Getting Started -emotions and shopping?- (3)

Allen would have just arrived at the top of the hill as he walks over to a flatbed on top of the hill, he slams the end of the spear on the ground with his right hand tightly clutching the stick, his head was tilted downward with his hair covering the top section of his face as streams of tears still kept coming down his face.

"Damn them... damn them.." Allen began to silently mutter to himself as he raises up his spear into an offensive position. "Damn them.. damn them! damn them!! DAMN THEM!!! DAMN THEM ALL!" Allen began to stab, swing and slice at the air, but for Allen's perspective, it was just more than that for him, it was stabbing at the negative thoughts and feelings, at the dark figure that was still laughing at him, Although this was just his mentality.

Allen's level of confidence in himself and especially his physical appeal was already set in an all-time low, this was the sign of that low self-esteem managing to catch up with him in this world.

= check out this los- = *swing* "Shut the fuck up prick!"

= This idiot is hella wea- = *stab* "Be quiet asshole!"

= Who would even date that guy? He fat and stu-= *slice* "No one likes you any way you bitch!"

=You couldn't even defeat a deer properly, you should be the one whose qui- = *stab* "Yeah like you cunts can actually do any better!"

After a few more swings and stabs in the air, Allen finally threw his spear away causing a clattering sound on the ground he then crumbled onto his knees while he was covering his ears as the endless tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut up!! SHUT UP!" on the spur of the moment with his mental state going on a chaotic frenzy a red magical circle appeared below him as it grew out covering 3 ft in diameter, weird scripted language and symbols could be seen lining up within the circle interior design.

A small amount of electricity began to strike out from the circle and tiny rocks and pebbles began to float up into the air.

Chad rushed over from the other side of the hill as he felt a surge of magical energy influx near the cave, and he realizes the Mana he felt belonged to Allen with him being the spiritual guide he was what some people would best describe as a mix mental and emotional connection to his master.

He ran over the hill until he arrived at the flatbed on the hill.

Chad - "Young master!"

as he acted quickly he would jump into the magic circle as he felt a sudden heavyweight that was tossed on top of him, he could hear his Young master cry out with all his sadness feeling like he wanted to crawl up into a ball and stay like that forever, within each step he tries to get closer to Allen the overburden amount of sadness and grief swarm him but he kept moving on.

Once chad was in reach of Allen he would wrap his arms around Allen as he heads his head into Allen's ear.

"It's going to be ok, everything will be fine."

Chad's entire body would begin to get wiped by the electrical current that was still going around in a frantic, but he would hold the pain in himself for his young master's sake.

"I'm here with you, young master, everything is going to be fine," Chad whispered in Allens ear trying his best to comfort him the best way that he can, but for right now all he can do is just hug Allen body. Allen's hands twitch as he heard the once-crisp voice had a soft gentle tone to it, he slowly twitches his head so his eyes can see Chad's face.

Allen -"Ch- Chad? Please, don't leave me, I'm scared."

His eyes were filled up with tears then he wraps his arms around Chad muscular body while still balling his eyes out, Allen never once had a person who he can put so much trust in, and such in a short amount of time, With how lonely always felt he had a hard time trusting people, and sometimes he wouldn't reveal all of his secrets to his previous friends.

No one wants there to hear out his pain and mental suffering.

Chad - "I won't leave you, I promise a young master."

A tiny smile comes out of his face as an electrical spark would scratch one of his cheeks. Seeing this happen Allen let out a gasp as he looked around him, spark marks could be seen around them with the magical circle rotating between the two, Allen felt guilty giving this amount of trouble to chad as he gulps down some spit and tries to regain himself.

The mana circle would soon lessen and the multiple sparks would disperse and finally, the circle would fade away with Allen's forehead sweating like crazy he uses what's left of his energy to turn back to look at Chad with a weak smile, then Allen would faint right in Chad's arms.

After several hours have gone by it was beginning to turn night time as the sun was setting, The cave entrance would have changed as it would have small fences at the end of each pole they would be dug into the ground, and inside the interior of the cave, primitive weapon racks were located inside with some extra primitive spears.

(Ones that doesn't have the combat knife attached to it) resting on the rack, and another rack that was holding up the deer hide as Chad had made a primitive skinning knife with a small stick, some rope, and flint. Allen's eyes began to twitch and a little groan came out from his mouth, He slowly lifts himself up to see the new extra things that were new in the cave, he then would glance around the cave to see if he could see chad, Once he saw Chad sat upon a rock in front of the cave that was carving up an apple with a primitive knife.

"Chad?" said weakly toward him as he brought himself to sit upright.

"How are you feeling young master?" Chad spoke with the soft voice like last time while carving away at the apple, he felt worried for him as he wanted to say something to help him with his emotional burden, but he wouldn't budge into his personal problems and seem rude if Allen wanted to not talk about his problems.

"I-... I'm fine I guess? I am feeling a bit tired." Remembering what happen earlier in the day he wanted to say that he was sorry for causing Chad so much trouble, he would say that this maybe wasn't something he wasn't cut out for, a tiny, fat, nerdy weakling being an Emperor?

In whose dreams is that possible?

"Chad I'm so sorry, I just don't- I don't think- I ca-"

"If you think I'm mad at you or filled with anger, young master, then you sure still have a long road ahead of you." He chuckles softly under as he was just about to finish craving the apple skin.

"Everyone has their own inner demons that they must tame, If no one had any internal strife then we may all be a bunch of saints!"

He tosses the apple toward Allen, with Allen fumbling the apple around the apple in his hands since he wasn't really a good catcher when an object is thrown at him.

"I won't budge into your personal life if you are not suited for that kind of conversation right now, how about you take another look at the other functions of the systems, you kind of missed out on several factors, the system store, the empire tab, and the research tab, while you take a look at those, I'll prepare dinner for tonight."

Chad would get up from the rock and stretch a little as he walked over to the skinned animal carcass and began to divide up the raw meat.

Allen saw this wanting to continue to talk but if anything were to happen again, he may lose control again, so he decided to check out more details of the system, he snapped his fingers while taking a bite out of the apple.

-Seems like I haven't completed any new quests hm..- Allen then swipe over to a different screen as he saw what Chad meant by a system store, it would be divided into multiple tabs

[ System store: Weapons / Armor / Food / Supplies / specialize troops | one free loot box item | ]

Allen was curious what was item was inside the loot box but before he could see he would check on it he wanted to see what kind of items do they have in store in the weapons, armor and the specialized troops. He clicks open the weapon tabs seeing the classical menu of a shop with everything costing System points or crystals.

- Systems points? What are those?- He selected the information about these system points with a small screen that blocks a portion of the shop.

[ System points, and crystals, that are rewarded in personal or battles at any lifeforms as long as the enemy is stronger than the player if the player loses to the enemy the points gather will not be given, and a small points deduction will occur ]

- So I get paid to get my ass beat huh?- Allen's eyes twitch as he took another bite from his apple aggressively munching it, he saw that he had 5 system points and 15 crystals as well, he would continue reading extra information on the page.

[ Other methods of gaining currency are from a group battles that must have at least 20-50 people on both sides, then a small skirmish battle between 100 to 1000 or more, on both sides, a 3rd option is through a larger skirmish consisting of troops in the tens of thousands, then upon the 4th option is in a battlefield consisting of hundreds of thousands of soldiers that may reach almost to the millions. ]

Allen's eyes were wide open as he knew the inner workings of a strategic empire building games, with thousands upon thousands of soldiers crashing their weapons with each other, spells being launch at each other, spilling the same blood on the soil, but it never really faze him until this point, the sheer size of the numbers he could be leading was insane.

-I'm going to become an Emperor aren't I huh?- With one fine bite out of the apple, he threw the apple core away with it bouncing along the floor then finally stopping.

Allen was looking down at both of his hands and then a small glance at Chad who was still working away, he shook his head and padded his face, Allen removes the systems information tab as he began to see the items listed, he also noticed a review button next to the buy button.

[Low-grade knife: Price 15 systems point 50 crystal pieces | Medium-grade knife: 40 system points 85 crystal pieces | High-grade knife: 65 system points 100 crystal pieces. ]

-interesting- He thought as he scrolled down the store even more [Low-grade broadsword 75 system points 120 crystal pieces ]

Allen began to skim through the regular weapons that contain 0 magical powers seeing that there were bows, other polearms weapons, shields, crossbows, and different kind of swords until he finally arrived at the first magical weapon he could buy.

[ Low-grade magical broad sword: 350 system points 530 crystal pieces ]

-Damn this not cheap to buy, and this is the weakest and cheapest this store has!- He kept moving on until something caught his eyes as he saw a specific label called | Geweher | This shocked Allen with his eyes almost feeling like that could pop out from his eyes, and his mouth was wide open. As he had studied a lot of WW1 and 2 back in his previous world, as the word translated into the word.

"Gun" Allen let out an awkward chuckle then a snicker, he quickly raise up one of his hands onto his forehead.

"No fucking way." He was lost in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes that modern weaponry could exist in this world, no way, no way in hell, Unless.

Allen remembers that IT did say scientific discovery was a thing, and technology was important for an empire military strength, But he thought that was meant as medical research, better ways to control Mana something else besides weapons of mass destruction!

-If these kinds of weapons exist in this world what kind of weapons are they? And how diverse are they?... And can my soldiers use these as well?- Allen felt a sinister smile appear across his face as his own mental delusion fantasy came in his mind.

Allen decided to click onto the Geweher lane and came out with a list of different Assault rifles, submachine guns, pistols, and snipers. -let's see how much a pistol costs.

- Allen would click on the pistols as a list of different variants of pistols would appear in front of his eyes, but to his, to surprise they didn't look like the regular weaponry he was used to seeing back in his old world, the first design almost looked likes it was almost made out of wood with tiny craves on it, it would almost look like a flintlock pistol but with a tiny sphere, shape gem was in the top right angle from above where the trigger was supposed to be. -I'm curious to know more.-

Allen would bring up the weapon information tab

[ Valkryie pistols - Design by two elderly, one human, one dwarven both of them were battle masters and academic people, they both wanted a new way of fighting a new weapon of some sort, as they began to test and experiment with new ideas and methods they had came up with the Valkryie pistols.

An old and long been outdated weapon compare to the newer and more advance models, the tiny sphere gem is a low-grade Spacial storage space that would carry most up to 7 metal beads before it needs to refill, the time duration consisting of 30 seconds to completely refill the spacial sphere.

A leather strapping must be attached to the user at all times which is connected to the Valkyrie pistol so a mana connection could be established, once mana is inputted into the pistol a metal bead will appear in the weapon chamber and a tiny explosive force will launch the bead out of the chamber. ]

Allen was thrilled about the information that he has gotten and was happy to test it out as he eyed toward the review button he would press it, His vision became dark as the weapon appeared right on the front of him hovering gently in the air.

Allen grab the weapon and latch the leather strapping onto his arm as mana began to go up through the mana tube and into the Valkyrie pistol.

Then a dummy wearing heavy plated armor, under some chainmail and heavy leather patting, who was carrying a thick heavy shield and a stone wall were set behind him. He aims toward the dummy target.

*Bang* A loud explosive sound could be heard as he pulled the trigger mechanism on the weapon the metal bead came flying out of the chamber with a trail of red mana light zooming out, the bead would pierce through the thick shield, then through all of the armor that the dummy has on him, the bead went out through the back and then into the stone wall behind it.

Allen let out an impressed whistle as he ended the review session bringing his vision back to normals "Allen likey" As he saw the image of the Valkyrie pistol but the price was almost out of this world!

[ Valkyrie pistols: 100k system points 210k crystal points. ]