Getting Started -Training session- (5)

Allen's eyes shimmer and twitch as the sun began to rise above over the horizon as the second day of this strange world was now starting arrival. His brown color eyes glisten with the sunlight striking his eye pupil color, he gently rubbed his eyes to clear away any blur that was still left from the uncomfortable sleep he had.

-So that's what it's like sleeping on a hard surface is like.-

Allen pushes himself off the ground as he was now sitting upright with his back not feeling too comfortable from that sleep session, he missed his comfy soft bed and warm indoor feel, home AC, earth food, the more he dreamt about it the more he wanted to crave, but this train of thought was knocked away from the beauty that was rising over the hills.

Allen never really care about natural scenery back in his old where when his family went on their trips, but something was unique about this one sunrise that made Allen smiled a little as he holds the wolf fur armor in his hands which were used as his blanket.

"Maybe this isn't too bad." A breeze of cold wind warp around the cave and quickly went away as fast as it came.

Allen would then look around the cave to see if he can find Chad anyway but nothing was seen, besides the deer carcass, the weapon rack, his spear, the burnout fireplace with ashes, and the deer pelt rack.

Allen would bring open the map menu to see if he was anyway near the cave, he finally saw Chad blue dot marker seeing that he was at the flatbed near the cave located on the hill, he would also notice one of the primitive spears was missing from the weapon rack.

"Doing some training huh? This reminds me." Allen would get up from the ground as he was now standing on his own to feet, his dark spiky hair flowing faintly from the air that was blown into the cave from time to time, his Asian brown color eyes would stare right at the world lush green world, as the world stare right back at him, his short stature of 5 ft and 4 inches and slightly chubby body, sharp nose with his glasses.

He brought up his character description menu so he can see his quest log.

[ Character description | Name Allen Chen: Gender Male: Race Human: Height 5'4" : Bloodtype B : Age 18 : class ??? : Emperor of (un-name empire) | Rank : Recruit 1 star / Level 1 22/50 Exp : Str 10 / Agi 10 / Int 10 / Cha 10 / Dex 15 / Mana 10 / Lck 10 / def 10 ]

Allen saw the descriptive wall of the RPG menu of his personal description and details as he moves onto to the quest log to see the quests he has remaining.

[ Quest log: Practice 100 stabs with a weapon: 7|100 Reward 5 Exp / Practice critical strikes 1|30 Reward 8 Exp / Practice blocking, parrying or dodging 0|150 Reward 6 Exp / Practice slashing 5|100 Reward 5 Exp / Quest: Kill 5 deers 1|5 Reward 35 Exp ]

Seeing that he could do some training quests before he moves onto doing the deer hunting mission quest, he would walk over to the little cave water holding as he splashed his face, and wash his hands to *freshen* the best he can for the new day.

Allen would grab some berries and nuts quickly swallowing them for his breakfast, the main part of today breakfast was an apple as he munched on the apple until only the core was left Allen casually chuck it away.

Allen would walk over to the side of the cave that his spear was leaning against then he saw his light armor wolf fur with both the chest piece and leggings laying on the floor, he didn't want to damage his newfound equipment possession before he could use it in an actual battle.

[Low-grade light armor wolf fur / stats : +5 to strength +10 to agi +10 to def / equipment ranking superior 1 star. ]

Allen scan over the information again seeing how this equipment information has stats as he never really bother to check the information on all of the weapons that he has right now, his eyes gleam over to the weapon rack as he looks closely at the primitive spear.

[ Low-grade primitive spear, Gives the user a slight increase of 3 strength stats point increase ]

Allen then turns his attention toward his makeshift magical spear.

[ low-grade primitive makeshift magical spear, Special skills - Critical strike, allows the user to condense mana into the blade of the weapon, making the weapon strike harder and more damage is caused / Stats +5 Stre +2 def / Ranking superior 3 stars ]

-How peculiar- Allen thought to himself seeing the information listed below him in the transparent pop-up screen that lays before his eyes, Allen would grab a hold of the weapon as he was holding it in both of his hands, this time he would inspect the weapon even more and getting more of a feel for it.

Allen never really did notice it but he did felt like he was slightly stronger while holding the spear, with the +5 to strength his strength level would be at 15 points, but just simply holding the weapon makes him feel more strong.

"Alright enough with that, I think it's about time to train and I believe Chad should be able to help me with that." Allen said proudly with his spear in his hand as he holds it high above his head, as he walks over to the hill flat top terrain.

*Swish, swing, stab, slice, swish.*

Chad was in the middle of the flat top area on the hill as he was practicing his technique even if it was only a primitive spear, he wanted to make sure he didn't become too rusty in combat. His ears twitch with sounds of footsteps being heard behind him, as he swung around with this weapon following in pursuit as it was directly pointed at Allen, the tip of the weapon was only a few inches away from his face.

Allen felt like he was going to die from that 1 single swing with the strong force wind that came right after the strike, Allen froze in place as he stared at the weapon tip.

Allen -"A... A- little on edge don't you think Chad?"

Chad realizes his mistake and began to apologize to Allen profusely.

"Pardon me sudden abrupt cause of harm to you, Young master, Please forgive me."

Chad's head and was body was facing downward to the ground as this made Allen even more awkward on the situation as he awkwardly was shaking his head, and he had both of his hands out toward Chad to signal him to stand up straight.

" It-it's fine Chad, no need to say sorry, It's fine we all make mistakes."

Allen gave Chad a pad on his shoulder, Chad would lift up his head and body so can he face Allen, He saw the awkwardly embarrassed look on his face as a little grin appears on his face but nothing more.

"May I ask what is the young master doing this early up this morning? Is some assistance is needed?" Chad stated.

" I would like to be your training partner since I have some quests that involve me." Allen lifts up his spear and gives it a shake. "Swinging this thing around for a bit."

"Well that's fine by me, this hill flat top gives us plenty of space, It's large enough to fit 50 men that could train here, once we have 50 men in training of course." Chad chuckled and gave Allen a few pats on the shoulder.

"We will have more than 50 men during 1 training session Chad, mark my words we will have hundreds, upon thousands, and many more!" Allen confidently said as he slams his fist against his heart area

Chad saw this uproar of emotion from Allen as he smiled once more, he then would walk over to the other side of the hill flat top to continue his training. Allen then prepared himself as he gave his spear a look, then he got into spearmen like stance and began to thrust into the air, switching from stabbing to swinging, or to slicing.

Allen would have some minor breaks here and there with his below-average body physique, but a smile was always on his face whenever he was swinging his weapon or taking a small break. Once roughly a half an hour has gone by he decided to check the quest log on the two specific training quests that were about using his spear on the offense.

[Quest log: Practice 100 stabs with a weapon: 43|100 Reward 5 Exp / Practice 100 slashes 47|100 Reward 5 Exp ]

Seeming like he was making good headway into his training session he would get off the grassy floor, and resume his training.

This time the full hour went by as he caught a quick glimpse of Chad training session, with each swing of his weapon he felt like he could be beaten quite easily, with each stab he felt like it could go through his body even with the fur armor he recently got.

Allen decided to take a quick pause to his training as he walk over to where chad was located.

"Hey, Chad I was curious about something."

A gush of wind would blow over toward Allen as his dark spiky hair was gently pushed around from the wind.

"Yes young master?"

"If I'm at the beginning level, aren't you also at the beginning level as well? How are you this strong already from the start?"

Chad -"To answer that question, young master is quite simple- even If my level is low I have personals skills and, a technique for muscle memory no matter how strong physically a being is if they have no technique they might as well be a mindless brute. I may be stronger now but simple training gives off far to little Exp, so you can use this chance to become stronger than I."

Allen made sure to remember this piece of information so he can be more ready for battles in the future while bringing the chances of him loosing down to a lower percent level.

"And is it possible for you to train me then?"

"If that is what you desire young master, I could teach you but I'm no weapon expert, I only manage to hone the basics to a decent level."

"Anything is fine as long as I can get stronger, I cannot lose to any opponents in the future!" He proudly proclaims as he raises his hand that was holding the spear up into the air.

Chad would raise up his hands as he gave a gentle pat to Allen's head rustling his hair, time would freeze up as this one scene looks like if a younger brother and an older brother were bonding together.

[ Chad description: Name Chad Dickerson: gender male : race human : age 25 : bloodtype AB : Class type warrior : occupation spiritual guidance and assistance to Emperor Allen | Rank recruit 1 star, level 1 5/50 Exp | Str 10 / Agi 10 / Int 10 / Cha 20 / Dex 10 / Mana 10 / lck 10 / def 10 ]

"Before you do I must ask of you to finish your training quests before you start our little sparing duel."

Allen gave Chad a thumbs-up as he walks on over to his spot where he was previously training at, he got into the spearmen position once more than he took in a huge breath while slowly closing his eyes, he clutches the spear in his hand as he began to clear his mind, a surge of mana began to flow from his hands into the spear then into the blade of the weapon.

Allen felt this happen as he opens his eyes as the spear was glowing red, he came up with a conclusion is that when his mana was control from his emotions but he felt like he needed to be trained by an expert magic-user to use mana whenever he needs it.

Allen would launch out a strike with his spear as he felt like it was a little lighter, and he began to feel like his body was also a bit lighter on his feet, with each thrust of the spear he knew his body was getting used to the weapon, more and more even by the littlest amount.

After another hour has gone by the weapon glow faded away with Allen standing on the grass with a huge smile on his face, the sun beaming the light down on him with him rapidly brought his fist up with the spear and began to hold up in the air, soon his body toppled backward laying flat on the ground and several ping sound effect could be heard.

*Ping ping ping*

[Quest log : Practice 100 stabs 100|100 rewards 5 EXP (completed) / practice 100 slashes 100|100 rewards 5 Exp (Completed) Practice 30 critical strikes 30|30 rewards 8 Exp (completed) ] In a total of 18 Exp was granted to him along with the training Exp of 6 points, a combined total of 20 Exp bringing him up to 44 Exp out of 50 Exp was updated.

"Ha..... Ha...." Allen silently laid there on the ground breathing heavily with each breath, sweat was all around his face with a childish smile on his face.

Allen began to lift up the spear with one of his hands as he holds it above his face as he looks at his own weapon, he senses that he was happy, joyful, prideful in himself of doing all of this. He then he lay his hand to rest, with a ten-minute break he got himself to sit upright seeing how Chad flow from one footstep to the next, and with the next strike.

He rested for a few more minutes before getting back up from the ground and then walked over to Chad.

"I just finish all my quests now, All I need to finish now is my parrying and dodging and blocking que-." Allen was cut off as Chad spear would come toward Allen's face but he manages to move his face at the last second with the skin of his cheek getting a minor cut.

"Then let the sparring lesson begin, young master." Chad said with a teasing smile and look in his eyes.

Allen let out a grunt as Chad made him out to be a fool but he wasn't going to let that kind of thing happen to him, he knew he couldn't attack at Chad since this quest was more of him getting used to dodging, parrying, and blocking Chad spears attack. His eyes were fixated on his spear ready to see when he will strike next.

"Like a good green Alien that I know... DODGE!!!!!!" Chad would thrust his spear at Allen's legs as Allen manages to somewhat dodge the attack his skin was also cut once again. "we can keep this going for however long since I'm able to heal you!"

Allen felt with each attack he manage to dodge he only would come out clean out of 1 in every 5 strikes that he receives toward him, with each time he tries to block Chad spear with his it felt like a huge rock was slam towards him as he was skidded away from Chad, each time he tries to parry Chad attacks he felt like he needed to move that rock. Once the morning hours were over and its time that the middle of the day arrived *Ding* [ Quest log : Dodge, parry, block 150 attacks 150|150 rewards 6 Exp (Completed) | You have leveled up to recruit 1-star level 2 0/60 Exp you been given 10 stats points. ]