The Beginning Day (1)

The setting is depicted upon an early morning, 6:30 AM to be more precise. Then a jolt of a body rustling awake from their bed quickly flinging off the bedsheets over to the side, so an arm could freely move towards a desk next to the bed with an alarm going off so they can turn off.

*beep beep beep be-*

With the Alarm turn off the male slowly risen up from the bed as he was now sitting upright. "ack.." the person groan out of annoyance while they stretch his arms, legs a little before wiping his eyes and then putting on his glasses. -Why does my school gotta start this early?-

He said this mentally to himself every time each new school day started, as he got off the bed and was walking toward his clothing cupboard as he got to change into a new set of clothing for the start of the day he was wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans. With him proceeding to exit his bedroom to get to the bathroom, which lies across from his bedroom.

Once the person has a hand place on the door he slowly swung open the door, then he flips the light switch. A young Asian male could be seen on the bathroom mirror, a Chinese American by the name of Allen Chen with short to medium spiky hair if touch was actually quite soft, and with a decent jawline but nothing to amazingly pretty and a sharp nose that was holding up a pair of glasses.

As he began to brush his teeth afterward he started to clean up his face, then empty out his tank with a quick rinse of hot water and soap he left the bathroom while turning off the bathroom lights.

Allen made his way toward the kitchen with most quiet footsteps he possibly can do to not cause any noises for the rest of his family that was sleeping.

Once Allen made his breakfast he would bring it over to the desk that had his gaming PC, Allen had some time to spread before he needed to head out for school. When the PC finally loaded up he would watch some YouTube videos of some gaming or other things he enjoys.

Once his breakfast was now in his stomach he took a glance at the time as he silently let out a sigh

"Time for school again.. God damnit."

Allen hastily picks up his backpack and lunch as he began to head out from his house, and onto the parking lot then down the neighborhood streets and then onto a busy street with cars driving past him with people getting the night shift done or people who work early in the morning.

Allen had his headphone on him connected by blue tooth to his phone, as he was listing to some Anime opening or some nightcore to jam out to while walking to his school.

After thirty minutes of walking which is usually the time he gets from walking from his home to his school he finally arrived at (Lincoln Douglas highschool), other students were being dropped off by bus or driven by their parents or others like him who walked to school.

Once Allen has reached the front entrance to his school he spotted one of his friends.. One of the few friends he has, the name goes by William Mathew a Polish American with brown hair and a flatter jawline but in terms of general looks, Mathew was better.

Allen "Yo Matt how long have you been waiting?"

Matt "Oh hey, and not long I only got here a few minutes ago, lets head inside already I'm freezing out here."

Allen "Lead the way man." Then Allen quickly smiled with a chuckle.

Hours went by as he went through his many classes for English, math, science, and social studies. Allen didn't really find any of these subjects interesting as he was more about the history and the ages of warfare, the power and might of a country lighten his moods.

Once lunchtime roll around he was in the school north building courtyard with the school high school called mini college as it has 6 different buildings.

Allen pulled out his Chinese Style lunch of dumplings, some tofu on the side and the main part of the dish was a glass bowl of rice with a plastic cover to prevent any rice from falling out of the glass bowl, and some chopsticks, as he was sitting down on a metal bench under outdoor roofing with the bright blue sky beaming down upon the soft green grass that was still mildly wet from the last night rain.

He quietly pulls out a dumpling with his chopsticks that had a mix of pork and beef inside then began to chew on the meat-filled dumpling. A sound of a gulp as the meaty dumpling which was now all munched up was slowing going down to his stomach.

Allen would then began to take a look around the courtyard, no one he knew was seen, this would give a small sense of sadness as he was sitting by himself as he had an elbow on the metal countertop, and a hand under one of his cheeks.

"Hurrah for being lonelier." Allen to himself quietly as a small amount of depression would loom over him. "I hope someone I know would come along already." Allen would take another glance around the courtyard as he spotted a blonde that went by Eric Hill

Allen "Yo Eric over here man! what kept you waiting?!"

Eric "Hm? Oh, sorry about that I needed to finish a late assignment from my chemistry teacher."

Eric would walk up to the same table as Allen was sitting on while he was slowly rubbing the back of his head.

Eric " That work assignment was really in the pain in the ass, honestly, why would you assigned work on a Friday!"

Allen would chuckle as he swallows another piece of dumpling then he would return his focus back onto Eric.

Allen "This honestly sounds like you problem, nothing to do with me man." He giggled once more

Eric "Really funny Allen, as much fun as your KDR in our last match." Eric would lightly jab Allen's shoulder

Allen's face froze a little as he had nothing to say against that, which was true in the last match in a game he was playing his KDR(Kill to death ratio) was the lowest he has ever seen it been.

Allen "I wasn't in my zone last night ok? You can't blame me for that shit."

Eric "Ya ya you tell yourself that to make you feel better." This time it was Eric turn to laugh as a small smile appears across his face.

With time flying by Eric and Allen would be chatting away from other nerdy stuff, Games, Anime, the lastest manga, and so forth, but it was soon interrupted by the school intercom bell system.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

the low and deep ding went throughout the intercom system in the school building telling every student that the first session of lunch was finished as it would allow the other students who were still in classes to be rotated into the second session of lunch to allow them time to eat. Allen quickly packs up his empty lunch bag into his backpack so he can head to the next classes that was assigned for him. "Seeya," Allen said as he waves back toward Eric as he waved back at Allen.