Getting Started -The hunt begins- (9)

Allen was rushing around the forest to find the specific ram deers to complete his quest, he saw many different kinds of animals that he chose to ignore since they were too high level for him to take on, an animal that had a mix physical traits of a boar, ox, and cow that was in the lvls between 20 and 30, then a kangaroo-like creature the size of a rabbit with lvls similar to the previous animal, but those two animals aren't even the most dangerous animals he has ever seen in this forest.

The most two dangerous animals were a wolf-like being that has some physical appearance of a lion being level 30+, and then a bear that had a monkey tail that was level 40+.

He jumps over fallen trees dash through bushes, steps over many sticks and leaves that were minding their own business. He glances at his map seeing a dot not too far from him, he rushes over to the location.

"Time for the hunter to begin the hunting."

Allen was now approaching the Animal as he slows his pace, he then began to hide behind a tree.

Allen then ready his spear to but this time he wanted to try and immobilize the ram deer legs, he raised his spear ready to be thrown as he took a step closer.


He would have stepped on a twig which alerted the ram deer od his presence, he felt like the world was out to get him with that.

" You gotta be kidding me? Are you serious!"

Allen was mad that a simple twig was right there, but then he notices the Animal was running, Allen knew he couldn't keep up the chase even with the stats increase and buffs, his stamina was to low.

"Oh no you don't!"

Allen would raise his spear again and he threw it at the fleeing ram deer, he thought it would miss since he always sucks at throwing, but the weapon manage to made a grazing shot.

"Yes! I got it-~~ oh boy."

Allen was celebrating that he made to even graze the ram deer, but the Animal was now furious with Allen it would charge at him, he still wasn't strong to hold against the ram deer without his spear, so he sidesteps letting the ram deer charge past him into a tree, his muscles were getting used to dodging away from the deer ram.

"Gotta get my spear back."

Allen would run over to where his spear had landed as he saw it wedge in a tree -simple tug should work- he thought as he tries to pull out the spear.. quote tries to. Allen tug and tug but the spear was lodge into the tree, he would check on the ram deer as it was preparing for his charge.

"Come on.. come on!"

Allen tugged, pulled, wiggle the spear to see if it would come out from the bloody god damn tree! But nothing seems to be working so far, as the ram deer got closer the spear was loosened enough to be pulled out.

Allen then began to move his legs to dodge but of how close and the lack of time to prepare himself, his foot slipped and he fell to the ground.


Allen groan as he never got used to him falling over and over again, he rolls himself over as he thrust his spear into the ram deer body as it digs deep into its body, the incoming horse shriek was heard.

"Shut up would ya!"

Allen would try to pull out his spear but as soon he was putting his strength to pull his weapon out, he was body bash as he held up his guard. He was forced to skid back as a confident smirk appeared on his face.

"Not so tough now are you guys huh?"

Allen said toward the deer as he dives into another attack, the deer ram horns and his spear clash into each other but he slowly began to push the Animal back. Soon the horn on the creature began to break apart allowing Allen to slice into it body, making it stumble around for a bit then falling dead.

[ System message: congratulations for killing 1 ram deer, you have been rewarded 9 Exp bringing your exp count from 44 to 53/70 : would you like to exchange the carcass for an animal core? Or system currency? ]

" First kill of today.. and I'm still somewhat fine."

Allen patted himself to see if there were any serious injuries on him but nothing to eye-opening was there. He then selected the system currency gaining another 5 crystal pieces and 2 system points.

"I guess I can continue my quest."

Allen started to examine his surroundings then he turns to his map seeing what other green dots that was nearby him, as he took off to face the animals.

[ System message: You have successfully killed all 5 rams you have been rewarded 35 Exp and 36 Exp for killing the remaining 4 | In total, this brings up to 124 exp.. Level up.. to level 4 : 10 new stats points can be used. Level 4 54/80 | you have also gained 8 system points.. 20 crystal pieces. ]

Allen was proud that he had a much easier time dealing with the animals but they still weren't a one-shot kill, so he still had much to learn and grow.

"So I have another 10 points huh?"

Allen began to divide up his stats points into 2 in intelligence 2 in dexterity 2 in charisma, then he had 1 in mana and 1 in luck then the remaining 2 was in defense, bringing his status up to.

Str 14 / Agi 14 / Int 14 / Cha 12 / Dex 17 / Mana 16 / lck 11 / def 17

[ would you like this stats change? ]

Allen press yes as the usual white glow happens around him, as he sniffs the air something bad and dead was in the air. Then he realizes he was cover in ram deer blood, and he never decided to clean himself up.

"God I smell fucking awful, I need a bath."

Once the white glow was over he would head back to clean himself up, remove all the dirt and blood in his skin, and the sweat that was built up. Once he arrived at the clearing he began to walk up to the hill and up to the cave entrance, he saw chad was in the middle of building a new item in the cave, it was flat with 4 legs, and the gathered amount of ram deer fur was laying on top.

"Is that a primitive bed?"

Allen's face and entire body were including his clothing and armor were covered in animal blood, mix in with a lot of sweat. Chad would turn his head around as he was giving the bed a few pats to test the softness of the bed which was ok.

"Ah welcome back, young mas-"

Chad had turned his head away which is something he regrets as he covers his nose, from the stench that was coming off of Allen's body.

"My god, Bloody hell young master, please go over to the pond and get rid of this awful smell."

Allen laughs at how Chad reacted to the smell as he waves him off as he heads out from the cave and toward the freshwater pond with clear see-through water.

"I wish had some warm water."

Allen began to complain about not having hot running water, but instead of a mildly cold pond as his source of a shower, he slowly began to take off his clothing and armor and began to dip his foot into the water. Allen would shiver to feel the cold water touching his skin as he jumps into the water causing a splash.

"Cold! so cold!"

Allen screams as he began to swim around trying to get his body use to the water temperature. Once doing so he swam out of the water and he grabs his armor and clothing, he began to clean the blood off of his armor and clothing the best way he can.

After getting rid of the bloodstains he would let his clothing hang to dry out, then he dove straight into the pond again.

After roughly more then half an hour of him messing around in the water, and doing some practice strokes by swimming from one side to the next, so he can increase his stamina. He got out of the pond and began to take a few laps around the pond to dry himself. Once that was over he would grab his clothing and armor, which was still slightly damp.

" I wonder if I still have time to finish the quests to unlock my skills."

Allen was looking up at the sky seeing the sun which was already past the midway point but hasn't started to descend into the night time.

"I believe I think I can do it... But I'll probably arrive back home during h

the sunset... I should probably begin soon."

Allen mutters as he ran over to the cave, and he decided to refill his water bag and fill up on food in his leather pouch.

He clutches his spear once more and waves goodbye at Chad and headed straight toward the forest. Allen began to run around the forest, and to places, he has yet to explore in the region he was in, as he met up with another ram deer, instead of hiding this time he decided to charge right at the Ram Deer.


Allen screams his war cry with at the deer as he leaps out from of nowhere while charging at the deer, this one was in the middle of eating some berries so it was caught of guard. Allen thrust his spear into the ram deer but it manages to dodge the attack.

"Then.. how about this!"

Allen had only 1 hand grip onto the spear as he was holding it at the end of weapon giving him greater range but weaken control. He flings his weapon at the Animal slamming his weapon into the deer body making it slightly skid to the sides.

Allen then pulled his weapon back so he now has both his hands glue onto the stick of his weapon.

"I'll end this quickly."

Allen said confidently as he went for another attack as he slashes toward the deer, while it just finishes its recovery it would see the incoming blade so it would reel its body back, but it was too late as a gash line appears on its body.

The animal was mad At Allen as he still stood their confidently as mana began to form in its horns.

"I already seen all of your tricks.. hurry the hell already! and die!"

Allen would dash forward with his spear aimed toward the throat of the animal, catching the Animal by surprise as it was still charging up its horns.

The spear would meet its mark as it stabs through the ram deer soft skin and past through the back. Blood was splatter all over the place and onto him as well.

[ System message: congrats you have just killed 1 ram deer. You have been rewarded 9 Exp.. bringing your 54 Exp to 63 exp out of 80. ]

"One down... 14 more to go, this is going to be a long day.

Allen had retrieved his weapon out of the Animal dead body then he would turn the Animal body into points, a smile was on his face as he began to run at a direction-finding a different Ram deer to kill.