The adventure starts!

Currently, in the world of Novairus with half of the planet cover in the shadow of darkness, this day would be marked as a religious sign from the heavens with multiple stray of lights appearing across the night sky, but some people of academic studies believe otherwise since they knew really that it was a meteor shower.

Set upon a small British style medieval castle a young blonde girl which was located inside an upper area of the castle she had a light skin color with a white dress silky dress that flows neatly on a person that recently became of age, decorated with a pattern of flowers petals scatter in an organized fashion, and with her deep scarlet colored eyes, she stared at the ray of lights that was traveling across the night sky bringing a little smile on her face while holding onto a cup of tea.

In another region, a strange being would fling himself across some vines as he flew through the space between trees as he softly lands upon a porch that wasn't shaded by any leaves as the being place their right hand onto the bark of the tree and stood up, and gave a look up at the sky the strange person would appear to have pointy ears, a sharp nose, and downturn eyes that had a very light green pupil color to them. A quiver and some arrows including an elven bow were seen on the back of this elven man, he to would also seem to be young, As he was wearing a traditional Elven clothing that allows him to move freely as possible.

Then we move onto a ditch on a side of a mountain as two pairs can be seen, one female one male, of small humanoids running away with metal tools in their hands and what seems to be some makeshift headset goggles, other people not that much bigger then they have also had tools on them as they were hammering, cutting and lifting things up. But once the two pairings had taken a minor break they would glance up at the sky as they both gave each other a massive grin and cheer each other along as they would get back to work.

But none of them ever knew it was meant as a cover to allow the players safely land on the planet without raising too much suspension.

As we move back to the eyes of Allen he could see the planet getting bigger and bigger, with the planet slowly turning from night time to early in the morning as Allen would get a popup message in front of him.

[ Northern island of Irgies] [ Native region control: three tribe class, two kingdoms class / Race: 65 percent human-controlled 20 percent elven, 15 percent dwarf ] [ Region status: Bad ]

"Ha?! You call that an island? that at least the size of Australia, or maybe even bigger? This system really needs to update itself."

Allen let out a sigh as he began to take a look at different info that was given towards him, he was intrigued by having two different races that were located on this island, but his newfound interest was replaced with a disgusted face as he saw the landscape status.

"This may be an uphill battle for me, only if I was landing on that main continent nearby."

Novairus being 10 times bigger then earth the islands and especially the continents would be bigger, with each general direction would have their own main continents and within the center of each four one region of the world was known as the Holy lands.

Allen would then try to see if anyone else was landing near the assigned area that he was going to, with him inspecting all angles on his left with a clear sign of no one was there but once he turns his head to the right he saw a dimmer of stray light as that light was landing on another island near the main northern continent but this island was the opposite side of him and the northern continent.

"So it's going to be a race toward the main continent huh? Bring it on then!" Allen clutches both of his hands into a fist as he would turn his head forward.

He would be getting closer to the white clouds with him breaking through them, he would prepare himself for the landing as he was approaching a mountain valley that was in a V shape.

"Beside the region status being bad I got a hella good strategic position for defense! Making it hard to flank me on my sides- unless they can fly."

Allen would crash into the ground as he skits forward a few yards with a huge blast force that shook the leaves off some nearby trees as the ground shook and rumble while having flame skit marks showing the sign that something at high-speed crash into the ground.

Soon as Allen has made a landing onto the ground the dark shadowy energy that was covering his entire body, began to dissipate revealing nothing was really change physical wise he was still wearing his normal glasses, but his clothing almost made him look like a beggar, He was wearing some old tattered peasant clothing which was also filthy it's if dry mud was splatter onto it.

Allen felt like he wanted to toss them away and go around naked since he didn't spot anything representing man-made, but his own conscious deny him the pleasure of walking with his manly pride hanging out wildly, he could fix the mud part with some clean hot water but fixing the condition of the clothing was impossible.

"Well this is fucking annoying. But what should I do now?" Allen now suddenly became dreadful as his stomach drop, he really was in a new world and anything could have happened to him, he would slap himself then shook his head. "No this isn't the time to bring myself down, I'll free myself of my fear and break my weakness in this world! now then.. Let's see what is my surrounding is like."

Allen started to look around his surroundings trying to see what he could find that was interesting, besides all the destruction that was caused by him entering the atmosphere of the planet and crashing down into the ground.

Once he has seen enough of the surrounding area Allen would leave the minor ditch that he created. After a minute of walking around, he finally made it to a tree without its leaves being blown off by the blast radius.

"That was some blast I cause.. damn." Allen would also take a closer inspection of the tree to see what kind it was as he spotted something familiar, something red that was dangling in his eyesight "Oh shit this is an apple tree. This is a good find for me."

But he had to move on to get the lay of the land, Allen wanted to stay and pick some fresh apples for something for him to enjoy but information is key in a battlefield, without good information you and your army is good as dead.

What seems to be roughly an hour and a half of and many miles that were covered while walking around he would collect some details about the landscape that was around him. What he found out was there was a massive river stream that came down from one side of the mountains with sheer cliffs that would make climbing almost next to impossible but that the water stream would then began to ease up in the forest that leads to a massive pond.

-This could be good a source of agriculture and maybe even some potential fishing spot- That is the was one of his first thoughts so far, he already began to think ahead to establish what area was what, and what was it good for.

The most important part that he found out about this location, was that he was standing on a mountainside ledge cliff side that stretch out between both sides of the V shape mountain valley, with water flowing down that, was connected from the pond into the forest below him, Allen would also take notice that there were only a few certain areas that were smooth enough to get a sizeable army detachment up into the cliffside and it was too high up for any ladders or siege towers to reach, a perfectly natural defense.

"Despite this island lacking in diverse resources which makes me doubtful in my starting location." Allen took in a deep breath and a massive smile appear on his face as he cups his hands to his mouth. "With this natural landscape and surroundings, it's like I have the perfect defensive position!" He yelled out toward the world with his big smile still apparent on his face. "In no way in hell, I'm going to lose to anyone with this kind of hand I've been dealt with!"

Allen would then take a look at his modern combat knife as the hilt was black with synthetic plastic and the metal piece shine brightly under the sunlight.

Allen was curious about the bladed weapon and to see what was the guiding spirit? He. also decided he felt like he had enough information needed for right now so he started to turn around to begin his stroll back to the Apple tree. but he only manages to take a couple steps forward as he felt his legs losing strength he fell forward with his hands planted onto the grass fill dirt, he also suddenly felt dizzy again but accompanied by a sharp point to the head then he felt like he was stabbed in his legs.

"Aaaaacckk!" Allen screams out as his eyes soon filled with blurriness with his eyes forcing him to close.

Only five minutes have gone by with Allen slowly waking back up and his fingers slowly beginning to twitch. Once he saved enough energy he would push himself up while grabbing onto his glasses that fell off his face.

"What the fuck just happen?" before seeing something really, really unexpected, he could see two muscular legs in front of him with no pants on as he saw a massive sausage dangling only a few inches from his face.

"Holy Fuc-" Allen recoil his whole body back as he fell on his ass as he saw a muscular tall male with white hair and a bulky jawline that almost looks like Julius Caesar, his blue eyes would stare right back at Allen dark brown eyes.

"Wh- what- what!" Allen scream out loud, to see a built-up man right in front of him, and naked as well, he also seemed to be way taller then Allen was at the size of 6 ft and 5 inches. He quickly turns his head around to avoid looking at the person and his manly sausage that was.. well bigger than his.

??? - " Ha ha ha ha!" the unknown person would laugh like a stereotypical knight with a deep crisp voice as he places both of his hands on his waist sides.

??? - "Always expect the unexpected, my dear young master! and were both male so don't need to be shy about what a man protects the most! Haha ha ha!"

"Wha- what! This isn't something that SHOULD be expected you crazy fool and-" Allen pauses a little as he realizes that this person has just said master.

"did you- did you just say, master?" He said this while he kept his head away from the male.

??? - " Indeed young master. I am your spiritual guide, or in your terms of words, an AI assistance interface. A pleasure to meet you, young master!"

Allen felt a little awkward in this situation, him a slightly chubby guy who wasn't athletic at all being in charge of a person who is.

"If I'm your master- And I am, I ask of you to put on some clothes!"

??? - "As you command young master." The male had snapped his fingers as a set of clothing poof out of thin air, the clothing type would be similar to Allens but for a bigger person.

??? - "I am now fully cover up young master."

Allen would take turns to look back at the mysterious male as he took a good hard look at him, he only had a glimpse of his face before turning away but, his face really does look like Julius Caesar! Holy shit! He thought to himself.

"I must ask, why do you look like Julius Caesar?"

??? - " Oh that? I can change my physical appearance whenever I please, dear young master. I can easily switch from." He began to switch from Julius Caesar to Oda Nobunaga and then to Napoleon Bonaparte and to Theodore Roosevelt and then to Winston Churchill. "I can even turn into Adolf hit-"

"Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not continue saying that word! You may offend someone on here." Allen quickly launches himself to cover his mouth.

The unknown male would take a look around to see if anyone else was around, and was curious what did he mean by offending since everyone native to this world doesn't know who Adolf Hitler is.

??? - "Young master as much as the person has a highly bad reputation, and was how ruthless he was. But his power to lead Germany to that height should be respected at least, you can hate your enemy all you want but that part should deserve respect."

"You're going to be the end of me both literally and figuratively." Allen let out a groan and he facepalms himself as he wanted to change the subject

"Let's change the subject before something bad happens, tell me your name, what is it?" Allen would raise up an eyebrow and cross his arms together.

??? -" Alright then, My name is Chad... Dickerson." And before Chad could speak Allen blurted out into laughter as he began to roll left and ride, but after while Allen had time to calm himself down he would get back up into a standing position.

" My bad, please continue.. Chad." A little snicker could be heard at the end of his sentence

" My purpose here is to help guide you on using the game systems." Chad would extend his arm as he slowly opens the palm of his hand revealing a floating transparent screen. of a bird's eye view map.

" And my other task is to also provide military-strategic advice in battle and out of battle, Young master."

Allen would listen to Chad as he spoke, how he has someone else to talk to was nice, so he won't go mentality insane at least. He felt happy as it seems like he was taking steps as minor as they were right now, he was talking his steps to making his empire.