The orientation session (1)

Almost immediately right away from the moment he accepts the friend request that was sent toward him, the regular program conversation pop up tab would suddenly appear on the center of his brightly lit screen with a message already type out. "Do you want your wish to be granted?" Allen was hesitant on how fast and strange this out of the blue message was and how fast it appear on his screen

. "This seems a bit shady." Allen started to feel uneasy for some reason, but he couldn't come up with a logical solution on how he was feeling so he determine it was from the message, Allen felt a unnerving aura from it.

Allen. - "My wish? What do you mean my wish?" Allen began to type and response toward the unknown being.

Genie - "Indeed your dream.. Your wish.."

Allen - "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I'm a dumbass?"

Genie - "There is no nonsense I speak, but only to grant you your wish."

Allen - "Prove it Mrs. Genie if that's actually what you are."

Genie - "you live in (the street address and house address) Blood type is B.. Is a senior in high school.. below average scores and grades in school.. is 5 ft and 4 inches.. Chinese American, is around 150 to 160 pounds in weight, now do you want me to say anything else dear, Sir?"

Allen was puzzle and shock at how this person manage to get this kind of information, his uneasy feeling began to feel more like fear as a single sweat drop was rolling down his face. But Allen came up with a logical answer to this, maybe this Genie was some sort of hacker and a good one at that since he was able to divulge such information, but the few variables left was that if it was a professional hacker, why would he be targeted, and why was this being willing to in quote "grant his wish"? This doesn't make any sense, he kept to himself most of his life so no one has a grudge on him, nor was he and his family rich.

As much as he fear the mysterious being, no threat or sudden danger was happening as he was safe in his house so he decided to resume the conversation between the two.

Allen - "That's some basic general information, any hacker or spy or something can gain that kind of information."

Genie - "You do seem to be displeased with the given results, Sir Allen Chen, but oh do believe me I do hold onto more information then you could ever imagine.. I may even know more about you then you know yourself."

Allen - "Quite the bullshit already! You're getting on my god damn nerve!"

A few moments of silences as nothing was sent back toward him, Allen would try feel a little more relax so he can calmly think about what to say next, until he saw the notification of something being typed back. "this bastard is real annoying." Allen clutch his fist as he waited for a response to occur to him.

Genie - "Loneliness, and women."

Allen - "what? what do you mean by that?"

Genie - "That is the two most hidden secret that you keep lock within yourself? Am I wrong?"

Allen - "How did you."

Genie - "Have the knowledge of both your biggest fear? And biggest weakness? You fear the dreaded loneliness of not being noticed, you fear that you may one day walk among the Earth without anyone ever knowing your existence, That fear drives you mad."

Allen - "hold on a minute bef-"

Allen was quickly cut off with a new response that came right after the previous message

Genie - "And your biggest weakness is your own human male biology, your lust for sexual needs, desire, women, this is a weakness that can easily manipulate you, shatter your heart and potentially your soul. This weakness makes you insane on trying your best to cover it up."

Allen - "How.."

Allen at this point of time he sat in his chair unable to move a inch of muscle, and was only able to muster enough mental power to type one singular word.

The person, being or thing he was talking to made a sudden chill go down his spine, Its almost like if this person could see through his body, his heart, and soul with nothing able to cover up his deepest secrets, and was clutching it with both hands.

With this new uproar occur he was feeling a set of mix emotions of fear, anger, happiness, He didn't know what to believe at this point of time, but all of this was prove he was some sort of divine being, or a being with great power. He decided to cast away his human emotions for a bit as he began to type out his response once more.

Allen - "I believe I made a miscalculation on my part, seems like you truly are some sort of great being."

Genie - "Now Sir Allen Chen, with that matter settle would you like your wish to be granted? No longer will you fear depths of loneliness no longer should you be shackle with your weakness."

Allen - "Yes, may you grant my wish be become true."

Genie - "But.."

Allen recoil his head back and raise up a eyebrow, he didn't like the last response including the word (but) involved, this gives him the vibes of some sort of secret business drug deal gone wrong and he must pay a price, or some form of punishment.

This made Allen sweat even more as he thought of many kind of punishment, starving money payments, torture, slavery, or even death itself, with him slowly rubbing the front part of his neck. Allen never really like a mysterious situation such at these, always made him to antsy and with so many unknown variables.

He would push up his glasses to get them in the right position as he waited for the next response.

Genie - "But are you really ready to leave? To leave everything behind? Your friends, your family? and are you truly prepare for the road that lies ahead of you? This may sound like a generic isekai but it is not, I will question you and probe you until you seem to be in the right mentality."

Allen would hesitate to response, it felt like another stab to his soul as he tilted his head down with the top of his hair line covering his eyes, imagines of his past life of him growing up as a child to a preteen to a teenager and then, finally becoming an adult.

He told to himself that this was something he was new and strange, something he didn't prepare for, but that also sounded like excuses just being made. Allen quickly grit his teeth as he slap himself to shake off the unnerving feeling once more, with this life to him, it seemed like it was heading straight down and kept going straight down, with the minor moments he love and cherish, doesn't seem like it would change the direction.

Allen - "I am ready for this wish to be granted."

Genie - "Are you though? Are you truly prepare mentality and physically?"

Allen - "Yes I am."

Genie - "Are you willing to give up the people that you know in this world! the memories you have made! Are you prepare for this sacrifice!"

Allen - "YES I AM!"

Allen let loud scream and with a fire like fury as he slams both his of fists onto the table shaking the the desk a little and knocking over anything that wasn't glue down.

Genie - "Very well Sir Allen Chen, be prepare for the transfer."

Allen would be off of his chair standing idly in front of his desk with his eyes glued onto his monitor screen, he stood their waiting with seconds going by then minutes until roughly 10 minutes has gone by, and nothing new was happening.

Allen would shake his head and decided he needed some fresh Air on what has just happen so far, but to his surprise he would have spot a dark shadowy figure beginning to form into a humanoid figure that looks almost like a dark Knight.

Allen didn't know what to do so the figure would slowly finish materializing. Allen stood there with his mouth wide open as he saw the tall dark figure, as a sword would quickly appear in one of its hands as it would then stab its weapon into Allen heart, With Allen to busy being shock and awe he didn't realize the situation before it was to late when the tip of the blade would reach his body. Blood would splat right behind him as he cough up some blood, with the conversation tab getting a new response.

Genie - " Player number 7 Registered, age Eighteen, Height 5'4" , weight 150-160 pounds, gender male, name Allen Chen, blood type B, Chinese American.... Welcome to the game Emperor."

Allen slowly began to turn his head so he could glance at the monitor screen one last time to see the new message pop up, but he only manage to see "Player number 7 huh?" He said to himself as his body grew tired and limp forward as he began to fall onto his knees, then the rest of his body became towering down afterwards. "Let see where this leads me." With his eyes slowly began to close and his pupil fade away, after the body was lifeless for a few seconds the dark figure would retrieve the sword, and then disappeared.