Getting Started -Battle preparation- (6)

The screen popped up right in front of Allen's eyes as he was in the middle of blocking an up angle block with his spear to block an incoming attack from above from Chad, this message notification knocks his concentration off from the fight at the last second his eyes met up with Chad's with both weapon nearly crashing into each other.

"HA!!!" *Crack* Sounds of wooden poles hitting one another sounded throughout the entire training flat top forcing Chad entire body weight down on Allen body with that one strike, both of his knees and arms were bent as his body was fighting back against the weight that lays on his weapon, and the ground below him would crumble apart with a radius of half a few inches.

"You should never take your eyes off your opponent like that young master!"

Chad quickly raises up his spear again and did another downward swing *crack* forcing Allen arms and knees too bent even more from the battle strain.

*crack, crack, crack* Chad launch an entire attack at Allen as his arms and knees were close to their limits.

"you been oddly quiet young master!"

Chad felt like he has done enough to weaken Allen's defensive strength and just plan to push down Allen to the ground with his overwhelming strength.

"It's becau- kch... because the... the quest is over! Finish, done so!"

Allen would be using the last remaining strength he had left to push Chad weight off from him forcing him to stumble a few steps back, but once Chad had regained his footing he did a few spins the spears then he slams the end of the pole of the spear onto the ground and gave Allen a big grin, Allen uses this time to close the window.

"Why didn't you just so say? I believe we had enough training for today then young master, I believe it's time to clean up and get you patched up."

Allen wasn't majorly hurt with no broken bones but just some scratches on his skin that bleed a little, each single one of them would be stinging as his mind began to tell him to stop the training process but his heart and the heart of a warrior was growing within him said no to this thought. By this point.

He would be using his spear as a crutch to keep himself hold up and steady as possible, He weakly gave an un-impressed look at Chad who still had the massive grin on his face, with a few seconds later Chad's hands were pointed at Allen with the basic level of healing aura surrounding Allen body, Body bruises, cuts, and blood began to gradually fade away from his skin and his stamina was returning to him at a slow Steadily rate, but the lingering sweat and stench of today work out / training session was still there.

"Let's get ourselves cleaned up then, I rather not stink for the rest of the day."

Allen giggle then he began to have his free hand go from an open palm hand to a clutch then back to an open palm hand, He only ever watches shows, read books, dreaming of a fantasy world but never once thought he really would be in one, every time he sees any form of magic it was a major remainder he was in a world not familiar to his own, the same laws of physics, and the chemistry is can be applied in this world like his world but what grand discovery could have happened in this world of his?

"Very well young master, let us depart to the pond to clean ourselves."

"Wait, you just said both? As in both of us together? No, oh no no, that's not going to happen."

Allen had an embarrassed look as he was hesitating on the matter that Chad has said, which gave him gentle smile, he then lifts up his hand to pat Allen on the head.

"If you do not us to be together during of time of cleaning our bodies, very well then, I do have some plans that I want to accomplish so I can use that to work on them."

Allen's emotions began to level down from the previous thought as they began to head back to the Cave, then he broke off from Chad as he ran over toward the pond to clean off the stink that built upon him.

He began to take his shirt off then his pants and then an undergarment as he folds them neatly together then stack them together, he then placed his spear against a tree letting it lay upon the bark.

A quick sound of a water splash with Allen giving him a running start and dove straight into the mildly cold water, bubbles could be see below the clear water surface as he re-surface from underneath the water.

He would float along the water and spew out from his mouth, Allen remember from the last time he allowed his mind wander without thought so he made sure that didn't happen again, he would ease up on his body letting his body drift while staring up another blue sky, but this time some white clouds could be seen nearby this time. Allen then brought up his character description menu to see the new change.

[ Level 2 0/60 Exp require to Lvl up to Lvl 3, 10 stats point can be used. ]

"So I manage to level up from the training huh? And I got 10 points I can input into my stats? Alright, then I'll gladly use up those 10 points."

Allen would swim back to land as he sat between the water and the pebble, rock, dirt surface on the edge of the water, he would look at the stats to see which points should go where? A few minutes would have gone by as Allen had decided to input what points go to where.

"Two stats for Strength, two stats for agility, two stats for intelligence, with leaving me with 4 points left which will all go into Mana."

Allen smile seeing how his stats were increased even only for a little amount, he just wanted to be happy for his achievements, for the progress that he has to get to point of leveling up after he was finished inputting all the stats he was given a message if he wanted to save it or not, he pressed yes right away with a bright white would shine from him but only for a few seconds.

Allen would get from the ground as he was staring at his naked body, he decided to throw a few punches in the air and some kicks, he detected that a minor difference in body movement from his previous level as he clutches of his fists, and gave himself a nod, he went back into the pond to finish up cleaning himself.

Allen was now near the cave entrance after finishing his shower with his spear shining in the bright light, once he arrived at the cave entrance he saw another set of deer shish kabobs was made for lunch, and some side nuts and berries to add more flavor. He alerted Chad of his presence from coming back from the pond.

"Young master I do believe what I have just made should help you with carrying stuff, especially water to greater our distances of walking."

Chad would be carrying 2 fur like bags meant for carrying for supplies that can be tied around the waist, and 2 water pouches to carry water in, he gave one of each to Allen as he tied both of them to his waist, he noticed that the water bags would already be full. With these, they can help with the idea he was planning to do.

"Thank you Chad, this is very helpful for us to survive in this forest."

Allen gave Chad a pat on the back as he walks on over to where his light armor wolf fur was laying on the ground as he bent over to pick up his armor, he gave it a few pats to get rid of any dust that latched onto the fur then began to put it on.

"Are you going out to finish your other quest? to kill the remaining deer, ram, horse creature?"

Once he both set-pieces equip onto him he would walk out from the cave and into the sunlight once more, with it only being the middle of the day still, he turns his head to Chad and gave him a thumbs up.

"Yep." A childish tongue appear out from his mouth as he began to quickly descend the hill and into the dense forest to find himself some prey to farm, and gather Exp from, with the +5 of strength and +5 to def given by his spear and his armor giving +5 to strength +10 to agi +10 to def this would make his stats.

[ 22 strength, 22 agi, 25 to def ]

Afterward stumbling around the forest and giving his map a few checks here and there to see any deers were around him as he found one not too far, only a few minutes away from him as he ran over toward the unsuspecting animal that it was marked as a prey.