Getting Started -The Third Day- (9)

With the bright yellow sun coming above and over the horizon from some distant mountain, the radiant sunlight washing over the landscape revealing the beautiful landscape, several different animals coming out from their burrows and den for a new morning.

The natives in this world would get up early to do their personal business, adventurers hunted, farmers farmed, guards were patrolling the areas they were assigned to.

Allen rose up from the floor as he wiped his eyes and adjusted his glasses, he then stretches out his body as the stress on his muscles would have receded, he felt relaxed, and not a painful sting on his muscles every time he wanted to move last night.

He saw near him that his spear was on the weapon rack, and his light armor wolf fur armor now had a new makeshift armor stand for it to be displayed, that Chad had made during the night.

"Seems like Chad always have something new each day huh?"

Allen mumbled under his breath then he got off from the ground and began to clean his face with the interior cave pond, with water droplets coming off from the cave roof.

After splashing himself in the face with the water he moves onto washing his hands to clean off any gunk that was seeable on his skin. Allen would head over to the armor stand as he stroke the soft wolf fur and just wanted to see his armor on an armor stand at a closer view.

He decided to pop open his quest menu to see the two daily quests that he received from last night.

[ Quest log: Slay 5 ram deer (Daily quest) 0/5 reward 25 Ex: Practice all the combat training quests 0 out of 3 done (Daily) reward 30 Exp ]

"So I can either start my farming quest or my training quest.. let's see how much Exp I need to level."

Allen brought up the character description menu alongside the quest logs, as he mainly took a look at his level and how many Exp it requires to level up

[ Character description: Lvl 3, 14/70 Exp require to level up ]

"Another 10 Exp needed to my levels? so if I do level up to Level up again and become lvl 4, will another 10 be added?"

Allen began to come up with a theory of the system requirements in terms of Exp, seeing how the last two times he had leveled up the necessary amount of Exp grew by 10.

But he wasn't sure that as he gains a higher level will the added Exp to the limit be bigger as well, assuming this system works like a classical RPG system, the only way he can find out about this was when he actually gets a higher level then being level 3.

Allen then decided to do the combat training quests before the hunting quest seeing that he didn't need to travel to far, he turned around and walked over to pick up his spear then took off to the training ground.

"Hey Chad I-"

And again a gush of wind came from Chad, as he had his weapon pointed straight toward Allen face that was a few inches away, Allen had a frightening face again as he saw the tip of the spear as it shines in his eyes, he took a step back from the blood lust that residing in that one swing as his leg began to lose strength and he falls on his back.

"Are you here for more training I assume? then let's finish your combat training quests then."

Allen was sitting on his ass again with one leg pull up closer to him and both of his hands were placed behind him pointing away from Chad, he would look up at Chad tall muscular body built then to his eyes.

"Yes I am here for traini-."

Allen was in the middle of picking up his spear and his response to Chad's question, as he saw Chad's weapon was going straight toward him only barely able to dodge the attack with his cheek getting cut again.

"You really doing that again?"

"Yep... now DODGE!!!"

Chad would pull his spear back to do another thrust at Allen as he rolls to the side with his clothing getting cut, Chad kept pulling back his spear then thrusting it at Allen again and he kept just kept rolling and rolling.

Chad had retracted his spear as he changes the angle of his attacks as he holds his spear blade right above him going for a downward slash, breaking into the dirt which causes a crack with a distance of two ft. Allen had gotten up from the ground when Chad was pulling the spear out from the ground.

"Oh I'll dodge alright, but this time."

Allen prepares himself to dash toward Chad and he aims his spear at Chad's chest area.

"I'll also attack!"

Allen would dash at Chad with him giving Allen a grin, as he ready to defend himself against the incoming attack from Allen.

"Then come! The last spar was dull with you not able to fight back!"

Allen lunges his spear forward with the blade getting closer to the skin but was block by Chad spear, Allen began to stab at Chad's chest area repeatedly and quickly but Chad completely block or dodge all of his attacks coming his way. Allen decided to swing his spear from the left.

"How about this!"

*clunk* Sounds of spears colliding with each other could be heard within their ears, Chad would have held his spear to guard his left side, Chad was no easy foe to beat as he was more skillful then Allen was in combat. With both of their spears like this Chad would apply more strength into his arms forcing Allen spear to be flung causing his stances to loosen up.

"You need to train more if you want to land a blow on me, young master!"

Using this as his opening he decides to twist his weapon around and slam his spear into Allen's side, causing him to skid a few feet away, The strike was heavy with Allen clutching his side, his breathing became slower and a lot wider between breaths.

"You too are an obstacle, I must overcome someday!"

Allen had thrown out a strike coming from the right, as the weapon was getting closer it was parried making Allen formation breaking again as he was hit by the butt of Chad spear making him skid away.

"Then I'll gladly wait until the day has come until you can land a blow on me, young master!"

Both of them smiled at each other in this spar, they both dash at each other at the same time and thrust their spear against each other at the same time, and it's wasn't really a surprise that Allen was blown away again when the two struck each other, Chad manages to tilt his head away in the time letting Allen spear fly right past his face as his spear had landed a hit causing him to be blown back roughly 4 feet away.

Allen was now back to lying on the grass floor again as Chad stood to wait for him to get back up.

"Sleeping during training huh? I didn't know you had a lazy side."

"Real funny, Chad, real funny."

Allen let out a sarcastic laugh from the joke that Chad had made towards him lying on the ground, he slowly began to stand back up with his arms and legs twitching a little as he got higher off the ground, his posture was all over the place but he still held his spear up and got back into his spearmen stance.

"Seems like that raging fire, and warrior spirit isn't going to back down huh?"

"You think Chad? Enough talking for now back to fighting!"

Allen dash toward Chad ready for another attack with his spear clutch tightly in his hands, and Chad would have his guard up once more and was ready to dodge or parry the next attack.

After the early morning hours was long gone by then the sun was approaching midday.

Allen was down on one knee as he was holding his spear in front of him and his head was looking down at the ground, sweat began to fall off from his head and other parts of his body not being covered in clothing. Allen's breath felt heavy, his body was tired, his blood was rushing around all over the place.


[ Practice combat quests : 3 out of 3 training quests finish reward 25 Exp (Completed) Exp from training session 5 Exp, total 30 Exp, bringing previous Exp count from 14 to 44/70 Exp ]

Allen saw the message as he flat out fell forward into the ground not caring about the next attack that was coming from Chad, Chad was in the middle of his attack as he halted it at the last second before it touches his body.

"What wrong young master?"

"The quest.... ha.... Is finish."

Allen turns his head so he can look up at Chad as he tried to push himself up with his arms with his remaining strength, he was having trouble getting himself to stand that Chad saw this so he ended up lending him a helping hand up.

"Thanks for that Chad."

"Not a problem, young master."

Chad gave a pat to Allen back making him stumble forward a bit as he didn't have the strength within him now to resist against any amount of strength that came from Chad, he stood there seeing that Chad was starting to heal him back up and to bring his stamina back, Allen began to open and close his hands feeling the strength come back to his muscles.

Once the healing spell was finished he looked up at Chad with a curious look and began to wonder if Chad could teach him how to control his own mana.

"Hey Chad, is it possible for me to ask you to teach me on how to control my mana?"

Chad simply looked down at Allen and gave him a head shake of a no with a discouraging look on his face, seeing that he couldn't help Allen in this field besides actual combat.

"I'm afraid that the System will not allow me to personally to train you, even If I want to do so, you must find a way to learn how to control mana on your own in this world, either from being self-taught or from a native wizard, mage, priest. You are even allowed to use dark magic to become a necromancer, dark wizard, or have demonic powers, but I advise the young master to not stray down to that path."

Allen let out a sigh that he couldn't just simply have an easy way to learn mana despite being the main character, but you can't skip over the importance of learning how to control mana that easily because it ties into too much of the character development storyline, or some fast pass that increases the rate that he learns how to control Mana. (cough)

"Thank you for telling me this, at least now that I know I can't ask you to help me controlling my mana."

He gave Chad a smile then they began to walk back toward the Cave entrance and through the wooden fence made of thick wooden sticks that were dug into the ground. Chad would walk into the cave entrance to allow Allen to wash off the sweat from him by himself, but as he turns around he saw that Allen was following right behind him.

"Are you not going to shower, young master?"

"Oh I will but after I finish my 2nd daily quest of the day, which was to hunt 5 Ram deers today, then I'll come back to clean myself up."

Allen smiled at Chad with a cheerful expression as he walked up to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder, then he would walk past him to his armor stand, and began to slowly take his armor off the armor stand and place it on him instead. Once he was set, he had some apples in his leather bag, his water bag was fully filled up and he had his spear in his hand, and his armor was secure on him.

"I'm taking off then Chad... Seeya when I get back."

Allen would wave his hands toward Chad, as he waved back at Allen, he would run down the hill and into the forest to start the 2nd daily quest of the day, and this time he used to the ram deer speeds, and power and his dodging have gotten a lot better but his strength wasn't at the level to one-shot the animals.