Getting started -Farming Exp- (10)

Allen ran over toward a Deer that was on the soft grass ground allowing itself to rest, he would move swiftly through the forest but his speed wasn't really out of the ordinary for a hunter or too special for hunting animals.

Once he sees the animal in his eyesight he would launch his attack, getting his second prey for the kill quests to earn his skills, Allen would thrust his spear into the frightened animal that was just minding its own business.

*Crack, Zack, crackle, shing*

Horns and Allen's spear clash against each other since the middle of the day, blood was spilled, trees were destroyed, bodies lay dead on the floor only to be turned into points afterward since he didn't need the extra food and resources for now, since they were good on supplies.

Allen would kill one deer after moving onto the next one so he can finish his Kill quests, farming Exp to level himself up.

"I think I should take a break for right now."

Allen was now in a small opening that lays out a boulder that you can see above from the sky, Allen quickly climbs up the boulder to sit on top of it to get a higher view vantage point. Once Allen has finally climbed all the way to the top of the boulder he sat down on it making himself feel comfortable.

"So within the past few hours, I manage to kill 10 ram deers that should be 90 Exp huh?"

Allen pulled out his menu screen and saw the two kill quest missions he had.

[ Slay 15 ram deers 10/15 reward 65 Exp, potential passive skill unlocked, passive skill enhance hearing Lvl 1 + passive skill enhance agility lvl 1 | Slay 20 ram deers, 10/20 reward 75 Exp, new passive skill unlocked passive skill sense mana Lvl 1 ]

Allen would begin to rub his chin seeing the status info of the two kill quest missions he had yet to finish, he saw the three passive skills of enhance hearing, enhance hearing, and the ability to sense mana around him.

At this time Allen doesn't have any form of an ability to sense mana but relied on guts instincts so far.

"Hm... I wonder how many other skills will I be able to unlock in the future? And how many skills can I unl-"

Allen's eyes widen as he stares off at a certain direction in the dense forest, A surge of blood lust appeared out of nowhere as he slowly scans the tree line, a feeling of un-easement would lurk over him.

"I think my minds playing tricks against me... Yeah... probably from the numbers of animals I killed."

Allen grab his water bag and took a few sips from it, then he pulled out some nuts from his leather pouch to eat so he can replenish a bit of his energy while not moving his eyes away from the direction he was looking at, you know the cliche scene with the person feeling like he was being watched, but as soon as he turns his head away the entity would show itself.

"it hasn't set out to attack me yet, strange, what's going on with them? I'm clearly in a wide-open area with no cover."

Allen was happy at least whatever he was looking at the thing never approach him or even got closer to him, Allen would rest for a few more minutes but he still kept his eyes glued to a specific direction in the forest.

-Whatever is out there... seems like it doesn't want to bother attacking me.-

Allen thought to himself as he picks up his spear, and took another sip from his water bag, patted his clothing, and jump off the boulder to go on his hunt once more.

He glances toward the same direction where he felt the surge of blood lust appear out of nowhere but he decided to head into the forest to finish his quest. Behind a tall thick tree, a wolf-like animal was behind it, as it looks like a mix of a wolf and a tiger and a star symbol on its forehead, with its sharp claws and huge teeth, The animal had its teeth showing the sharp K9 tooth, drool began to come down from its mouth, his fur color would be mainly lightish grey with the outline of white.

The animal would begin to growl silently as it's blue pearl eyes gleam in the sunlight, then it would turn around and faded into a mist of shadows.


Sounds of another tree falling from a ram deer being rammed into it as Allen would stab into the heavily injured Allen as he has gotten some few scratches from the endless fighting that he had to do, even if he was able to somewhat go toe to toe with these animals.

The Animal would stagger to the side as its legs began to falter as the animal would fall over from the major blood lost making the animal lay dead on the ground.

[ System message: 1 Ram deer killed rewarded 9 Exp, the carcass has been processed into 2 system points, and 5 crystal pieces ]

Allen would smile looking down at the screen seeing all the Exp he has been gathering as that marked the 14th he has killed in the day, Allens would glance up at the sky as he saw the sun was about to start descending beneath the horizon which makes Allen feel like he needed to hurry up on his farming quests.

Allen ran away from the battle area he had just fought in as he seeks the 15th ram deer to finish the first Kill quest mission to gain the enhanced hearing and enhance agility.

*woosh, swish, crunch, crack*

Allen's footsteps were heavy as he ran around the gigantic forest that he was located in. His breathing was at a normal pace with each inhales and exhale was about the same length. Allen wanted to finish the two quest he was assigned before nightfall so this was a race against time.

-come here deer.. where are you?- Allen mentally said to himself with his eyes darting around like crazy while taking a few looks at his map to if he could find any of them nearby him.

"Found one!"

Allen exclaimed loudly as he twists his footing to a new direction as he took off for the ram deer location.

"You're my!"

Allen shouted out as he jumps out from a bush with his spear hold upright above his head as he prepares to throw it at the ram deer as it was drinking water from a small pond.

His emotions were high as he felt rush to finish this prey off as fast a possible with the blade of the spear starting to glow red from the mana being drawn out from him.

Allen had aim his spear and Chuck it at the ram deer as the wind around the spear during mid-flight was blown away slightly, Once the ram deer head met up with Allen the spear penetrated through the head making it flown into a tree with the spear lodge into the tree bark.

[ System message : You have killed 1 ram deer, you have been rewarded 9 exp ]

[ Quest log: Slay 15 ram deers 15/15 (completed ) rewarded 65 Exp Addition reward 2 passive skills : enhance hearing, enhance agility ]

Allen saw the message with a big smile on his face, as both of his legs shifted away from each other, his body was arch down with his head also facing down, his arms and hands were by his waist.


Allen yells outward with a huge passion seeing how he finish the quest, and getting the two extra rewards of those two passive skills he jumps up, swaying his hands in the air and kicking his legs in celebration.

Once Allen had enough of celebrating he turns the body into points again and pulled out his spear, he took another look at the sun to see how much time he has left, noticing the sun was now starting to set he took off once more into the forest. Allen had huff and puff from his mouth as he was in another battle with a ram deer again.

"Die already!"

Allen would thrust his spear again into the body of the animal, the blade would begin to start glowing again as it went into the body the Animal freak out and now was in pain but Allen was slowly pushing the Animal back bit by back forcing it to be next to a tree.

"And with this finishing blow! you are one dead animal."

Allen began to pull the spear not backward but from the sides as a huge slash wound revealing some internal organs. Blood spilled out and splatter onto him again with the Animal falling limp and now dead in the ground.

Allen swings his spear to get the blood off his weapon bur he took one glance at himself seeing all the blood that was scattered on his clothes and armor.

If someone else was standing in front of him he would have been called a murder from the amount of blood seen on him, but no one else really around so he didn't bother cleaning himself up.

"Now that marks the 19th killed of today.. Off to find me the 20th."

Allen slowly started to examine his surroundings while he did the process of turning the dead animal into points again, guessing another direction to go.

" One, two, three."

Allen had randomly chosen a direction as he began to run toward that direction a quiet growl was heard from the area he was just at with blue eyes seen from the shadows.

Allen was now in another battle with an animal as the sun was almost done setting past the horizon as the night became more apparent in his eyesight, while dark his eyes would have gotten used to the little by little amount of darkness filling the sky, the only thing providing most of the lighting at this point of time was Allen red glowing spear, and the ram deer lime green glowing horns.

They both charge at each other with Allen swinging his spear that was now caught on the horns, with the energy crashing into one another, The animal looked like it was standing its own for a bit but was starting to get a push by inch by inch every few seconds.

Allen had a newfound confidence in his strength as the horns began to break, the mana flow from the Animal started to weaken as he had gotten used to fighting all the Ram deers.

"You have no chance of winning this! So.. just... give.. up already!"

Allen let out a warcry with the final crack in the horns finally breaking it, allowing a clear shot to the head as it was slash through. Allen now had finished his two farming quests as he turns the dead animal once more into points.

[ quest log : slay 20/20 ram deers you have been rewarded 75 Exp.. with the special reward of passive skill mana sense lvl 1. | Total Exp gather from 20 ram deers killed.. 180 Exp.. added with 65 and 75.. Then another 63 from the pre-existing Exp.. total of 383 exp gather.. and 40 system points and 100 crystal pieces bringing your total currency amount to 63 system points and 160 crystal pieces. ]

"Holy shit! 383 exp from these two missions, I knew that I would have gotten this amount, but seeing it in person is honestly shocking."

*Ding.. ding ding ding.*

[ System message: You have lvl up! You have lvl up! you have level up! you have lvl up! you are now level 8 with 66/120 Exp remaining to level up to level 9.. you have a total of 40 new stats point to use. ]

Allen saw the notification as his mouth drop a little, he shook his face and clean his glasses again to see if what he was seeing was true. But no matter how much he did this it still showed up like this.

"I level up 4 times huh? And I'm already level 8?"

Allen then remembers the sun was setting down as he started to head back home before nightfall arrivals. Then soon another smaller message box appeared.


[ System message: you have reached or passed lvl 5 promoting your rank from recruit 1 star to recruit 2 stars : Status info all stats will now be increase by another 5. ]

Allen was in the middle of dividing up the 40 Exp into 8 groups of 5 then giving all of his stats a change, but he saw the new message as this halted his movements.

"Another 5 points to all of my stats? Hell yeah, man! I'm loving this system!.. I will get promoted again If I reach level 10?"

[ System message : your new sets of stats will be : Str 24 / Agi 24 / Int 24 / Cha 22 / Dex 27 / Mana 26 / lck 21 / def 26 : Save changes? ]

Allen quickly elected yes as the white glow appears around him but it lasted a bit longer this time with his defense count increase his health's number increase... Wait health? When did a health bar appear in his eyesight? it was showing 143 out of 654 Hp.

"When the hell did that appear from? Did I unlock this function from being promoted? I didn't even know I had a health bar in the first place."

Allen wonder to himself to see what other functions could be hidden within the systems, does he have to manually found them out one by one? Or will they just unlock themselves after being promoted again?

"Will a mana bar also show up? Cause I would love to see when I'm running low on mana.. not knowing when I will be depleted of mana is shitty."

Allen said to himself as he was walking back to the cave, so he can rest and relax his body from the hours of fighting against ram deers, and to learn more about the specifics of his passive skills so he can get a better understanding of them.