The beginning Day (2)

*Ding Ding Ding*

Sounds of the school intercom rang throughout the classroom and the several hallways filled on both side with different classes, and with different corners and twists that reside in one of the main building of the school with the sound of the school bell echoing slightly throughout the halls for only a second.

Allen at that time already had his things packed up a few minutes before the bell officially rang as he was sitting down on a chair while on his phone with his headset on, so he can quietly watch a let's play video on youtube of a recent RTS (Real-time strategy) game that was released.

"Remember Class, I would ask you to finish your little goodbye Essay to any of the teachers within this school." A Sweet middle-age woman had a bright smile on her face and she was wearing some casual clothing with her silky hair flowing down below her elbows as she slowly waves toward her student that was exiting the classroom.

Allen on the other hand was wearing a headset that was to connect to his phone via Bluetooth as he was watching a let's play video one new recent RTS game (Real-time Strategy) that was recently released.

"so about five hundred to almost a thousand of mix swordmen infantry and Spearmen are over this cliffside so placing these archers hidden upon should catch them off guard, Who, do they think their fucking with?"

Said by the person that was playing as Allen was slowly watching the battle descend into chaos as arrows would rain down upon their enemies claiming a life forcing the enemy army to route and retreat, Allen would have has always dreamt of riding on top of a horse, and on a hill that was overlooking a battlefield with his mind solely focus on the battlefield if it was a mere game of chess.

Allen would pause the video once he made his way out of the many hallways and was in front of one of the school entrances, he would say his goodbyes to his group of friends, Once that was over with he began to walk back through the same streets that he took from his house to the school while he resumes the video watching as to how the player tackles on different strategic movements to sway the battle to his advantage eventually defeating the enemy opponent army.

"Victory is our guys but that was the last battle for today's episode, I'll see you, people, next time!" *Que the outro*.

Allen would have arrived on his neighborhood street as he checks to see how many remaining episodes that were left to watch, only two episodes were released right after the one he was watching as he quickly swipes down to the comment section of the video before taking a look at how many views did this one single video gather. "Roughly two hundred and thirty thousand? Seems like the usual."

But once Allen turned the corner onto the street, he spotted his house a few yards away. As he got closer and closer, he put his phone away in his jeans pocket. Allen was right in front of the front door of the house, he would reach into one of his pockets and pull out some keys then slowly insert it in the door keyhole, turning the keys to the right with a click sound indicating that the door was unlocked.

Allen would then twist the key to the original position and retracted it from the keyhole, as he pushes the door to swing inward letting Allen inside of the house.

"Finally back home so I can relax, but what should I play? Or should I play anything at all?" After a few seconds of putting his shoes in a shoe cover, and placing down his school backpack he was chilling in his chair that was in front of his gaming PC waiting for the monitor to light up to the Anime background he has.

Allen's body began to lean forward so he could grab hold of his mouse and keyboard as he lays out his fingers, and with a few pushes of a button and moving his mouse around Steam, Google, and Discord program would fill up his bright monitor screen, He would click on a youtube bookmark to access that site as fast as possible then he began to watch the remaining two Let's play videos.

After a few hours of watching gaming, animation, parodies, and other militaristic history knowledge he heard his family call in for family dinner.

"Dinner Ready!" Which was said from his mother that was in the kitchen, this made Allen look at his digital clock seeing that it was 6:48 PM -I guess this video can wait.- He mentally said to himself as he pauses a video about military morale and the concept of a good military general.

Allen left his bedroom and was heading toward the dining room area to meet up with his family, He usually kept quiet during this time of the day as he was in an Asian household and with him being a gamer who wasn't successful which was of the reason why Allen wasn't really ever that confident around his family and why Allen would have usually kept his mouth shut.

After finishing his bowl of rice and some side dishes he would take his leave bringing his chopsticks and bowl with him to the kitchen sink as he gently places them down.

After returning from the dining room he would push his bedroom door open revealing the room was dimly lit from the monitor screen that was still on which was the only light source in the room since the window curtains would be closed off, Allen would find a suitable sitting position as he eases his body into the chair as he saw the steam icon on his taskbar which was highlighted green, telling that Allen has received a notification on the program.

"What's this about? I hope it's someone gifting me a free game." He giggles to himself hoping it was true but it was never happening, since who was willing to buy someone a free game? Once bringing up the game store program he saw that a friend request toward him, Strangely he thought on why would someone send out a random friend request since people never do that, His curiosity would grow even bigger as the Username of the incoming request was called (The Genie)

"Who the hell names themself the genie? Bet their some edgy kid wannabe." But at this time Allen never knew what was about to happen to him once he accepts this incoming friend request, as he moves his mouse over the accept button with a single click he would be friends with this so-called Genie.