Getting started-The shopping continues- (4)

Once Allen was satisfied with examining the rest of the weapons that were available to buy when he has enough currency to whenever to buy the item or not, he left the weapon store page as he decided which tab to look next at. [ System Store: Weapons / Armor / Food / Supplies / Specialize troops | One free loot box | ] Armor was something that he was curious about among all the different tabs, Allen had a rough understanding on what food and supplies meant so he left those two tabs to be explored last. He would tap his finger at the Armor button bringing up the Armor store list, He notices this time this store page would show different class types of armor instead of armor types. [ Warriors / Tanks / Mages / Priests / Wizards / Rangers / Rogues / ] All the classical names of every fantasy class role was listed down on the shop.

"This honestly seems more, like a fantasy RPG every second that passes." Allen's eyes would quickly roll at this thought. He then turns his head at Chad seeing that he was starting the campfire with some small chunks of deer meat stab through a stick like a shish Kabob, Chad had 6 in his hands 4 for him and 2 for his Young master, Chad would catch Allen staring at him.

"Is there something you need young master?" He tilted his head at Allen

"Ah, nevermind." He waved his hand indicating he means nothing at Chad as he went back to inspecting the store, Chad would then stab all 6 Shish kabobs into the ground and started to heat up the fireplace. The sun was halfway down as the world began to fade into a deep orangish sunset upon the bright blue that existed before.

-Let's try to see the warriors label- Allen hastily presses the warrior's tab with another pop-up screen appear right over the previous screen, Allen could see some basic leather patting armor for both the chest area and legs area [ System store: Low-grade light armor leather patting set: 50 System points, 80 crystal pieces | Medium-grade light armor leather patting set: 70 System points 90 crystal pieces | High-grade light armor leather patting set: 95 System points 105 Crystal pieces. | Allen felt like the prices were just about right for the equipment set tier but he had hoped they would have been slightly cheaper.

"Alright then let's check out the heavier leather armor." Allen hovers his pointer finger on a scroll tab as he slowly scrolls down to the more heavy and expensive armor.

[ System store: Low-grade medium weight armor leather patting set: Price 75 system points 95 crystal pieces | medium-grade medium weight armor leather patting set: Price 90 System points 125 crystal pieces. | High-grade medium weight armor leather patting set: Price 115 system points 145 crystal pieces. | ] >Scroll scroll> [ low-grade heavy armor leather patting set: Price 110 system points | Medium-grade heavy armor leather patting set: Price 125 system points 155 crystal pieces | High-grade heavy armor leather patting set: Price 145 system points 170 crystal points.| ]

Allen would squint his eyes at the last price tag of the highest grade for heavy non-magical leather armor and sigh. "It's going to take ages for me to rack up to these numbers." Allen raise up his hand and looked at it as he forms a fist with a secure grip. "But mark my word.. I will eventually reach the stages of godly level equipment." Allen silently giggles to himself as he began to see a move down the list past the non-magical armor section until he saw the cheapest set that he could buy.

[ System store: low-grade light armor magical leather set: Price 900 system points 1.1k crystal pieces. ] "That... that's a lot of money." Allen groans to himself while he let his head fall forward with his face on his knees. He lifts up his head again to stare right at the screen with the huge number for the armor price, reluctantly he decided to move the list down to the high-grade armor set. [ High-grade light armor magical leather set: Price 2.3k system points 2.9k crystal pieces. Allen almost lost his breath at the prices as he falls over to his side's, then something clicks in his mind as he brought himself back up to examine the list even more closely.

"Strange" he mutters "Even despite the high-grade armor to be expensive.. most all of them are set to rare status? Are there no special items? no exclusive weapons or armor?" Allen scratches his head as he scrolls all the way down to the bottom armor from leather armor to the metal armor. 'These are standard equipment even if it's high tier range..." Allen then decided to learn more about this from Chad as he looks over at Chad who was now whistling the US field artillery song while making sure the meat wasn't overcooked.

"Hey Chad, I got something to ask of you if you don't mind."

"Yes? Young master, what is your question?"

"All of the weapons, and armor I seen in the system shops are all pretty standardize, even the high tier ones... Where are all the exclusive items, all of the special loot? the ones above rare? is this some sort of issue with the system?

"Ah, that is because young master, you are to low ranked, and to low level to access this kind of information, remember your still rank is still recruit star 1.. level 1."

Again with the ranks and levels, Allen would start to get annoyed with hearing the same repeated nonsense over, and over again.

"I- I see."

Allen's eyes had a little twitch to them seeing how he was kept from hearing any unique information from this one obstacle in front of his path to success. Chad saw how Allen had acted as he gave Allen a reassuring smile to lighten his mood or to try and lessen his annoyance with the world

"I know you will get to that point young master, I know you will, and I also know to the fact that you can."

Allen wasn't ready for this as a small embarrassing with a pinkish color was on his cheeks.

" t-thanks Chad.

"Not a problem, young master, I'm happy that I can be given assistance to you, once you are done checking out all the store's details and information, the deer meat should be ready for consuming of substances."

Allen gave a nod of yes as he hurriedly along to find more information on the store page. The last remaining tab he really wanted to check out was the specialized troops that he can buy in-store. With a few swipes and button-pushing, he exited out from the armor shop and then into the specialized soldiers. What Allen first saw was a list of all different kinds of elite forces throughout time and historical eras from his world, from ancient Rome praetorian guards, and Ancient Athens having Spartans soldiers, Carthage warriors, Medieval knights, to British high landers and including French old guard regiments. The list would continue on and on, The German SS jagers and the US airborne division up to Russia Spetsnaz and the British SAS and French GIGN.

While the era that gets older the elite soldier was cheaper compare to more modern-day troops but also they can only be bought with System points, from the ancient era the system points cost around in the hundred to a few thousand depending on how many he wanted to buy. He also saw that one extra special elite forces cost at least three times the amount to buy 1 regular elite soldier, but that didn't stop his surprise with him seeing that he could get female elite warriors as well. His eyes were hovering above the word female as his face began to turn red, him being an anime fan in his previous life you can see how that has affected his mentality, he quickly slaps himself to shake off the notion of having an anime waifu dress as a Roman praetorian guard fighting for him.

" Soooooo Chad, I see that this system allows females to be soldiers.. from any era of time it would also seem.. I uh.."

"If you are coming from the thought that the opposite gender can't put you into a headlock, as much as another male can, but they also have the motivation to turn your manly pride between your legs into uh... disposable waste to say the least, young master."

Allen gulped as he heard Chad's explanation as he uses both of his hands to cover up his private parts.

"I- no no I meant more on how loyal can they be? how would they emotionally feeeel about me as a leader and uh... as a male you know?"

"If you expect loyalty they will have it, but don't expect them to be mindless drones issuing every command to your fullest if they realize they been given a suicide mission they will deny it. And for the emotional connection if that's what you meant, then it could happen, but don't expect all of them being an elegant princess dress in armor that carries a weapon... and if wooing one of them became a thought in your heart and mind... I'll just keep it at that."

Allen now became even more hesitant on the situation even further, he expected this much to give him a dream paradise but the harsh cruel reality exists for a reason, not everyone that the main character should know is a cute anime waifu girl (AH COUGH COUGH ACK COUGH) and even if the chance did occur! the fact that they should act feminine or have more elegant feminine traits from the start makes it even more unreal. (COUGH AHEM be more original COUGH I will never stop calling other authors out with the re-use anime plot tropes COUGH) His inner man of culture was still blinded by the idea of buying a female warrior but he still kept himself balance from his logical and reasonable side of him.

Allen left the specialize soldiers tab so his mind can carry on from his emotional thoughts, as he was now back at the main menu for the systems shops, he would still see the text of [ One free loot box ] was still open toward him as he debated to himself whenever to open it, or open it at a later day? "Should I open it? I could get something special.. but what happens if something bad happens? and I could use this as my exit ticket? But if I miss out on an item that can help me out in the early game? AAAHH decisions decisions.." Allen groans as he slides his hand roughly down his face, he had his eyes still glue onto the text. "If something bad has happened in the future it's better to be prepare." Allen swiftly taps the button as the text began to change into a new form of words. [ Loot box accepted ]

A bright golden glow that was the shape of a box appears in front of him as it steadily begins to reveal itself, the bright glow was too strong as he had to place his hands in front of his glasses to cover how bright it was. finally revealing what the item was hidden inside the glowing energy box he in covers his eyes and gave them a quick rub and a little adjustment to his glasses, The glow would also catch Chad attention as his focus was moved away from cooking.

" Is that supposed to be some armor perhaps? I think some sort of material made out of fur?

Chad began to walk over where the box had come in from and picked up the light fur armor, it was low-graded.

"Young master check the stats description on this armor set."

Allen answer with a quick nod as he opens up the stats menu for the light fur armor [Low-grade light armor wolf fur / stats : +5 to Stre +10 to agi +10 to def / equipment ranking superior 1 star. ] Allen had repeated everything word for word toward Chad as he gently tosses it over at Allen.

"catch, you gotta need that armor me than me," he said as he began to walk back over to the deer meat shish kabobs making sure they aren't overcooked.

Allen would catch hold of the light armor wolf fur as he felt the soft hairs lining the armor, -soft- he mentality spoke to himself. With this he could use as a makeshift blanket and not catch a cold tonight while sleeping, he then could use the item in to continue his quest tomorrow in the morning, but his nose began to pick up the deer meat scent as he got up from the ground and walked on over to the campfire, sounds of wood being burnt and cracking of wood began to fill in the darkening night. Chad would hand over one deer shish kabob to Allen as he graciously thanks him for the dinner.

"This smells good, good thing I manage to catch that deer."

"Indeed young master, but as your spiritual guide and assistance, I do not require the need to eat but I am still able to taste the food."

"Really huh? I was wondering why you barely ate anything this entire day, yet you already did so much."

" As well as sleep, my body does not need sleep so I will stand watch throughout the night to alert you of any dangerous present."

Allen took a bite at the deer meat as he chewed on it, he heard Chad newest reply as another surge of happiness to have a good ally, and now especially a person he can call a friend was right here with him, the night grew darker and darker ad they both finish they meals, Allen would grab his spear and tried to find the most *softest* spot on the cave surface as he leans the spear against the cave wall and uses the fur armor to give him warmth. Chad at this time would have found a way to climb up to a higher place just a few ft above the cave entrance as he sat down, he would look up upon the stars as he began to sing through multiple military songs, and sometimes repeating a few.