Getting Started -The battle starts and ends- (7)

*Snap, crack, wishss*

Sounds of fast-moving footsteps were crushing any leaves, sticks or his legs catching a small draft of wind and letting it rustle some bushes along the way over to the Animal, he then started to decrease the rate he was running at and was right outside of his estimated guess of the creature hearing senses range.

Allen At this point of time he bent his knees down to lower his presence in terms of visions, as he slowly but surely gets closer to the animal he could see the Animal was sniffing through some bushes to pull out some berries to eat. Allen was waiting until the Deer would reach its head down to secure another pair of berries.

-And... Now!- Allen saw his opportunity to strike as he lunges out from his hiding spot this time appearing behind the animal.

Just as the Animal was lifting up his head again to see the incoming danger, Allen would have covered more then half of the distance already needed to hit the Animal, He knew from the previous battle that this Animal had an ability to jump like a frog so head aims his spear more at an upward angle, even if the Animal were to somehow jump its leg would still get damage.

-I gotch you now you damn deers!- Allen was just 1 step away for being in the optimal range to strike the deer.

The deer's own legs began to move just as he managed to get into that optimal range letting out a thrust with his spear, the blade of weapon would reach its target but was only able to cuts its skin causing blood to bleed out from the open wound.

"Tch.. Not I was aiming for but I got something still."

The animal would take steps away from Allen creating a good distance of roughly 10 ft from each other, Allen knew what was happening as he ran in front of the tree.

The deer began to condense mana into its horns with a lime green glow as it began to scratch the ground with it legs readying itself to charge. -Here it comes.. This my chance to land another blow.- He saw the Animal charge at him with the horns pointed straight at him, as he took a step to the side but ended up falling on his ass since he still doesn't have the muscle memory to dodge this attack without a slip up.

"I really need more training."

Allen said to himself as he saw the deer was in the middle of recovering from its attack, making him get up as fast as possible and plunge an attack on its side hearing the meat inside of the deer getting stabbed.

The deer let out a horse shriek with its legs stomping around all chaotic like, Allen still had the spear stabbed in the deer as he was holding his spear trying to control the situation but just ended up pulling his spear out, had this time to catch a few breaths before readying his next attack.

Allen had to dodge out of the way of the deer though as he ended up face first into the dirt, he would push his face off from the dirt and was now on all 4, hands and legs.

"Well this is embarrassing, to say the least."

Allen groans while getting up with his spear securely tight in his hand then got into a spearmen stance. The deer would charge at him again but this time Allen just opted to scoot to the sides as he prepares a downward slash, causing a major wound on the Deer sides, massive amount of blood was dripping from it as the lime green glow became deeper, showing that the creature was using all of its power now. Allen saw this as he wasn't about to let this Animal fully charge up to double its power and speed.


Allen dash toward the Animal as he jumps up into the air a sense of urgency and danger could be felt within him as the spear blade began to glow red, his mana was being sucked into it once more.

Once close enough he slash down with all his weight and the critical strike ready as wm, it would clash with the deer horns, with its heavily weaken state the animal legs would wobble under the pressure, energy crackles of both red and lime green spark around in the air.

But Allen ended up cutting through the horns and cut a deep stroke within its head as the blade crash into the ground causing it to break apart a little.

The deer began to wobble, shake, and walk around aimlessly for a few more seconds then ended up falling dead.

[ Ram deer was killed rewarded 9 Exp bringing from 0 to 9 out of 60 Exp for leveling up. ]

"So the official name is ram deer huh?"

Allen felt like some progress was made from him as he grabs his water bag, and took a few small sips quenching his thirst.

Allen had a much easier time fighting against this deer from his training and his new level and armor, but he still wasn't at the level to one-shot the Animal yet.

He decided to take a small break as he saw some berry bush close by to him, and decided to have a small snack break as well to replenish his stamina, and consumed mana. Allen would get off the ground after his break as he stares at the ram deer lifeless body.

"What else can I do with this body?"

Allen knew something else that can be done, a second option letting him kick the body, he examines the body much closer with another *ping* sound of a notification message pop up on his screen saying two things.

[ System message: Would you like to turn this body into crystal pieces or system points? Or a low-grade animal core? ]

Allen saw the message about the crystal pieces and system points or something about an animal core, coming from this knowledge of fantasy a monster core is a sort of income for all adventurers to sell to some adventurer guild.

But seeing how this animal core is from a nondangerous entity the core, made not sell for much so he ended selling the body for system points and crystal pieces.

"another way to get in-game system currency huh? probably is a secret option I think."

[ System message: You have selected system points and pieces.. processing... process complete you have been rewarded 2 system points and 5 crystal pieces in total 7 system points and 20 crystal pieces... thank you for doing business ]

As soon as he read the final word the carcass pf the ram deer began to dissipate into small orbs of energy that soon faded away. Once that was dealt with he pulled up his map to find any other ram deers in the vicinity as he spotted another target not too far, as he began to run over to it.

[ System message: congratulations for killing a ram deer you been rewarded 9 Exp | congratulations for killing a ram deer you been rewarded with 9 Exp | in total, this brings up to 18 Exp bringing your total amount from 9 to 27/60 exp | Quest log: slay 5 deer rams 4/5 reward 35 Exp ]

" Just 1 more to *munch munch* to kill and I'll be done with this quest."

Allen was eating an apple while speaking as he stares at his monitor screen, he was sitting on top of a rock after selling both of the dead ran deer carcasses.

His system points was now at 11 system and he had 30 crystal pieces. His eyes slowly scanned throughout the entire map to see the last location of another ram deer was, as he took off running to the distance.

Once arriving to his desire spot on the map he began to take a look around, finally stumbling upon the deer ram.

As he got closer to this specific ram deer he notices that it was slightly bigger and the horns were a lot sharper with a star sign on its forehead as he brought out his menu for creatures.

[ System message : greater ram deer , level 18

special skills / harden horns / ???? ]

He saw the level of this deer was now 18, all of the ones he's been fighting against were level 12 max but this one was level 18.

It was on top of a rocky hill as it was overseeing the entire forest with its black pearl-like eyes. Allen began to approach this Animal with caution with the Animal being level 18 and has an unknown ability, Allen had made a mistake by stepping upon the loose stick.

*Snap* The animal quickly heard this and its attention was turned away from the forest to. some bushes near it, but only for a few seconds. Allen blew a sigh of relief that his location has recovered yet.

"Alright this is the closest I can get without being noticed."

Allen prepares his spears and his body as he jumps out from the Bush as he charges the Animal with a spear.

He would have suddenly stopped in his tracks as he saw the condensing of mana was far greater and at a quicker rate then he ones he saw before, with small lime green color appears between the two horns, the orb would be flung from a single head spin as he flew over toward Allen.

He quickly ducks under the energy orb as he saws it slams into a tree completely destroying it and then ended up smacking into a second tree making a huge crack in it.

"AH.. so that's your second hidden ability."

Allen quickly chuckles at the destructive might of this level 18 deer, but he was shocked out of it as he saw the deer was charging right after him with the speed similar when a level 12 deer was using max power.

Allen quickly rolls over to the sides letting the ram deer go past him, slamming into a tree hoping it would slow him down. It didn't as he saw it go through not one not two, but three whole separate trees toppling them over.

"I uh... I uh... holy... mommy"

Allen was lost for words at best he would expect the third tree to be left standing but he guesses wrong, once he got up, the greater ram deer was already close to him as he saw that it was about to reach him.

Allen tosses his up guard as he felt the body slammed into him as he skids back while holding back the greater deer ram, but he ended up being smacked and flung a few ft away and he lost the grip of his weapon.

Allen was now on facing the deer while on his ass, and his spear is on the opposite side of the deer.

-Shit! shit! shit!-

Allen started to feel scared by this Animal he felt afraid to be trample by this deer, tears began to form up in his eyes, but he subconsciously slapped himself, he didn't know why or what reason but he did.

This manages to jolt Allen out of his fear as he saw the deer charge right at him again then he dodge to the side, toppling 3 trees again, Allen hastily got up and ran over toward his spear picking it both up.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

Allen fears came back to him as tears began to roll down his cheeks but a mysterious force, an urge to stand a fight kept him from running away. Soon his mana began to surge into the spear, not only the blade of the weapon glowed but the entire spear, this was similar to when Allen solely focused on training as his warrior began to blossom there and then.

His body began to ease up, he began to feel lighter, like nothing was in his hands, almost weightless, he prepared him once more.

A lime green energy orb would fly towards Allen as he ended up blocking the orb with his spear, an energy spark occur from this as it forces him to skid backward bit by bit, the weight felt like he needed to push against a boulder as he flings his weapon up forcing the orb to fly up and explode in the air.

"Ha... ha... If only I... Ha.. can control... ha.. my own magic correctly."

Allen's knowledge of using mana is during dire situations with his emotions set to an all-time high, or when he was highly motivated during his training so he doesn't have any form of control of His mana.

Allen saw the Greater ram deer charge at him again, he swung his weapon at the Animal as the ram deer counters it with its horns, a blast of wind could be felt by Allen as more energy crackling could be seen consist of lime green and red.

Allen was struggling against this Animal as he was once flung back again from a surge of mana explosion between the two, but the greater ram deer only stumbles back a bit.

Allen got up once more with him out of breath and also thirsty, but he couldn't have the time to quench his thirst as he saw the Animal charge at him, he slides one of his foot taking his side away from being attack as he went for a stab on the body then quickly pulling back for another quick stab to the main body.

The greater ram deer was furious letting out a horse shriek as the color on his horns grew much deeper, seeing this Allen just stared.

"Damn.. this.. Fucking!!! DEER!"

Allen prepared himself for another charge as he raises up his spear to guard against incoming attack, then he dig his foot in into the ground, his brown pupil changed to a light red with it faintly glowing in his eyes, he saw the same green orb as he diverted its course into some trees again then both his weapons and the horns clash each other again, causing magical sparks going on between the two.


The surge of energy crackle against the air, rocks, and pebbles began to lift up off the ground, then the ground began to crack and drop flatten slightly from the magical aura cause by these two beings.

Allen spear manages to get an upper hand as the horn on the greater ram deer began to break a little, then entirely fall apart with him having a clean cut to the Animal head, a huge cut was made and a blast force was created behind the deer.

"Greater ram deer.. my ass."

Allen's eyes quickly became normal again as his eyes began to close as he fainted forward as he lays there upon the ground.

[ System message: congratulations for killing 1 greater ram deer you been rewarded 23 Exp | quest log: slay 5 ram deers 5/5 (completed) you been rewarded 35 Exp | in total you have 57 Exp, totaling with pre-existing number of 27 you have 74 Exp | level up! you are now level 3 and you now have 10 new stats points. ]