Fears left behind /the masked judges of shadow law

The invention of a living being came as more a happy accident for the primal gods. Brought with sentient enough life that held their own thoughts came the powers inherited by their creators. In the the basics of wanting to live, you had to fear hunger or loss of basic functions. Sometimes these fears became more elaborate as the more active thinking the minds that created them were. Now suddenly there was creatures existing beside the living ones, doing as they were thought to be.

A little truth is such basic of life needed to realize what was boundaries were. This were at the cost of breaking a few simple laws. This is why the power of the veil came into being, a accordance of laws set by the first gods to protect themselves from their creations.

No longer was some creature of basic wit going to eat the god that made them real. Nor will the fear made by the creature ate its creator.

To the accordance of these laws active today, has created a division between layers of existence. The status of being now matters what layers will one actively can be a part. The definitions of what is living and dead has lost their purpose. Back when things were simple and intelligence was about not being ate alive, those fears that were created from those simple minds. They had one job, to help the living stay alive.

Now, that job is been given to more modern versions of themselves and even of new strange fears that were never needed before. The primal fears are less active now, purposeless if they are not popular enough with the trends. They sit in faded areas of where once they were the masters of their trade. Hollowed existence of what they used to be, masked away their identities and chained to what they could have been.

They are now what make the threshold of what becomes a noble damned. They give their influence of veil to those other damned with tough hardships. Their eyes fix gaze on the key stone souls whom keep the universe from imploding on itself - trying to be the message carriers to when things become universally dire.

These dream damned are known are the primal elders of the damned society. They are the ones that have sway on what laws are enacted over the rest of the shadows of damned. There is very few souls whom are above them. The only few whom are have much worse burdens to carry. Be it the souls that remain of lost timelines. The few are also those trying to fix those broken, at the price of breaking those laws.

Even then... climbing to what is the highest respected is the one they treat ever so carefully, the Elder Ender. In a given moment at time could break any soul down to core fragments and then put them back together like it were nothing; a insane soul whom is burdened to be the janitor and peacekeeper of this universe. So in shorter laymen's terms, a stepping pyramid society that means the higher up the scale you are the worse fate you are to clean up afterwards.

Be it the regret of being the reason for the genocide of whole realms, races or people. Be it that you didn't say the thing when you had the last moment of time to say it. Be it that you forgot to hand in that thing.

The creator of a video franchises that became so popular that the very worlds of the games became their own worlds and blame their creator for cursed existence. The ironic twist of which the gods whom made the humans share such the same regret. An apple does not fall far from its parents tree sometimes.

As you can tell sometimes being damned does not always come from a regret you directly feel the cause of. There is a middle class of the society whom are cursed as damned due to the burden of another's souls wishes. Locking you away from whatever life you were about to move into or what way you were going to spend your afterlife as. The middle class spend the most time mocking human shapes to seek out why are they cursed. In biggest matter, its often damned seeking damned to finally tell them. Yet the confusion of dying or loosing memories due to hunger does not make being a middle class easy fixers.

The noble above middle class are often souls attached with living people or living realm access only regrets. These folks if left stagnate in their misery turn into the very objects that caused them grief, are then circulated by the trades. It takes about 7 exchanged hands before the regret is finally sorted.

The stacks of phone devices that happen a lot are actually some the easiest ones to appease. Give it to a human thief, and the regret is sorted. Well, the thief is cursed by the damned in the phone. The damned causes them to be caught by police, and in being given to the evidence locker of other stolen regret phones. Its a easy way for them to finally have someone be held accounted.

The more abnormal objects are often given to human ghost collectors, the weird whom like owning haunted objects. Those cases became famous enough to loss status as a damned and become a manifestation of the dream worlds. To become the personas of fear, fright or insanity as the very objects of chaos. Whom will eventually be part of the army collection owned by the personification of Evil. Evil has many faces, he is often a greedy child whom likes his toy collections.

These are the default layers of the pyramid at a skimmed surface level. Lowest being dusted very quick in letting go of all regrets. True middle class looking for answers to why they are stuck. Nobles whom a object curse. The oddities from outside of time and space of this universe's according. Then the primal dream fears whom became forgotten. then the sick souls whom are tasked in regretful deeds to make it right for the rest of them; excused from shadow laws because of complications they need to fix them.

It's a punishing existents that only you would give to yourself or those you can't forgive over the life you once held in high regards. A unforgiving hell for the unprepared ones. A hell that comes from no exact faith or reasoning. Warned in secret between words of bible text for the few popular religions.

Forgiveness is a cure, not a curse.