppet and be told lead grim to metal vaults. I thought it was wise you do what you lot do always, check before snatching. You lot snatched regardless… my shame for leading you. My pain carried in stories. My regert tainted like it was great might tale."

"Calm… no one here to do that again." Being pet has me grounded back to sticking as a bird shape, "They have this grudge and had found piece with it mostly baring the few details. Those details being the unresolved revenge of her last master and the promise can't be broken by grim; since she promised to be the executioner in it." That look, "I can't change her words on paper and she wrote it more then enough times to seem almost crazy… but stepping back – if I were there; I think my actions would have led to the same results. If it meant protecting the remains of humanity; which is our duty a time before."

"wow, you been coping with all that knowledge and not once told anyone?"

"Would anyone listen if I said the truth or would you all have gone running to repeat history again." They looked at each other thinking about it, "I find our portray by humanity almost fitting to whom we were to start with. Guardians that protected over folks, helped miracles happen and be kind. Sure, we are soldiers but for the act of helping the realm recover and not die by our acts."

"So many factions of angels; do you ever wonder why? Why some are botanist or skilled markers or good teachers? How those skills could help… in spite the realms fight back." My wonder has them ticked on for a long time with a thought like that. Muttering other realms they have helped by being there in that sense before. Talking like healing the taint away was some known point from the start of all this. The grim was in their worlds of thoughts; trying to makes sense with the dot connections of information gotten from elsewhere. The long stare through me.

"The reptile dark hooded merchant that slapped hands of thieves, so matter the realms they come from. So many dead laid buried when they reported to duel this merchant; always something to mark them out for reapers to find them. Someone that makes craving charms which made good trickets of luck… so popular with one regular."

"I often started craving dog, cats and the few cute mammal; a entire batch of double dozen. Something equating around the vale of holy water or six to ten gold rings or a prized piece and a half. The good trader would have gems of trade too… always deep colouring and goodish quality."

"Shesh, you logged your sales?"

"Yeah… got a problem with that? Clothus are right annoying folks when wanting proof of prechs or authenic documents to company my art. So very popular that bones took up my inventory and craving each took about 30 mins to an hour. A lot of profit in just doing the little side extra form just hunting and skinning things."

"You didn't happen to change genders."

"Does gender matter when one can be anything? I think I made this argument before. I could be the preferred lady shapes or the occasional gentlemen if so needed. I fooled most in think there were a couple running my wasp nest stall. Good free grub, honey that clean any gashes."

"I can't deny that you knew that life to the detail."

"I don't remember trading with you… unless you the gem asker which soul hunted for wages, the one that always made me sale out of bone figures or the few strange clothus asking about rings." Scrathing again, "Something like them; good trades with them. Other folks were normal to be not regulars."

My scratching out feather prevented from self-harming. I shook a little and dropped skin flakes of a scale look. Still itchy.

"Shedding are we?"

"I hate it when my eyes peel, makes me go blind and I don't like it. Itches irritating skins." Really want to itch a new spot bt still prevented, "Seen the shed coming with the month before scale drop."

"Yep. No itching… it's annoying when you talking." I hummed in feeling miserable in itchy skin. The hand petting me cooled off my need to itch a while.

"officially what is their original size?"

"The last whole shed was about man hieght."

"Where is all that mass?"

"Compcated to explain really." I hummed in a mope, "Storage is best said. Like clothus storing their servants sort of storage." I danced with a good itchy spot, "Messy shed today. Peeling patches… so annoying."

"How about we continue talk tomorrow and report yourself here at dawn? Meet other folks going to be very interested in all you littled secrets."

"Fruits breakfast, sound lovely right now." I danced off my partner and rolled about. Looks like a dirt bath to any bord watchers twitchers. But the satisfaction of having skin peeling off was so good.

"Bath, food, report bed." My partner pointed at me.

"bath food writing bed." I repeated and got have a flick match with what seems my right wing, "bath off skin, fruits foods, write notes into diary, write reports of actions, bed… nice comfy pillow or spot… dark spot." Go to itch something and pause, "What about you partner?" fixed up my way of standing, "You sticking them before bed?"

"Yes. Maybe talk about the details you would want to listen to… as long as you trust me with your dairies."

"You can use them, but I would like my orgins back…. Copies don't bother me. I would make sure they translated into angelic latin with censureship." The look of worry, "You can leave out the meat recipes. And the index books. Them not worth the information for this case."

"Index books being the race one's?"

"Yes, them with brown inks in over 90% of pages."

"Right, not touchable ones…. The red one's you normal say don't."

"Just not the black book one. That's… that isn't a nice book. Best stay away from that; nasty demon curse counter spells; demon names and whatever crazy voodoo. Not nice magics to be used by you pure folks."

"Right, I didn't even realize you had something like."

"reminds me to do a vault take… if the mummy hand stayed dead in seals or not. Messy nasty things." I pulled cheek, "Itchy…" I walked off without flight, so I could alter to my original shape, "Back here instantly if you mess up my seals. I will know if they are tampered."

"When did you seal things?"

"it took several months of orginizng books and vaults, weapons pile, banned items removed. Spring clean really. Didn't want nasty curses hurting folks and nasty bad to touch winged." Peeled the other cheek, "something like… whatever. Don't need my things escaping out my storage. Spiders were hard to find to begin with… vemon or not." Peeled nose and sneezed into shadow somewhere smart and back out with peeling out the nose, "pretty pets."

"I haven't heard of a pet owning a pet before."

"This is why I treat them like a partner then a pet. Just settles the difference easier. Bath."

"Bath…" I voiced in mimic and then altered back to mine, "Good night pranter, don't stay up too long either. Early morning and drained from long walks on living side."

"Sure." I coiled about with peeling the palms first. Then like some weird walked on my toes in a march to go have a bath in the pet pools. The walk isn't far when taking shadow cuts around rooms or down halls. My colour act isn't going to work with pale shed ruining it. Go have a chill out with the larger reptile pool – yes they keep gators and things like them here. The larger the man swamp snake's a partner to someone up top. Rare to see them here… making my bath time in this pool tonight arkward. I have no doubt I walked into some sort of reptile conversation between that and the largest gator. The low gurdgling and nose whistling in how they talk.

'Fruits nut is back!' greeted by the one's that like me and the fewer that missed my interactions with them. still a lot of other conversation, 'you're skin peeling.'

'skin peel with the larger I grow. Someday I be like Rob' the largest gator. Be so proud of me, I hope.' I sink into the warm water and sinked all the way… then coiled up. Poked my head back around my friends, 'I missed being here during my assignments. Nice you are.' The few do the silent tap on my head as their ways of thanks, 'lovely earth but here lovely warm bath and nicer foods. Duty worth being a part of.'

My words got the swamp snakes attention for a brief moment and it goes back to Rob. The other all looked up in watching that moment happen and understood to take that as to back off. I bath with peeling and collecting my skins. So engrossed with trying to pull my tail clean; I was full emeged in water. I stopped with seeing I was being waited on. Back up I went staring with a bowed greeting.

'watcher returned back from the earth after gerenals orders?'

'yes, that's me.' I stay lower and respected them where I can, 'what needed to know?'

'You spoken to my partner, a angel with the partner bird and bones death.'

' yes and conversation will continue into tomorrow. Told by my partner to wash since shed was interputting thoughts. Honesty sir, the rule we respect for them.'

'tell about this twilight, if anything right?'

' long history and have all information. They going through that now…'

'you already have that information?'

'yes. They sort through it. No nasty pages.' I am glared at as if being hunted, 'promise honest information from past life… honest as life were then.'

'past life?' it tries to inspected about me, sniffed me and backed off, 'slayer.'

'changed now. prefer fruits and veg. No fuss and no death… I prefer it then guilt.'

'but meat is what we all live by as a reptile. You shouldn't ever be shamed of being a meat eater.' I seemed to had them help peel the few peels off, 'If good talk goes on tomorrow, treat yo to nice meat.'

'I hope not hunting it or meaning harm on them.'

' natural unsickly death… promise no hunting needed.' I have my head tapped, 'my partner twin of lady partner clever bird. Smart pants learned my language, despite bird.' I bow with watching it slivered off to be clean dry. I study with how they moved and then go back to washing alone… the rowdy lot have other fresher conversations without me. Over the 2 hours of peeling, I was finally getting cleaned; soaked in of the holy water's purity. Washes away the dirt that incrusted between scales. My eye's were the last to shed and pulled clean without pain or issue – finding that I been being watched by a few angels. I want to guess allies or ghosts of my memories.

"Excuse me, but are you a watcher's partner?" I came out and was asked questions, "talker at all?"

I coiled to be of eye level and tilted about them. Scanning their things on them looked at the marks around them and the if their shadows were normal. All normal and all real angel folks.

"What is it exactly you wanted to know? I have just returned back from the middle living lands and have no interest in being a bother if there isn't anything I could explain." They looked at each other and stood back… this could be because of my colour altering. As I feeling cold from being out of water. My eye went to the towels and my tailed picked on up – wrapping up with feeling colder in standing here, "Would be nice that we speak in a lounge and not in a bath room."

"Right, we wait out here." I nod and go have a pick through clothing in my shadow. Some short time, play with loss teeth and I walked out in a mimic of female version of my partner. I greeted with a light nod, "You can call me Kate. I am still that reptile from before. I shapeshift to suit those I speak to. What exactly were you interested in me telling you?"

"Was there anything on the gerenals still there?"

"I have no mail to return from there. You will have to check the normal post routes. As for at the time of meeting them; they all seemed well when we made stops to them. Camps seemed fine to me; as expected with dealing with not just hostle enemies but also hostle locals." They frowned oddly, "Thankful no predator terrirtory was crossed or nest spots…. That's lucky to miss."

"Right, you have extensive knowledge of the land." I nod with this statement so far, "So the crazy fake trees or people or plants eating people…."

"Yeah, normal threats for that realm. But it's them venus mantraps that make the sweeter fruits. Dot's are afterlife haters… good traders for living folks. I could continue yammering on and bore you. There has to be something you wanted to ask exactly."

"Did you ever change to your original shape on you visit?"

"Yes, having to shush away dot's that knew me in my old life. Nice dot's when they just wanted talk." I see they have been comparing me, "I just had shed so, I have that if your interested… this time was a messy shed. So my full length is hard to measure from it."

"You're that more larger now, how big you think you grow?" I looked around this room and was comparing distances.

"I have to start bathing like a human eventually. Something like that… it will work out." I see they are trying to get behind why I seemed so causal with them. That my personality was like speaking to the mock they are seeing, "If there is anything else, you can write to me. I like the idea of pen pals… but direct conversation is fine too but my duty with my partner as a watcher will come first. To over view some cases you will likely ask, I happy to help.

Now, if you may please do excuse me. I need to get some rest. I have a long early morning tomorrow. There is every chance that we will end up speaking again." They nod with understanding and let me go off.

Something going up around here, I wonder if more happened then it seemed while we were there. Going to the eating halls and sneaking as a blend into the crowds. Taking a seat alone but as if a part of two talking groups. Eating a full meal with the proper ways of eating them like they do. Blended in as among many.

To be joined with another watcher to sit across from me, passing a notes and the stake of mail for us both. There is also so much mail under my older other lives names… some even as a servant from back then. I nod in thanks for the mail and back to mute silence. But I have been reading the note that was given. Asking how long it be to get through what I have and there is still more.

"The old tales are often twisted turth but there is some facts still within them. thank you for all my mail and on behalf of the dead, thanks for their mail too. I make sure this is all sorted through within a week. Reading such languages takes time. I do mean all the mail not just the bundle handed to me." they nod glad, "Most of it will have to be sent towards the clothus anyways… despite their soul being in a ring; it's not going to stop them from reading mail. The jerk was always like that." I have that odd brow raise from the watcher, "if you knew them, you hate them to. Another thinks themselves above others type… always mistreated those lower then themselves. Foul mood." They stare deeply, "the clothus was like that to me. how I remember them."

I finish eating and broswering through for the interesting ones or the cursed ones. The some of spell craft to read and the few idiots. Have letters for official offices of several realms; each asking for my statement in speaking to folks or about my trades. The plain one's are the more scary one's…. I haven't a clue with how to read them or they meant anything. Maybe they are activations when in area or certificated to something.

That watcher was gone over time and I finished eating before anyone else was. Placing dishes to wash and helping out with some minor clean up duty. The few grim letters causal conversation from old friends.

I had to start a index of people I knew. This was of big help when connecting folks to each other. The muti-tasking is easy as I didn't need sight to clean tables with. I got to writing up my report of the trip overall and my opions (the only time that they are accounted here) of the places we been to. There is a lot of detailing in how I hope my partner coped with the reality of that realm; wonder if he understood cycle of life and death.

'It's hard for someone that doesn't remember lives to recall any thought about what it feels to be alive. Yet in other ways, dispite being a part of the heavens; even here has it's own version of feeling alive.'

I circled about with wonder where to sleep tonight. As we don't sleep in the same bed anymore since training… but no bed seemed large enough… I am just going to have to work out how to deal with my size. I walked around for a while; pondering if anywhere is suitable.

"Hey, something the matter?" A hand to my shoulder of someone reached, "You been walking around for quite a while…"

She smells sweet and like plant cuttings. Her wings are a strange vibrant green, more so then avareage. On stretching out one, hidden feathers included gold, red, creamy grey and blue. Very interesting.

"Oh, I just could find somewhere comfortable to me. I didn't mean to disturb anyone."

"I thought all these beds were comfortable." They guide me back around an area that seemed fitting But sigh and disagree.

"I mean not to be so rude, I knew this place is comfortable and safe. I just find my original shape getting to arkward for these sorts of beds. I also haven't been paying much attention for where I been walking" they smiled lightly in ask, "I am a large reptile that can shapeshift. When asleep, I note really forced on what state I look like." They looked around getting it. There isn't many places for something like me to sleep. Helped around with collecting bed material. Directed to a space that hardly anyone come to use. A reflection room, sometimes as a punishment room or a prayer meditation room. Not a lot of folks use it as much for whatever reason or that folks have moved on from needing a reflection room.

We padded around a corner away from being of bother to anyone still needing the room while at the same time being comfortable in here. With a goodnight prayer, and being left alone to try and rest. I found myself light sleeping and only partly waking with anyone that comes into the room.

My assumption of it being unused seems more wrong. Drifting over the course of hours of folks walking in and out of this spot. None of them ever spot and most times stood in a length of staring into space; making mixed expression and walking out again. No one disturbed me in the slightest when it comes down to sleeping in here; I don't mind the company.

Waking for duty had me staying here in the reflection room to finish the next sets of important mail; those blank one's needed only to be read in darkness.

I come to have a full introduction by a shadow race hidden in the between veils; a letter is intro and basic rules, a letter in the nearest contact with their type and the last letter a register ask; just to mark a number among the collective on a wall of a between used by others. That number mark will be my new shadow rank name; no such thing as ranking above and bellow with these shadows.

They are like as described as the regret and negitvie emotion never carried through; forced into a humanoid form and seeks justice in action. I qualify among them for having their storage and sight… and regerts carry over deal. The letters really say it all. Just another race to be secretly written into my book of races and name to be added in my network people index. Filing letters to folds or cloth bag to be returned to my ex-master. To be up in the burn pile or spell cursed one locked into a vault. The between door leading to the shadow gallery will be here in my storage hidden with it's powers of masked darkness (hung on the door frame edge) in waiting.

Around time everyone has breakfast I shifted to a blended sort and stepped out of the reflection too. I checked for anything I left behind and if things were wrong to leave – nothing out of place and no one in there. Just the perfect moment to be walked into by some passing folks; no one I have interest towards normally.

Let this settle and follow along through to the eating hall; to be find my crow friend looking around. I looked up the the death bird perched on a arch way (it peers to be looking for someone). I stepped around for light cover to convert into a bird and hop next to them.

'good morning carrier, someone here to sweep?'

'ah, I was looking for you. You should be joining the higher folks in the next room over.' I looked at the direction it directed with a wing, 'death grims spot for holiday rest too.'

'god dinner halls?' the nod and flutter to guide me over. I have a last check for anything wrong around here, 'something just seems not right about today.'

I fluttered over to follow and see the crow land with the highest grim here. I looked about and see many races of high importance or abnormal to their race's. the few in here that would belong to hell – welcomed in a neutral room. My partner is around here in the watcher's post behind the lady we spoke with yesterday. It has to be my judgement day or something like that. Of that I would be of use for them all. Look like they're scheming a plan here. I stayed in hovering around with looking at where is empty and why or where its not and whom they seem on the surface. I landed on my own chair; be keeping this bird look.

"Your carrier must have returned successful to be back here."

"This will mean the one in question that we seek knowledge from is here and that we can with their permission move on to matters." The girm of the highest order here looked to those that are here, scanning around for me. Didn't even notice or acted not to, "The death's uncounted in the living middle realm were explained by your books… and is accepted theory without proof. The insistence to claim this is the human lands… plenty of evedeince for this to not be the case. That agreement written in blood tieing out hands to our backs."

"I am one to be afraid of grim; or at least I used to be. Took a long to to get over the whole death gods are just salary duty souls. There to do a job to keep a place in balance… yes, a long time observing before and after the nukes. There still folks alive that know that like yesterday; alive because the technology to help them was a major success." My words echoed a while as thoughts sink and folks moved their meals away from themselves, "Yes, a nasty memory to put anyone off. But this is a land to never sugar coat you turths and lies. The fall of humanity was bound to happen with you lot or not – ways of living weren't sustainable back then."

I hopped about as a bird with claw picking the best fruits and avoided meat like the plague. But very partial to having an egg raw… it's not hurting anyone to eat an egg right? Would be smart in a bird look to eat this. Hopping all the way down with how quiet this place is.

"Do need to be so silent. None going to be dead by me at least. Last thing I need is to be a murderer in this lifetime; I could do that to wrong my partner." My point moved some folks to leave, "You aren't interested in True king cards then… ok. Bye." They all go sitting back down, "Clothus are very preditiable these days, they want something out of reach. Like working with toddlers; not meaning any insult to the master mind among you puppets. Very clever. Very much exactly as I thought you seemed to be."

"What would that be?"

"Don't you find it interesting your realm counts as a living dead plain? That my friend, isn't truth either. Clothus are very much puritorgy, the upside down, the opposite… my best quote would be if the living realm is yin to make your realm yang. Fitting… counter oppsites to the human side. Very fitting. All the number used to be in yin and now they are yang." The noise of few nails peeling the wood here, "I have a lot of old newspapers, phones, old ai robotic friends to slap you all senseless… freezers to lock folks in… there was something else to add… oh, the ruins and maps comparing todays earth's view to 129,034 years ago."

"Where you been hiding all that?" a archangel stood in shout.

"I would of course be stupid to carry all that on me but the majority of little stuff still in my inventory. A few skulls too; because I forget to bury stuff."

"They mean it in a sense of being a savanager and letting corpse be buried under soil; a human ritual to putting spirits of the dead at ease. A proven fact to work on folks in small ways."

"Small makes the bigger difference, partner. Shouting as the highest get no where. Speak as among the lowerest of that society; you will change everything."

"Where is that from?"

"A fact of life, partner. Speaking as the lowest voice to becoming the loudest. This social order also seems to be found in many sub-soul cultures… something I been noticing more." I get a strange look, "Don't worry about my meanings. It doesn't matter for this conversation." I have fluttered back to my seat with a plate of fruits. Shifted to a lizard coiled where the chair was. Well mannered to eat like some civilized creature trying to mimic their style. Cutting potions of everything into size before even eating it (not the egg – that sits in a cup staring at me).

"permission to review this evidence." Several screaming and then pointed fingers for the debts to roll with proof of authentic value. There is a lot of this back and forth arguing of things we haven't talked about yet. I listened to everything that I could make out from the hysterical grinning in my hears.

"I should have paid more attention to the jerk – I guess I have make do with being lashed out at by his soul. It's not like anyone cares for him like they should have anymore." My muttered turned those next to me silent and backed off. I chomp away are a few bits of the fruits, this silence from someone next to me made others follow into silence, "What was his problem other being a jerk to the folks around him? I use to think it was just because he was a clothus and lacked aspects that seemed natural to me. In looking back at terrible times, he just lacked confidence to say what he meant and just was always parriond. Paranoid feelings proven right when it came to that nasty clean up the witness job of his death. Sure, even now they weren't expecting me to speak up but hey. Life does like to kick things sideways and run it through the fan."

"What point are you trying to make?"

"I say, you go ask the dead your questions if you all so pissed with taking them from me."

"By asking the cursed ring?"

"Yeah, just through the ring on a corpse. That would likely sort of work."

"Excuse you but that's a terrible idea." A grim hissed, "souls don't work like that."

"Wow, you lot need to take a vacation around a community of humans or ai; then come back and tell me that again." I see that there is a black sheep here too… or a wolf in hiding, "Say, Mr Darkmore. You were there that night of the murder of the true card king; why don't you yammer out and confess already?"

This exact clothus stood up and with a weapon to hand tried to knife me. He broke the defense of folks stopping him and got right over to me with the knife to my throat.

"This child is stupid one." I noted while grappling point of snapping something, "Knifes are for cutting good meat and not dulling on my fine scales, thanks." Peeled out the knife and turned to the mock ring of which my ex-master would be in, "look a fake assasin's ring that the mock of the ring I was making the point about. Isn't that nice." He was trying to get out of my grasps for a new knife in a free hand, "This child doesn't learn…." I coiled out of form and held with many of my limb pinning in to the chair I was just sitting at, "Don't dull knives on my scales. I told you that. And I will tell you again."

"Don't eat me." they plead.

"Confess clothus and maybe I might not have to consider drastic measures."

"Never." So cliché, moron.

"You're not the swine that paid the contact for the mob of servants. You aren't the fool card that broken your promise to the lover. Which you were having this three way steal the lady but in the end she too was murder for being a witness? Not the worse jerk to make me sit there and watch him dust? I was both hateful and thankful but very much considering revenge on you."

"Why haven't you?" A grim asked.

"This wasn't my revenge plan anyways. I have no real interest other then finally letting that jerk be free of his anger." I pout with looking at the mock ring, "I knew his had enough now. He should let go of the past and move on. Not that he would listen to me. I were a terrible bird, manner wise."


"Yeah, the raven that he enslave. That my…. Meat bag, was me."

"Then the recored make all the more sense if you were the raven."

"Yeah, I had a public name to be haunted by too… thanks to the jerks tell tales about me." I glared through him, "'have you met my death carrier, the misfortune soul was tricked by a grim to become a bird and was tricked by me to enslave it? I don't need to give their name but I also like to call them by the colour of their feathers; the twilight over humanity.'"

This clothus started shout all bunch of stuff about the wrongs they made and what they did to the clothus realm. He confessed and so I passed him over to the guards to look after him and his broken hand.

"I think that once the courts roll over that conffesion, witness by us all here; there is going to be so many folks finally content. Finally they can let go of their sorrow, angers and regerts; myself among them. Finally something put right again."

"That's why you lied about maybe eating him?"

"Yes and breaking his hand." They looked at the clothus for the fact that I did, "But I guess it's defense since I had two knives on me." I handed them over, "next issue, since the clothus problems can be set to the side for now. Your topic should move on to something else."

Fluttering of voices that spread, as I have to recoiled back to something suitable again. Mimic a seated humanoid with normal toned human quality. My listening of whom is saying what and tracking the points being made in several conversations; there has always been something bigger then me going on. Just happen to with held the most about what they needed or wanted to know most. Having all this knowledge but not being told the meanings of some words and why roses matter on corridors or not.

The mix of talks about the water clouding over someone's pond and this talk of missing souls making larger impacts in place that are keystone living places. The worst being the talk of them all; the loss of this realm I once called home. Like it wasn't always a broken corridor into other realms to begin with. With less humans to keep it all in check; worse things are crawling out the seams and seeping into places they shouldn't much like how I was a slayer in a realm I should not be in (according to their lodgic).

"Twilight of humanity, how did the handful of humans you save escape the syth?"

"Why would I tell you? No one here want to understand scince and understand concepts of balancing elements / aspects. No one here wants to believe in what really is in front of their eyes and all wanted to be blinded by you own theory of what you think there is." Talking of my ex-homeland and understanding it was a series of open corridors which held many veil doors; I knew humans kept it all in check. Now that check is gone.

"Why did you answer to that?"

"Twilight of humanity was one my given titles in other lives." I have my eyes closed with how I listened to everyone and hiding them from being looked at as a lizard quality that they are, "Given so many names over those years of trading, became a urban myth for several races and just always being told that I were the creepy one – regardless feather folks or nightmares… no matter the spectrum. It still doesn't matter now."

The rumble of talks as the few folks take leave, they will find I erased the doors from there sight. A trick of shadows and bending light. They walked in cricling this room and taking a seat back down with us all.

"I quite miss humans and not so much in other aspcets." I continued it rings out to cancel others voices, "They kept us all in check, made the laws make sense when they didn't. The life on the skin surface protecting the softer layers. Realms are blooding out because they are gone; souls disappearing without any account of why (but this has always happened and had not been noticed until now). Connections have became blur and stories have to many voices speaking their sides. No longer simple to just be what things were. There was always war and you have thrown the chaotic order out the metaphorical window. Doubt that it will spring back – but it does in harsher ways."

All these folks stood to look at why the doors are gone but I am alone at this table. I wept with knowing how alone I am to my thoughts – of course they aren't listening. Not really.

"Do you think they heard you?" My partner takes a seat with me where they all miss around.

"Not one bit of it. Not truly. They don't understand. If they want to see with there eyes they have now; then they will never change. Change needs to happen for things to move on. The doors right where they have been always; but blind they are."

"Let me out!" weapon of a syth trying to take my soul.

"I love to see a reaper try to fail again." I spoken so softly, "A threat of having my soul taken from me; it's made me accept death to well. Something it blinds me from the beauty I used to enjoy."

The several attempts later, tired of trying and of the turn of the specialist. Whom admits I am the one that just handed it to him. This has some folks blink in wonder of what they just heard. Someone from the outside opened a door and closed it behind them before anyone could understand the door being there.

"I was asked to have this delivered." A package, "That it be to some maskless face."

"I want assume it be me…" someone among many already here came over to look at the box, "Not mine."

"Then it would be mine." I voiced and the delivery carrier walks over with it, "How nice to be given my titled new name by this method? Say, partner. You would mind if I acted a lone a while?"

"Fine but just no harming others and breaking laws…" I had to linger a while, "If you break them, I will have to punish you with something." I sigh and nod. Stood up and took the box off their hands.

"Facelss mask would be my unranked nickname… this mark." I traced without seeing, "Is my signature letter touch. Fitting as it had been…" My form broke down into shadow and dissolved into the box; cause a stir of folks to freak. The unchanged from moving is my partner; well aware of our shadowed tricks.

"You will have to wait to leave the room, unless you can see the doors just like I can." My partner told the carrier, "They haven't moved, it's not like she can peel walls into existence." They looked back to the door they were through and find it gone. Stands back from this. Most come to have a sit down again.

"What did your new title give you?"

"Grim taker? Something like that. Some sort of twist on being a grim collector and judgement maker… slayer eater… something. I guess living realm warden is best placing."

"Warden of the earth?" My partner asked, "Like one of the few titles that pick their host?"

"Yeah, but it's not like that. There are govern bodies behind the titles but go unseen by sight of illusions." My box package is placed on the table by my partner, "You think that I shouldn't show? I am a terrible horror."

"There can be beauty in horror, just as you wrote. In some twisted ways; of not my taste. I could get why someone would see beauty in stranger and darker places. Nothing can shine without darkness."

I did alter to best suit my new gear, including the feared syth having it too altered into my style as something to wear too. A young lady of short cut hair and silver eyes of any snake… the short gothic tight dress hugged around as a lady's style formed to be. There is no expression to be read from a grey clay mask of no features (but of where the eyes cut through and alter for fit my expressions or even blink like eyes on a normal face would). Black with a hue that seemed like blood colouring. Heels of my shoes have seemed impossible to walk in; clicked with stepping out of the shadows.

I appear with my hand on my partner's shoulder. Brushed in greeting with a light stroke across the cheek.

"Madam Death?"

"No, that was whom held the title before me." I spoken gentle and without a tint of life. No breath that clouded my wording, "I am no one, currently. As I like my name to be forgotten really."

"If your going to break anything, I have to ask why." My partner voiced.

"Name's from history that wronged the earth. Those whom hurt the souls of the innocent, souls that still suffer without being heard by your ears or seen by your sight. Blind they were to thoughtless actions. Taken and enslaved living; now haunted them as nightmares and murdered for being whom they were." My gesture of touch echo with my words (cover ears lightly and covered sight; the extra arms from no where, "You don't speak to them as they are tainted folly to you, feathers." All arms off him and with one to hand a scroll of names, "Names that on trial by systems and escaped justice or names of those fallen where they should have. To save them is your job, partner. Those names that are blood are to be judged and taken; governed by beyond our understanding."

"How come they fell?"

"Took the blame to help others they love… or something like that. Complex is each case; it's not like I like this name and duty. But I made a promise and this is keeping it."

"I did say it best to keep promises." He goes through the list in reading as I stare across to so many folks in mixed reactions. Staring gaze over to the grims and how they looked with seeing me.

On to the ones that wanted to take me, walked over so smoothly. They blinked in missing on how I moved to them.

"Escape my wrath, yes… I forgave you before. Tied to a chair, left to stare, left to thrist…" I have a middle arm reached out to take hold of their jaw, "Took nasty nicks in that syth, nasty cuts in my skin (so you believed my body were decoy wax model). Wanted pain out of me, not even that was enough." They tried cutting a arm and moving away, "I would and had forgave you. But I wasn't the only one. Not the only torture restless soul you hurt. They couldn't forgive you like me." My claws scrapped lines on their skin, "My goodness gives you 198 hours to go ask their forgiveness. That is how long that scratch will take to take your life. You better please them… they asked for worse."

Claws away and let go. I dropped this fool to where he is going to find them.

"My the lord be their guide is finding answers, salvation and forgiveness." I prayed, "Let the myth be their guide to unbind the bound over sight. Let the mysterious life take time it needs and come back to find me with a new view."

"That isn't religion." The highest grim peered, "Just belief in everything and nothing."

"Yes, but it's better this way in seeing all faiths accepted while not at all. Most of it was erased with humanity and became nothing but dusty misunderstood books." Hands rolled examples of these books at a glance and back to hiding they go, "I tried to understand them; reading them. Makes no-sense. Nothing of it does."

"Do you have a quirl with me?" he asked in a tone of fear. I gave them space, letting this grim ease slightly with seeing I wasn't interested.

"You are fine as you are. Watching eyes over those that are your apperantice's, it's hard to watch them grow and become above you. You haven't wronged the shadows beyond and none made in your actions. Mostly through indirect ways; that you can't be alone in fault of. Forgiven is all they are to you. Continue to watch those around you, guide them to becoming better individals. Order and chaos are sides of that same coin."

I spoken my answer with my back turned away from him, a step slowly as I danced back around to my partner coming to the end of reading. Faced with names we haven't came across before. I lifted a hand out to pointing to a clothus (a clothus with a servant). Another arm in reached around to a name… a and that played shadow sinking. He sighs and stood, I backed with space and let him off to sort that. Watched as he walked into that shadow storage and back out with helping a angel servant. Prayer on them has broken contract and restored their wings from fallen status. This servant isn't blind and could see the doors of this room, walked out of one and freedom. I tilt in asking if my partner is fine with what he done.

"He wasn't the intended person to become crused." I nod with accepting that's how he views it, "There will be others… like this list." I nod and waved the shadows away; the doors back as they are. I blinked so calmed as cat's do towards their owners and have a stare match.

"Arrest it!" My many arms pulled behind me and allowing to be moved as where asked to, "to hell it should belong." They tried the summons to hell underneath me and find it morphed into heaven's gate.

"You haven't wronged anyone with your reasoning, it was out of duty to the name your given and even then at a personal level you weren't harsh to give the wrong answers. Honest to the heart, inspite being the least angelic thing of heaven."

"Oh, to kind. I gave up eating meat to enjoy being with you. Such a awarding reason. It's why I don't go back eating the dead." My extra arms were not grappled yet guestured as I spoke, putting action into words, "I don't think there are anymore names here. I would like to go back to my causal."

They get the nod of approval by the major's around here, letting me go. I shake off the feeling, altering back to a mimic look and still sitting looking pretty.

I had no masked face and back to being the female version of my partner. Even with a light smile and not letting my eyes be to noticed again. The most of folks got the answers they wanted; that there was someone that remembers what happened in the past. Something that knew humans and knew how things used to be. A thing that seen the fall of clothus and the sins of grim.

"Jst how many secrets does this reptile keep?"

"Plenty but I understand why. There shouldn't be things told to pure types… if witnessed to the worst to happen; I don't think the memories are nice to be retold." Castor voiced gently, "Yet there are also things that can be told, your not going to believe and can't be explained. There are times this is my partner and other's I sense I can tell this was another being before. Same soul and character but change of chooses the lead to different expreinces."

I listened to everyone left in here, there were some whom came in; given the bird carrier came to sit on my shoulder and whisper some locations. I weren't smiling but in a sorrowed pout; my hands writing out these locations as they were spoken. The bird stayed to speak in bird conversation about a good tale about how to pass hell without being shot or eat. The best bits found by this bird and good resting areas alone (but in prime spy spots). The peace left from those speaking in here; folks speaking of matter's that I couldn't understand.

Sometime about their rules and their views that they questioned. A point of culture clashing in a good way; sharing that some things seem the same despite view differently.

"Kate, would you have anything to add?" I looked up from my writing and shared a stare with the carrier and back to them, "You weren't listening?"

"We weren't." I voiced, "To what exactly are you asking about?"

"The point for there being two places of the afterlife for humans to go."

"Ah, there are more then that. There are three most common ones that are shared between religions and then there are the places between them (forgetten a drift through by accident or nesh belielf areas)." They peered at me like I lost my mind, "My opinion of why this is… no one soul is the same. Even twins that look the same don't share the same thoughts or emotions. The closet anything has to being like that would be a robot. Cloned copy of each other; said one. But then they talked in the divide of expreinces that shared." I sctratched my arm, adjusting a scales underneath, "They are strange lot when trying to befriend them; just takes one mistake for all of them to know about it." I wipped my colour back to normal with not needing to itch there.

"What's a robot?"

"Oh, you lot haven't met them? Now that's interesting… It must mean they took my advice to core." I sigh. Being met with a grim blde cutting through several times, "How many grim is it going to take for them to realize that is not how to remove a soul of a slayer?" I muttered on, "Like you lot never learn from the last meeting or some others you must had to deal with."

"Fine, but I wanted to look at it."

"I don't trust you grim. I have a terrible past with four of your trainees and nice visit with the speacilist. I am not about to just do as asked without some sort of understanding of what you think your going to do with my soul. I was forced a bird and I am not having that happen again."

"It does explain why you skipped out a childhood of growing into a bird." My partner muttered and spooked folks, "I was allow to read their books, the vast majority of them."

"Which one's are you keeping from our partner?"

"Tainted pages. They are sealed an valuted for good cause. I don't want to bring out the four horsemen for nothing."

"How do you know about that?"

"Clearly you people don't read bibles." I sigh with my partner, "You recon they regert not bothering with the remains of humanity for a reason?"

"They will start to." They peered at us as we mutter these comments about, "Got a spare copy?"

"Mmmm… I did. I know where it is. Not here in storage. With all my teacher stuff…. Vault stuff."

"Yeah, where would that be?"

"You upset the locals if you go walking there and they will shoot… despite using primitive war weapons. But hey, they might had a up guards by now and data storage problems by now."

Someone pinned my shadow, and for once that hurt. Reacting with a hiss and alter around them.

"Hey, they likely didn't meant to step on your tail." My partner brings reasoning and I stare right through this fella, "You wanted a apology for that?" I nod. The stare trade with the hands in defance.

"Sorry for hurting you." I got off them and looked at another lost scale. Peeled and put to storage… same sort of area as the last one. Weakened spot that I just have to cope with making sure it's untouched in future.

I coiled into serpent shape on the floor with where I am, getting to about chest of a few folks in here by height with how I towered. I study the reactions of the unpreaped some and huffed with expecting it. Pouting now in my coil with being a no theart; staring around and back to writing.

"Say, you seem a trader sort of thing that like passing secret with secrets." This be the masked fella that almost took my box, "Say like got a private office or something?"

"I am not in the mood, mask. I prefer to speak openly to a point." I see it tries the summons thing, "You find that don't work on something that moved on with their regerts. I know you hold some chains but they are no baring to me in the slightest." It stopped trying and glared darkly at me, "You do realize I can speak other language that can't go being heard by angels… like this moment where only dogs, grim and foul souls like ourselves to hear."

"Fine, this goes off record, watcher." He sneered, "the leading few are looking for your title; to be on ask for duties off books. They have every right to take you titles if you refuse them."

"Does it start with having to peel your flesh from the bone and spit in your eyes?" I blinked innocently, "Thearts are threats and break no bones. Take this title from me, fine. Take my mask if you dare try. You find that the earth will only hunt you down like some sick dog anyways. This is my advice for if it comes to it. There will be no running from a world to well connected with it's afterlife; stretching eon's and beyond grim of death. I will die, so will those whom steal my mask and names."

"Warning taken."

"Advice, mask. Not a warning. A warning would have been less so… darker sounding. I know I am much a sinner as a saint. I accept that my life is as easy to give away as it can be taken back. I accepted dying a long time ago with trying hard to make little regerts for it."

I get asked to leave as does so many others. Altered to a hawk and soon to perch on my partner's shoulder. Eyeing back on a room still full of questions they have forgotten to ask. They must be as lost as rest of us. Weird that they can't find their ways without humanity… how long until heaven's floors give way to the weight it had to bare?

"Say you two, come with us… you make perfect watchers over this next part." I peered oddly with misunderstanding who and what these things are.

A room full of jars and many craft clay tools. Sand piping and skins of dead things. A roll of souls around from a team that strips dead of here into bar component pieces. These are what angels call markers. They are like a subclass of undertakers; the very creators and destruction carvers (gods) of heaven. Every angel and every soul passes there hands here at least once or thrice (three times for angels).

"here, take this." A bottle of something, "You both are protected with that… I promise no tricks." Yeah spoken another doll manquie face. They look like robotic art pieces with how the joins and looks. But they flow with living movement and speak as normal (despite no mouth or unmoved one at that). Masked? I want to say so – looking at the visitor among them being like them.

"Earth?" One was dragging the visitor out and I blinked in hearing that name. They… these lot are the personifations of the planets they are to protectors of. Earth being the illest and broken at the moment.

"Hey, drink." A bottle to my talon is passed and I seen and drank this before.

"I am not thirsty right now, thanks. I have plenty." This figure crossed arms, "I once lived in that realm; don't think of me refusing to drink sea water rude. I just know what in it… puts my mind off drinking it again."

"Oh, really?"

"Hyrdogen, oxygen, carbon, gold and trace amounts of minor elements. No I am not a machine but hung around them to be sick of them talking." I placed the bottle away as the rush of return of the 'earth' fellow comes about to grab me. I stay really still, not liking this but not wanting to hurt them.

"Dark Marchent, slayer…" I go get carried, I pouted to my partner that shrugged and get on with notebooks. I am carried over to a dissection table… of which I was put down and allowed to fluff.

"You have gone mad." It's twin reder looking doll that you consider the next door planet.

"If you're earth, your brother there is Mars? Right?"

"I knew you were to clever to just let grasped by." My wings pulled out in checks and finding my glare darker on them, "Ah, sorry." They let go and I bend a few feather abnormally to dust off and stepped back with bird staring, "Is there human's left?"

"I know so… not that I seen any in this lifetime… in the correct places. But there still many hidden in the creaks and veils and paths. Still so many hidden and alive and the most know frozen in cyrostatus." Just saying that backed it away from me, "You not been paying any attention to humanity before it when to nukes? In fact, how else did they make nukes? Laws of the afterlife were so strict and humans so blind. They were clever too, science was their developing thoughts of the worlds around them."

"What of machines?"

"Still some around; some super bots come and they go… memory storage issues. The cars and machines that built the cities; ruined but could be worked again. Labs to research into making life better; still there and waiting to help clean waters and one day work out the radiation problems."

"I don't like this creation."

"This isn't a creation I made; it's self-made from the realm I made. Proof that sentient life can become real and revolt."

"Wow, it takes this long for you to work that out? It be the next ice age in 90 million years when you figure out…" I stopped talking for a while and just looked around. A sigh with finally getting it, "So when can we sign a paper about equal rights and wage war about it the month after?" I asked, "Because that's how the humans got through that. Or was it trade deals that they went to war about? I bet I have the newpaper for that…" they frowned with that talk, "Does it bother you that I remember things? You find that you back records about slayers prove they have soul memories."

"I don't think your joking." The earth sighed, "I have to ask your advice before I do it."

"Do what?" I asked, "Why me?"

"I intent of reversing my age and state; starting over like the dawn of time." I altered with now do that grab checking thing with this fool, "Please stop, this is annoy." I let go and coiled off the table and into a human shape. Sitting on nothing to them, "Uh, shape shifter?"

"Yep. I am more confused on how you go about doing that? The vast amount of soul you reversing in this process and the very collapse of existence around here. Unless this worlds disconnected to things around round them… how? How would you…"

"realms are made of threads of veils which are weaved to make a existing plain. The more weaved the more lives are created and destroyed. A process that we do without seeing the lives we often break. Variations of the universe altered into newborn status is common. It's life like you that is rare. Humans they come back at different primitive states for every new change. There is realms of existence that goes untouched by our work; there the laws are different."

"You lot play god with the entire universe and you never expected it to hiss back at you?" this hits a nerve with mars. So it seems mars used to be a habited planet of live like earth until things changed with the sun. But they also control the sun…. this is all highly hard to get around.

"So my ethical issue is reverting that time and damage back to nothing."

"What happens to all of the others of the afterlife? Aren't you aware that they have souls that came from you or your pals?"

"They reverse too, all but us in this sealed room."

"We will however keep you here. and we don't do this unless he starts…deterating. We all do."

"so you get fixed up at the same time it takes the universe outside to exist again?"

"Pretty much."

"How long do we have, really? Have until the core of centre is lifeless and a atmosphere is cold?" I asked with so much raw sorrow even looking down and tearing up, "Will it be worth it for me to be here? Be haunted by the memories of a place that didn't happen or existed anymore? Or are you going to try and erase all of me and make me a clean slate? Make me a puppet to these games you played?"

"Sapph… Kate." I glared right through this being for daring to use my name, "I…" the study of how unchanged I am, "I am sorry for failing to protect those that needed it." I softed up so much more, "I will be a more careful watch over those I create and protect them as long as they follow the rules." I laughed lightly wit a soft chuckle, "What?"

"You're laws are to complicated for folks, but never change. In many ways, without those laws; paths through towards other existence wouldn't happen. The creation of sentinet life does many good an bad things. All of which makes it out fine for the surrounding realms to itself."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to live to understand and seen what I had. To be in my shoes, and being a part of the roller coaster." I smiled so naturally and for real. To find they are are unravelling me as a mistake to be erased, "Right, I was the mistake, huh. The regert that you want gone." The pause of being pulled apart, "I am sorry you seen it that way. It's not all that bad, but what of my partner?" Directed to how he was being erased too, "I think this is a mistake but I am not going to haunt you. He will, taking away his start in life. I hope he learns to forgive you with you mistakes. Thanks for your time and I appreciated learning from this life."

Pulled all the ways through to the core and creaked and then broken into pieces. Shattered across time and space of the new dawn no feeling and no nothing. Just that it all started again.

All back to how it should have been, right? Is that what you asked for, god?

Why play me like a fiddle and burn me like some witch?

Can't there be peace more often?