Getting Started (1)

Both Allen and Chad were back at the Apple tree with Allen standing on top of Chad's muscular shoulders so he could pick off some low hanging apples off from the branches.

"got another one for us." Allen would look down at Chad as he tosses another Apple at a pile of apples they have been gathering up.

" A good basic source of food for sustaining life, splendid finding young master." Allen gave out an embarrassed blush and an awkward smile as he drops another apple onto the pile, Allen rarely had genuine compliments given toward him making him feel a bit slightly happier that Chad was around to keep him accompany.

Once there was enough applies lying on the soft luscious grass both of them would carry the apples with them, Chad being bigger would have ended up carrying more than Allen.

They began to heads toward an area that had a nice clearing on top of a small hill that has a cave that was suitable for a starting home that Allen had found out earlier before heading to the Cliffside, now with a hud view of what appears to be a transparent map showing all the locations he has explored.

Multiple different dot colors would be on the map moving around and then fading away if the entity walks into a fog of war, (A fog of war, an unknown area you have no vision on) a highlighted blue dot with a green outline meant himself, and a regular blue dot that marks people that he owns, in this scenario it was chad. Green dots that stand for friendly, yellow dots that are label as potentially dangerous and red dots that are life-threatening would be seen on the map as he was wondering why was the map picking up animals as well.

" Strange the maps even marks the location of all the animals around us, even though it can't track them permanently if they go into the fog of war." Allen slowly began to look around the dense forest that they were in.

"That is because young master, you are right now are in the lowest rank in the enlisted stage, Recruit 1 star and level 1, something like an aggressive boar can easily kill you, let explain more of the system of specific details once we arrived at the cave."

Once the pairing would have arrived at the entrance of the cave, they gently began to set their apples down into a little hole that was previously dugout, and another large hole with water that was dug out with water droplets pouring into the hole, the cave had several other minor pathway ways leading deeper into the mountainside that would open up into other pockets of large space, that is about all he could gather as he had no way to light inside the many dark rooms in the cave, Allen would only be staying in the starting pocket by the entrance since there wasn't any need for the other spaces to use yet.

Allen was eager to know who would have caused this cave to be like this, with the many pathways leading inside it was way too complex to be called a simple cave, did this use to belong to some orcs that they may into a camp?

A lair of some sort of creature that could or couldn't be dangerous?

Allen ran through the variables as he was leaning against the rocky surfaces of the cave walls while munching on an apple, but one thing that he was sure about was that this mini labyrinth wasn't used in ages.

"Young master, now that you have rested up and eaten it is time for me to deliver some information about specific things." Chad would be standing in a dominating posture that looked like a teacher was giving out a lecture to his student.

"Now then besides all the personal information that you are accustomed to like stats, and knowing the landscape and equipment. I'll give you more of the native knowledge of these lands, magical creatures are diverse and plentiful, to regular old friendly deers, to a wolf that can bite a normal steel sword in half, to large beings that would only need to look at you to cause you to dig your own grave."

"Dangerous magical creatures in this world are dealt with adventurers in this world ranging from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, to diamond, to Mythril to adamantine. For you, young master you wouldn't even be classified in the bronze rank."

Both of Allen's eyes became slanted as he wasn't impressed with the circumstance, but all great things came from somewhere, you can't just do some simple level grinding and buying gear in the system store to get a head start, and then suddenly get a merry band of people they encounter to (slay the demon lord/king/beast) that would be highly unrealistic and some serious non-originality. (Cough)

"Is there anything else would you like to explain to me?"

"None at all young master, but I do believe it is time to start gathering some resources to create some basic tools, while this cave is indeed a good find it is not 100 percent suitable for living conditions."

Allen took a quick glance around the cave as he would have agreed with Chad on that one, no beds to cover themself during the cold nights, and the giant gaping hole that would allow any intruders or dangerous creatures in, though you can construct some wooden walls and a gate to fix that problem, with only the manpower of two people that would not be enough for to even start simple construction.

"Alright then, our first hour of business we need to gather some sticks, vines and some flint or stone to create some primitive tools, after that, I will gather some rocks and sticks and start making a fireplace, while you stand guard in case of anything dangerous showing up."

"I'm afraid to tell you this young master, but you are not at the desired level to use me as a combatant, at your current stage you can only use me for manual labor and other minor assistance."

Allen would just blankly stare at Chad with a quick smack to his forehead and a loud groan, he hated hearing that information.

Allen -"Alright then I'll gather the resources to make our tools, but you gather the resources to make the fireplace for today?"

"Yes young master." Chad quickly bowed as he walks out from the cave to gather any loose stone and sticks on the ground while making extra runs for sticks so they can lit the fireplace more than once.

"I guess it's time for me to get to work as well." Allen got up from the hard stone surface as he stretches his legs and arms out, once he felt his body eased up he would stare at the modern combat knife he was given.

-I could probably wrap this thing around a stick and turn this into a spear.- Allen thought to himself as he headed out from the cave, unknown to him at this time, in one of the several pathways leading to a large dark open space what seems to be a magical altar with four pillars around it, the altar would lightly begin to glow for a few seconds then fade away.

While in the forest Allen would have some vines that he pulled off from a tree as he twists and cuts the vine turning it into a usable rope to tie things around, He would be carrying the rope and the combat knife as he was searching around for a decent size stick that was in good condition.

Allen was now in an unknown area of he has yet to explore as he stumbles upon a clearing with only one massive tree in the middle that was way thicker than the rest, Allen couldn't believe his eyes on the size of the trunk.

" I- Holy- this is.." Allen steadily walked up to the tree as he would place a hand onto the tree bark only to feel a surge of calm and easiness of his emotions, then his hand started to glow a bright blue this was the first time Allen could feel Mana.

"I'm totally not going to cut this tree down." The tree felt like it was alive as the magical energy was circling all around it, he would begin to walk around the tree to see if there was anything special as he found a decent size length for a stick with minor Mana energy surging through it, making the material to be stronger then a regular stick, but it wouldn't be even class even in the lowest level of magical swords other weapons.

Allen quickly tied the combat knife around the stick as he began swinging his new weapon around, stabbing, swinging, slicing, Allen seem to have fun with the new as the blade of the combat knife began to gently glow red that caught Allen attention.

"Strange, I wonder what does this mean? I know it isn't a regular combat knife, so is it taking my mana through the stick?" Even being the lowest level he did had some small amount that he could spare but it wasn't much, Allen would look around the surroundings as he saw a good sturdy tree to test the weapon out.

"HA!" Allen let out a war cry as the blade of the weapon puncture the wood causing the structure of the tree to crack a little. Allen saw the damage result as he let out a sigh he knew that he was the starting level, but once he actually saw the damage he could do he wasn't impressed, but he was happy at least that he wasn't totally defenseless, he figure it was enough testing with his new spear.

"As much I want to swing this weapon around and have some more fun I gotta stay on track." Allen would also decide to pop open his level and stats window, he saw that he gained 5 EXP out of 50 points from the little training session he has done, though his stats all showed 10 with one stat slightly higher than the rest. [ Str 10 / Agi 10 / Int 10 / Cha 10 / Dex 15 / Mana 10 / Lck 10 / def 10 ] [ level 1 10/50 Exp to require to level up]

[Quest log: would you like to see your new quest?]

Allen saw the quest log as he would press the quest tab showing him some daily quests.

[ Quests : Quest acquire a weapon: reward 1 Exp (completed) / Quest find shelter : Reward 1 Exp (Completed) / Quest discover mana : Reward 1 Exp (completed) / Quest test new weapon : Reward 1 Exp (completed) / Quest acquire spiritual guide : Reward 1 Exp (completed) ]

Allen saw the amount of starting quests that he has finished then he began to scroll down, even more, to see what other tasks he can do.

[ Quests: Practice 100 stabs with a weapon: 7|100 Reward 5 Exp / Practice critical strikes 1|30 Reward 8 Exp / Practice blocking, parrying or dodging 0|150 Reward 6 Exp / Practice slashing 5|100 Reward 5 Exp / Gather basic tools reward 3 Exp ]

Allen saw the training quests as he thought he could put that away for later as he was more focus on the gathering of tools, he would back out of the quest tabs as he was now back at the main description of himself, he would go past the stats as he saw the word class and occupation as they were marked with nothing.

[ Class type: ??? / Occupation: Emperor of ??? ] He understands the class type being mark but he kind of laughed at himself seeing the words of Emperor of nothing, he did forget to name his empire but he wanted to save it at a later date.

Once almost an hour has gone by he has found some good sticks on the ground as he was holding them in the same hand that was carrying his new spear, and some sharp flint that was wrapped around one of his arms, and some rope to attach the flint to the sticks that were wrapped around his arms.

Once Allen was back at the cave he saw Chad was already there organizing the extra sticks in one pile while also getting the fireplace ready, He would turn his head around to see the young master that came back with some tool supplies, and the makeshift spear he has made.

"Welcome home young master, I see you obtain a new weapon."

"Yes I have Chad, I also brought back some resources to get our tools started."

Allen quickly drops all of the sticks and rocks that he was carrying then slowly began to unwrap the rope from his arms. Roughly twenty minutes of has gone by both Chad and Allen would have their own primitive ax and pickaxe, while also having some spares in case they would break, they also made a makeshift tool belt that would wrap themselves around their waist and back, this made it much easier carrying the spear for him.