Getting Started -Recovery- (8)

Allen was in a deep void with his body floating around in that darkness, a bright glow of two separate lights appear off in the of the void one red one purple, seeing that both of the orbs of energy were orbiting each other.

Then sounds of fire cracking under the cold night with bright stars shining up above the sky, Allen slept throughout the entire day until the night had descended into the sky.

Allen's body would feel the warmth that was coming off from the campfire, and the scent of ram deer meat floating up his nose causing his mouth to water and nose to twitch.

His eyes twitch softly and slowly until he has finally re-open his eyes, all that he could see was the cave roof surface and the orangish light coming off the fireplace, illuminating the darkness within the cave entrance.

Allen tilted his head to the side to see Chad messing around with today dinner with a carefree smile on his face, he gently tosses extra firewood onto the fire so it would keep on burning, Chad then decided to take a peek at the unconscious Allen but he was surprised to see him awake.


Chad had a puzzled look on his face he never expected Allen to wake up this soon, he expected that he would have remained unconscious until the next day so this really did catch him off guard, He just blinked his Eyes at Allen with a dumbfounded look, not saying a word to him but just staring, Allen would stare back at Chad but he decided to break the awkward silence between the two with a smile.

"You going to say anything? Or just keep on staring like you seen a ghost?"

Allen would try to get up from laying down but his strength failed him as he fell back down onto the ground, he let out a sigh about this predicament on his body wishing that he has the strength to get up, and instead of laying on the ground.

"P-please young master! remain still, you still need to recover your stamina with your previous battle, you push your mana limit almost to the breaking point."

Chad now had both of his hands out in front of him but was also confused on what to do so Chad looking like he was flailing around, This made Allen bring up a weak smile as he saw how ridiculous Chad began to look like, he would try to laugh but what comes out from his mouth was some dry coughs.

"Ah, young master, let me help you quench your thirst."

Chad would pull out his water bag as he gently lifted up Allen's body but no matter how slowly he pushes it up.


Allen's muscles were in pain from any kind of movement on his body, his overstraining of the excessive amount of mana that surges through his unprepared body that wasn't physically fit to be using that capacity of mana of that degree.

Chad would have brought back Allen body by his shoulder and the Greater ram deer by simply dragging it along the ground by the legs.

If it wasn't for this world of magical abilities and strange powers that allow Chad to heal him, it would have probably taken weeks for Allen's body to recover before he could even move a single muscle.

Once the water bag was close enough Allen had open his mouth allowing the liquid to flow into his mouth, and down his throat.

"Thanks, that helps a lot."

Allen tried his best to give Chad a reassuring look as he was laid back down onto the ground allowing him to rest some more, Chad still bears a sense of nervousness for his young master but he knew Allen was trying his best to show some face to him.

So Chad decided to do the same to hide his own sense of fear of safety for the young master as he went back to on the food for a bit, then he moves onto the dead animal body, and began to skin the animal for its fur and leather.

Allen decided to his this check on his personal description since he remembers a ding sound effect for a message pop up, but he didn't have the time to read what was on the message notification before he fainted.

[ System message: you have Lvl up to Lvl 3, you have now 10 extra stats point to be used. ]

Allen saw that he leveled up from that battle and the 10 extra stats point, he would input 2 more points into strength, 2 into agility, and 1 into mana, He then decided to put the rest of the remaining 5 points into defense.

[ System message : Str 14 / Agi 14 / Int 12 / Cha 10 / Dex 15 / Mana 15 / lck 10 / def 15 | Would you like to accept these changes? ]

Allen presses the accept button as he raises up his hand he felt his muscle strain from the movement but this was his less stress arm between the two.

[ System message: Stats change accepted, please wait for it to process ]

Another glow of white light wrap around Allen and then faded away after a few seconds showing the minor physical change in his body, But this wouldn't recover his strength as he was hoping it could take away the muscle stress, and recover both his stamina and mana.

Allen then saw an Exclamation Mark next to the quest tab curious he would open the tab to see that his quest of slaying 5 ram deers was finished but new quests appear before him.

[ Quest log: Slay 5 ram deer (Daily quest) 0/5 reward 25 Exp : Practice all the combat quest training (Daily) reward 30 Exp | Slay 15 ram deers reward 65 Exp, potential passive skill unlocked, passive skill enhance hearing Lvl 1 + passive skill enhance agility lvl 1 | Slay 20 ram deers, reward 75 Exp, new passive skill unlocked passive skill sense mana Lvl 1 ]

Allen saw the four new quest seeing the previous slay 5 ram deer was now set as a daily quest for him, then his eyes widen seeing how that he could earn his first-ever skill in this world, he didn't really care that it was a passive skill but a skill nothingness.

He could image him the days to come that his days of him being weak were coming to an end, but this was only a dream with reality having his muscle being overstrained, and painful to move around. Allen's stomach began to rumble that even Chad would hear this as he turns his head around to face at Allen with a teasing look, while Allen had an embarrassing look on his face.

"Seems like someone is hungry."

Chad would lean him against Allen's body at the chest area trying to hear if he there was another stomach rumble.

"Would you stop this nonsense already?!"

Allen shouted at Chad, wanting to hit him in the face for teasing him like this but he had to hold himself back to prevent any more damage done to his muscles from hitting the hard body of Chad's tough skin.

Allen would see that Chad was holding onto a shish kabob in his hand and began to feed Allen, Allen had a disgusted look on his face mix with some embarrassment.

"Since you can't use your arms properly to eat, it is only natural that I will have to feed you, young master, so better not start complaining."

Allen was acting very childish as the thought of seeing Chad feed him, he kept his mouth close but the smell of the cooked Ram deer meat came closer to his nose, and his mouth began to water for the food, he started to fight against the urges of wanting to eat but finally gave in as he opens his mouth to let the food into his mouth.

"Now that wasn't too hard was it? You really were acting like a child there, young master."

Chad began to do his usual knight like a laugh as he continues to feed Allen share of food for today, Allen wanted to scream at Chad but was too embarrassed about the situation to not even bother at trying to scream at him.

Once he was done with the meal he just laid there on the floor while just staring up at the rocky roof surface of the cave as he began to daydream on things to come, saving a village from a group of bandits? defeating some king? Slaying a dragon?

Who knows what will come forth as an obstacle for Allen to overcome and become stronger. Finally, when he had enough daydreaming he notifies to Chad that he was going to go back to sleep which now leads to the beginning third day of this world.