Which abyss?

The tunnel network of cavrens held scars of mix developments of time. Some sections held charging stations for robotic folks to dock at for small periods. There were also posters from the first through to the four world wars among humans. Relics such as mixed hybrids of new or old technology lay rotten around the station floor. For what could be bullet trains that were steam powered magentic drives, were rusted burnt out caracuses that spilled of sooty bits.

Presently to this influx of corridor between time cloth was now set up as a gate entries into four very different versions of abyss. Each Abyss held very different content to its brothers. Three of these gated abyss were littered in what were bones of things either trying to leave the abyssal dimensions or things trying to entry. These three entry's held a god eating reptile - each mutated to suit the abyss they are guarding. One steals other beings bodies and puppets by force use. One is the abyss, meaning its stomach was the entry. the last one was always hidden, laying around camouflaged. The last one showed less animal traits then the other two - it enjoyed eyeing the three human gate holds that were their so called neighbours.

In a rare occasion of how things have been, the three human folks have came to sit on a waiting bench beside the platform, they held their entries of their abysses ahead. Making small talk of what things they crossed, killed and then throw into the doorways.

"I had told my lower servants to stop allowing the damned from making a mess of my home. Yet then I were told that this mess did not come from my territory." The fine suit of silk is smooth as the very skin of the lavished gentlemen wearing it. The common traits of being from the 'known abyss' is having the adaptations to survive the voided light areas. Pale skin as white as snow. Eyes without any sort of indication being eyes - black sunken sockets of gentle flooding of inky liquids. This emperor of sorts is the puppet whom sits above abyss demons. The local militias whom keep the chaos from spreading to much. He wishes to spread the chaos eventually without losing all the cards in play.

"It can not be of my world. We care only to seek to bring the light of the sun upon our lands once more." A lord of ashes, embers and cinder - whichever it is behind the scenes that runs the plot. Because no one really knows and only continues crazed internet discussions in trying to disprove or prove facts from opinions.

"You're from a videogame series that focuses on making pain for the ones called players. Not even letting the weak survive the tutorials." The one whom lost his wings for playing with mortals like toys, well... one of several interpretations of such being. This one is a persona whom it the key holder of assumed hell, a hole in the floor where sinners are dropped and left to be forgotten about. He the poor sucker kicking any escape artists from climbing those walls. The hole goes so deep that it, that it too is a abyss.

"Anyone checked if the three god slayers guarding the insane at by lately?" the three content beings took a long dreaded thought of hoping the other votes to check for them. The long pause of sipping their fancy party drinks passes.

Such answer comes to them at freely, as the terror of a half ashes damned runs towards them. Kneels at plead and it whipped up around the neck. Pulled backwards into a doorway of one the god slayers making. It gurgling for the damned to shut up. The door vanished, the three end up pouring new refreshed drinks. It was common place around here and brushed off the shoulder. Doesn't really stop anyone shivering at the awareness of how close to the god slayers they are.

"So same as always." the silk fella taking out a strange green vibrant liquid, fills the glass and tucked away the toxic bottle. The lord of ash too with breaking the glass neck of a new bottle and pouring the orange content in one quick motion. Not caring of it being a waste of his resource or not. The ex-angel plays about with his glass, thinking of not part taking in a another sip of something. He needs his wit for next hole visit, that is if a higher demon make a mess of things while he was gone or not. Annoyance in knowing some fool as left his hell twice now. The true sinners will come crawling back, accepting fate of punishment by divine way of laws.

"I regret nothing!" announced proudly at the stupidity of confidence only a mortal human would assume.

"Do you want this one or should I?" the silk guy asked, that of agreement of the other two to allow the silk man do his way with the idiot. Cursing the fool into a mindless tool, broken down to meat slabs and thrown into a convince doorway of godly making. Upon returned back from leaving, this exact same fool pants with some gut. They caught grip of themselves, bravely makes a step forwards.

"I still regret nothing."

"Ugh, your turn." The silk guy waves up with tossing responsibility to someone else, The lord of embers came next with a good boss battle which only had to be 9 seconds. This mush of what was a being twitched, rag dolls and fades.

"No. Not a thing." the lord repeats his battle once more and admits handling of this weird one to the next option. The ex-angel did even allow the arrogant brat to say a single part of his line of words. This fool to be head slammed to the nearest surface and thrown into the pit like the other many sinners. The fool did leave but was fed to the god slayer on the way back to pissing the three human shaped abyss holders.

"What a freak." The wave nods in agreement. The reflect of this happening more often is becoming a problem.

Even the slayer now happily fed and was cool with the three mock human abyss keepers had also nods. It showed awareness and intelligence that made the others caught off guard a while. The drinks were no longer worth taking anymore, and the end of this social catch up is at the end. The discomfort of how this was the start of when things became more busy and drowning around here. Each hangs about their doorways and conserved strengths for the long hull of battling the endless mindless sinners that crawled from inside comforts of abyss.

In the meanwhile, hung back from watching it all were a more hidden abyss holder. A Timeline Ender whom held nothing but a void book of broken names. Eyeing the off changes of events, seeing that things were not as prescribed to the many timelines it had witnessed. The broken body steps into form within what little light that allows this abyss corridor into view.

A golden chain necklace shimmers briefly, held with a oval locket. The pictures in there was of the family the served mage royalty for generations. A soul exiled from his place of magic for being the least adapt of it... at the cost of having his own son never know of his heritage and privileged as a noble mage. The same son whom by twisted fate was for a while the cursed servant of Mark Darkwoods; the kings brother. For his timeline, he broken heaven, earth and hells to tell his son the regrets he died with... at the cost of erasing everything that once was... just smudged soul names across a book of torn pages. There is hope that the timeline of himself of their cloth could not fall the fate already played in this currents ones hands. A hope.

"Maybe this time fate will not break her rules." So the low broken throat croaks. It takes sometime inspecting a poster. A image of a human person, that is just enough to jog enough memory to pour this image into himself. To appear as a mock Human of passable glance. It is plenty enough to go seek out the cloth protector in the living human state they should be in. That is without doubt a royal mage... its just a matter of working out which.

"The Elder is a good soul with compassion... with the enough rational insanity to help you pull your threads together again... ender." The god slayer appearing at the mock face, "that way to sigil." the tail points to the light, "safe travels, little ender. Let him know that i still have 100 slayer eggs yet to hatch. that I am no longer the twilight that shrouds humanity. Only simply a mother to the lizard souls. The fools whom been poisoned and mutated into one of us."

A last bow of grace, taking color more correctly to mock flesh as further into the lights of sigil the lone damned goes. A sinner seeking penance and with a message from a god slayer mother.