Getting Started -A battle and a mixed emotions?- (2)

A bell ding could be heard as a message pop up a screen showing his progress on one of his quests, [Quest: gather basic tools reward 3 Exp (Completed) ] His stats point would appear to change from 10 to 13 points out of 50.

He smiles at his progress on leveling up but he felt like it was to slow. -At this rate, I'll probably be left behind by other players or if they want they can kill me, enslave me.- He shivers at the thought, his usual competitiveness when playing any kind of game would surge throughout his body as he began to think of some sort of starting plan, his head would be tilted downward and his eyes squinted and his thumb and pointer finger was on his chin.

The safest solution for right now is killing some non-hostile creatures to gain EXP like any ordinary RPG game.

"Chad, I'll be right back with some meat, we can't be living off apples can we?." Allen would secure his spear onto his back with the makeshift vine rope attach to it as he struts out of the cave descending the hill.

"I wish you luck on hunting young master!" He said while he waved off Allen as he watches him descend the hill and disappear into the thick forest, while Chad his plans as he left the cave to gather some supplies.

*Crunch, Snap, crack, rustle*

Sounds of fallen leaves and sticks were silently being stepped on, leaving a trail of footprints on the grass that lies below Allen, he had his spear equip in his hands as his eyes were fixed on the map only to take a few glances around the surrounding to get a better sense of direction.

Allen came upon a large bush as he hid behind the thick leaves so the targeted animal in his sights wouldn't be able to see him.

What appeared in his eyes was that the animal had mountain goat-like horns and a long flowy tail of a horse, but the body of a deer.

-Similar to the deers the exist my world huh? But not exactly on point, it may be marked as friendly and it's a level 12 creature plus a magical creature gotta make sure I don't mess this up- Allen launches himself forward, he wishes he could infuse him with some mana to boost his physical attributes but having no knowledge of how to control mana in the first place this made it difficult for him, there was no way he could buy a simple mana book and skip over the importance of character development. (Cough)

The deer-like animal once hears the slight rustle it ears would perk up as it would look towards Allen as he was enclosing distance he would stab his weapon toward deer, the animal would jump a good 7 ft into the air and lays 4 ft away dodging the attack.

"What?" This would shock Allen as he saw the creature sore through the sky in almost slow-mo but revert to real-time when it would land back down.

Both of them would look at each other, Allen would raise his spear toward the deer once again but the Animal would decide to run away huh. "Trying to run away from me huh? No way I'm letting you get away from me!" Allen shouted toward the deer, with the poor physical physique he only to kept the chase roughly two minutes at most.

"Ha...Ha....Ha... Damn my body." His body was crouch down leaning forward with his head facing down at the ground, he wasn't meant to be a fighter and was more of the brains type of fighter, The chess player if an in a battle zone between armies.

Allen began to hear the animal footsteps getting closer and closer to him as he lifted his head seeing the deer-like animal was charging at him with their horns down and glowing a slight lime green color, he recognizes this scene like how his spear was glowing red as he leaped over to the side but ended up crashing into the ground and ended up scratching up his skin.

Once the deer would go past the area he was standing at it would continue charging forward as it ended up crashing into a tree forcing it to crack apart and crumble, deer would stumble back a few steps as it shakes its head but hastily regains its focus to do a second charge at Allen.

Allen watches this in awe with his mouth wide open but was swept away seeing how the deer was going for another charge, Allen had scoot himself over while seeing the deer go past him and ram into another tree, breaking it and causing it to fall.

Seeing this happen again he came up with a plan to defeat this wild beast that saw in his eyesight, he quickly got himself up and ran over toward the nearest sturdiest tree he could find, and stand right in front of it.

Once he saw the deer get close enough he stepped toward the sides letting it ram into a tree, using the time it needed to refocus Allen would stab the animal in the sides, and quickly pulled his weapon out of the creature body, the deer let out a sound of a Horse shriek as it took a few steps back from just getting stabbed, blood began to slowly ooze out from the stab wound as a confident smirk emerge on his muddy face.

"Yeah, how does that feel you shit face animal!" he shouted at the deer-like animal but he noticed that the horns on the animal began to glow a deeper lime green, then once again the deer would charge at Allen with its power and speed doubled.

"Oh fuck me!" he would roll over to the side but his body was slammed into a tree, he would gag out some saliva.

Allen had begun to get off the ground with a small limp to his body, he was acing everywhere on his body so he uses his spear to hold himself up, with his hand clutch onto the stick tightly as possible.

"I'm not done yet fucker!" He would stare at the deer again as he prepares himself for battle once more, as he stood himself behind another tree waiting for the deer to charge at him, once the deer launch out another charge at him he did another sidestep letting the deer crash into the tree, and like last time he would stab at the animal again but this time on the opposite side the animal body.

Another shriek came from the animal with him pulling his weapon out, but this time he would stab the animal again then pulling out the weapon, The animal wasn't done as it body bash Allen causing him to stumble back a few feet away, once his eyes would stop shaking and had a clear vision on the deer that was charging at him again but this time he had no tree behind him.

"Gotta be kidding with me, whats with this deer!" with both of his hands he tightens the clutch on the spear even more as he felt a surge of energy beginning to flow from his entire body into his hands and then into his weapon, he would prepare himself to hold his ground bringing up his spear to the height of the deer neck level.

Once the deer was close enough to Allen he let out a war cry.

"HA!" He thrust the spear at the deer neck piecing it through its throat with him hoping it was over with that last single strike, but as the laws of motion dictates, The body of the deer would be flung out of control onto Allen body as they both crash into the ground.

After a few moments of silence has gone by a quiet groan as he pushes the deer off of him while slowly getting back up.

"This damn deer was more pain in the ass then I thought." He gave the animal a small kick and he retrieves his spear he saw the blood dripping off from the combat knife tip, then another pop-up message pop into his view.

[ Congratulations on killing your first creature, you just gain 9 Exp you are now 22 out of 50, a new quest has been added to your list > Quest: Kill 5 deers 1|5 Reward 35 EXP ]

"A new quest huh?" He swipes the screen away making it fade away, he would fling the blood off from his spear as he places it back on his back then began to drag the deer back to the cave.

A small blood trail could be seen in the dense forest as it was being bragged every couple of few feet, each time Allen would need to take a breather before moving the deer carcass again.

"Ha.. Ha... This damn deer really did a number on me, I really need to get stronger." Once Allen had arrived at the clearing beneath the hill, he took a peek at his map to see if Chad was there at thr cave but he didn't see his blue dot marker, Allen march on up the hill while dragging the dead deer carcass up to the entryway of the cave.

Allen would drop the body off at the entrance as he sluggishly walks over to the sides of a cave, and prop his spear against the cave walls and then himself as he took a huge breather, He then turns his head to take a closer look inside the cave and spotted more sticks, flint and stone and rope, and different kind of other piles such as berries and what seems to be some nuts.

"Seems like that big goof has been busy gathering more supplies, good that means we don't have to worry about supplies for a little while." He grunted from the little movement he made while speaking, Allen brought up the transparent map again and zoom all the way out until he saw Chad markers, he was roughly fifteen minutes walking distance away from the cave and it was coming back.

"I hope he has some way to heal me if he's supposed to give me assistance." Allen groans again while his breathing was slow but it was at least steady.

Chad was quietly whistling the British grenadiers while carrying some thicker sticks that could be created into makeshift racks, so food and other resources won't have to be lying on the ground.

Chad had finally made it to the clearing at the hill as he trudges up the hill with the sticks in his hands as something caught him off guard when he saw Allen sitting there with his injuries.

"Young master! what has happened to you? How did you get this badly hurt?" Chad immediately sprang himself over to Allen with his towering domineer that block some of the sunlight for him.

Allen - "I'm fine, if I rest for at least two days I should be ok." Allen kept a confident smile but he knew his body was aching badly.

Chad -"This is unacceptable young master! I must heal you right away!" Chad would bend himself down to get on a similar level As Allen then he raises both of his hands up towards him.

Allen -"What- what are you doing?" Allen was confused on why Chad's hands were in front of him as he began to see a gentle glow of green light beginning to cover his body, energy particles would then steadily fly away and fade a few seconds afterward.

Allen -"You actually do have a healing ability? What other secrets do you have?" He began to feel his aching body gradually fade away but not 100 percent, all the scratches, and bruises that were on his skin were almost completely gone.

Chad -"I just only have a low-level healing skill, If I was a much higher level then I could completely heal you, and that is information is something that you need to find out young master."

Chad gave a worrying chuckle then he retracted his hands away from Allen's body.

"That's all I can do for right now young master, you should be able to walk fine, but don't expect that you completely recover to fight another deer," Chad said as he walks away to pick up the sticks that were scattered across the ground then began to place them in the piles.

Allen would quickly get off the floor as he patted his clothing and fix any wrinkles, He would see that Chad was starting to tie things together.

Allen then began to look at his muddy hands. "I guess I could clean myself up."

As he walked over toward the nearby pond and once he reached to the edge of the pond, he reaches down into the water and began to clean his hands, then he slowly began to take off his raggy clothes while placing his spear next to a tree and started a mildly cold shower, with his manly sausage and slightly chubby body out in the open, he would be trying his best to clean off all the dust and dirt on his skin and any dirt that was lingering in his hair.

His shower session lasted at least an hour with him spending most of his time swimming and having fun in the water, it been only half a day and he was totally on edge every minute so he just wanted to have time to relax both physically and mentality.

"losing my fear.. and breaking my weakness huh?" He said to himself as he floated along the water with his eyes closed.

With his mind clear and relaxed, sudden darkness looms upon him -Scum! failure! what a nerdy loser! No way that guy is too ugly, yo check out that geek, I bet he has no friends.- His mentality began to be swarm with all the negative thoughts and people with big huge grins on their faces while pointing at him, laughing at him.

He fumbles around in the water only to resurface a few seconds later and then swims back to the shore. "No I can't let those thoughts get to me... just I can't! I just... can't" He would slam his fist into the dirt as tears began to form under his eyes and roll down his cheeks then he, grab his clothing and started to put his clothing on and then pick up his spear and started to storm off back to the cave.