The orientation session (2)

Darkness, darkness is all that there was, a cold chilling coldness that was felt wrap around me in this endless amount of darkness. -Where am I?- Allen thought to himself as he was expected to see if he was given response back to him.

-How long have I been?- Allen would raise up one of his hands to see that it was glowing a pure white, with that seems to be some minor light particles flowing away from him and fading. -heh?- He also notices that he felt like he was laying down on some sort of physical ground but at the same time, he felt nothing, no solid ground was touching his body as he decides to casually get back up, but can you really describe what way is up? what is down? Left or right?

That is how confusing the darkness seems to him. Allen took another glance at his body as the entirely was made out some pure light energy source, and light particles were flowing away from him and fading away. -Why am I like this?- He wonders to himself while taking a look around once more -Who am I?- Soon one singular star of light would appear in the distance away from him as this was drawn to his attention by the vast brightness it gave off, but that wouldn't be the end of the surprise as more and more stars began to appear.

Once enough stars were littering the vast empty darkness, they would begin to spin around him getting faster each second.

Allen began to felt nausea and dizziness as he struggles to keep himself away, only to end up crouching forward and vomiting on the supposed ground with more pure light but that to would also end up fading away from his eyesight. Memories would begin to flood the confused being as he stood himself back up. "I remember now, The wish, I'm Allen Chen." Allen would then see a bright circle of light forming between his feet as he was fixated on that to see anything else around him.

??? - "Now then, I believe that is the last require person for this little fun session of ours, lets get to it." Allen quickly raises his head back up to see 7 other beings standing on a similar circle of light, but they look different as their body wasn't made of pure light but more of a shadowy figure, Allen couldn't exactly tell how each of the other beings looked like as he could only see a general body figure.

three other males figures, and three females. Allen instantly took a look at himself as from the starting bottom of his feet his pure light would begin to change from pure light to the same shadowy appearance as the rest.

??? - "Now that everyone Is situated here, Greetings players from one to seven, or." The unknown sounded like he or she, or it had a very old and outdated tone of voice as its eyes would leisurely move from one person to another. -Why does he sound like he's from the 1920s of the US?-

??? - "My Emperors, and Empress, Welcome to this little Spectacular, thrilling, enduring, dangerous, little game of my."

(Each of the different players will have their names given out further into the story, I can't reveal who they are just yet.)

Player 2 - "Cut the crap and get straight to the point already! Stop wasting my time." Spoke from player 2 which sounded feminine but with no elegant tone, and had a British accent accompanying her. -A tomboy perhaps?- Allen would take a look over at the player's two-direction as she noticed this.

Player 2 - "What are you looking at?" She barked.

Player 1 - "Seems someone is angry at this overdrawn out event? Player 1 spoke with more of a calm tone of voice that sounded male and with a thick Russian accent, both of his hands were placed on the back of his head.

Player 2 - "You got an issue with my attitude then?"

Player 1 - "No, but it does give me a smile to my face, please keep going."

Player 2 - "HA?! I dare you to say that again! you bastard!"

Player 6 - "People, stop this fighting.. uh- please?" Player 6 sounded like a female with no accent that tags along with her tone of voice. - American perhaps?- She had both of her hands close to her chest as she was looking between the two other players.

??? - "Now now players, no need to be impatient on this procedure." It would wave her off as It would use their other hand to snap his finger with an earth-like planet appearing below all of them, but it may have similar traits like earth but it wasn't.

??? - "This will be both your playground, battlefield, new home, and where new memories will come from." The unknown being would be hovering in the center of everyone as it would move its finger around making a transparent screen that seems like a hologram appearing in front of each one of their faces.

??? - "Now let me explain the details of this said game and the rules." It would go for a quick bow then pull itself back up to a standing position.

??? - "Emperor, Empress, each one of those screens that appear right in front of you gives you the specific details, names, Height, Blood type, Race, Gender, Levels, quest logs, occupation, and stats, Doesn't this seem like an RPG game? Or a normal isekai to any of you dear readers?"

All seven players would listen in to IT speaking but was stumble upon what he meant by readers, but that wasn't their main focus, which was just gathering information.

??? - "Now then, with your levels, there are the enlisted levels, officer levels, and then senior officer levels, and the last one Chief commander stage, with each level having their own tiers of ranks. Each specific rank will also determine the number of stars you have with that rank, enlisted is 1-5 stars, officer levels are 1-4, and senior officers is 1-3, and The Chief commander stage, well it's 1 big golden star."

??? - "You will also be able to start up your own empire, like If this was a game of civilization or any Empire building games you know of, but your nation power is also represented by your own personal strength as well." IT would snap it's finger again as another screen appear next to the main one as it would ask for a name for the empire.

??? - "Just like in any empire-building games that people are familiar with, just like AI empires (computer control empires) there will be native empires of this world, dwarfs, elves, orcs, beastkin, any fantasy race you can think of. But just like your world you came from there is a total of ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX countries that exist in your world, so don't expect all singular races to be part of one banner, oh no no no, there will be multiple human kingdoms, dwarfs- You get the point."

IT would then bring the planet to eye level as IT would shrink the size to be compatible with the distance among the people that were there, the planet would be hovering right above IT's pointer finger.

??? - "Each region control by different kingdoms will also have their specific levels, which goes from tribes, to kingdoms, to nations, to countries, to Empires! Each level is base solely on the control region population count, but don't let the numbers fool you, a smaller empire could have a lacking military but can easily strengthen themselves if their economic strength is excellent. Or if their knowledge of the world is superior, Yes scientific discovery is a thing in here so don't forget that part."

??? - "We also cannot forget about the landscape it's though, they will be rated into three tiers bad, good, and excellent, this will describe the region, the continent as a whole, by population count, the number of resources that exist in that plain and how diverse it could be, and of course the mana energy on how pure or the amount that lingers. But there will be plenty of resources to share among all of you with the planet being at least 10 times bigger than your earth."

A small smile appears on IT's face.

IT would drop the planet back down to where it was previously was as the size grew back to its original size. IT would snap it's finger again as a modern combat knife appeared right on their hands as they were all shock of the sudden weapon appearing in their possession.

??? - "That weapon- in the terms of this world will become your magical weapon, that it can change its shape, size, and what kind of weapon it would be depending on your personal level, and your nation's technology level, it will also be the embodiment of a spiritual guide. Each item will be ranked from common to superior to rare to epic to legendary and finally Godly, each stage will also have their own level of stars ranging from 1-3 but once you have godly items it would only have 1 singular star."

IT would then stop it's rambling upon the details about the game as IT would squint its eyes taking in the results of the mountain of words he has spoken so he waited for all of the players to register the flood wave of information that they have gotten. Feeling a sense of enjoyment out of this IT would snicker under its breath.

??? - "Now that you have gotten the basic information involving this world, and my little game." IT would chuckle "I'll now state the rules of this game... None."

Allen - "None?"

player 4 "What do you mean none?" Player 4 had a much deeper tone of voice compared to any of the other males as he questions about why are there no rules.

??? - "Cause this isn't a child game, no hand-holding, slavery, human trafficking, sexual assault, racial discrimination, rape, and torture, everything can be done! Even among players, you can do whatever to each other or stop each other if you have the strength to defeat the other!"

Everyone froze as they began to take a look at each other then back to IT as it was standing there with both it's arms behind it's back and a huge sinister grin on his face, they knew IT wasn't kidding about this being a wild jungle fess, some of them felt scared, some of them felt confused, some of them felt like they were freer than ever before.

??? - "Splendid, splendid indeed!" IT would clap it hands together as each of the circular lights began to light up into a beam as they were heading straight towards the planet.

??? - "I wish you well in this battle of civilizations my emperor and empress." Soon all 7 players would be pulled towards the planet to random locations around the world giving them space to grow their strength before they can fight each other.