Getting Stronger -Healing up- (1)

Allen had just arrived at the clearing of the trees near the hill as it was already fully dark from the sun being set past the horizon, Allen saw a brightly lit orangish light coming from on top of the hill knowing Chad had prepared the campfire for another night of this magical world, he then began to ascend the hill past the makeshift wooden fences and then into the cave. Allen would see that Chad was poking and prodding the fire making sure that the quality of the flame was good, then this time something was different instead of a shish kabob entire sections of the ram deer meat was hanging above the fire being smoked.

"What are you doing now Chad?"

Allen spoke curiously as he was putting his spear on the weapon rack, and then he began to take off his light armor wolf fur and then place it on the makeshift armor stance.

Chad saw that Allen has just returned from his quests as he was twisting the stick that was holding up the section of the deer meat. "Just smoking the Animal meat so it won't rot as fast, and then I'll use the other section to be cooked for tonight."

Allen listens to Chad hearing about what he was doing as he walks over to the makeshift bed, he sat done on it testing the quality of the *mattress* it was ok-ish.. beats sleeping on the cold hard rocky surface of this cave. Allen took off his peasant-like boots and then began to lay on the bed.

"Tell me when the dinner is ready, I'll be checking up on a few things that I got from my quest."

Chad gave Allen a thumbs up as he resumes twisting the chunk of meat on the rotating stick above the fire to let the smoke kill off any the microbes to perverse the meat for a longer amount of time, then he would use a different chunk of ram deer meat to eat for tonight. Allen, on the other hand, was laying on the makeshift ram deer fur bed checking out his new levels, seeing how his stats were quickly raised up by so many points from the last two days he's been training, hunting the animals, seeing how he has gotten used to fighting against the ram deer with their speed and power, but was just a few levels short before he only needed one swing to finish the animal off.

-If the animals were that hard to defeat in this first place, how strong were the natives human of this world? What could their levels be? 50? 60? I'm practically a toddler in strength compare to them.- He began to wonder more about this world before he let out a sigh as he closes his eyes for a bit, only to re-open them a few seconds later.

Allen had turned his head to look at Chad to see that progress of the food, Chad was in the middle of tieing rope around the smoked meat and was in the middle of hanging them on some makeshift shelves. Seeing this distracted his over thinking as he turns his head back to the system screen.

"I wonder do I have any new quests? Something with a bigger Exp reward would be nice."

Allen pulls up his quests logs to see the two daily quests being mark finish but saw two additional new quests, that mainly focused on giving him Exp and reaching the next promotion stage.

[ Quest log: reach recruit 3 stars Exp reward 40 Exp | kill 2 greater ram deers reward 60 Exp ]

Allen saw both of the new quests about reaching recruit 3 stars, and the one that's going to be a lot harder for him to achieve was killing the 2 greater rams. He could finish both of them together in one day but he felt like he needed more preparation, he began to do the mental math trying to see if he can level up to Lvl 10 for the recruit 3 stars before killing the greater ram deers.

- So I'm at level 8 with 66 Exp out of 120 to level up, If I finish both the daily quests that give me 25 and 30 Exp which gives me 55 Exp in total plus the extra Exp of killing the 5 deers which are 45 Exp, all of this total ups into 100 Exp, and I only need 54 Exp to level up. That will be enough to get me to level 9.. that will give me a remaining 46/130 Exp, that means I need to get around 80 Exp until I become level 10 so I'll need to kill at least 9 ram deers.- Allen's eyes darted around the cave roof while he does his mental math, seeing if there was any other way for him to level up quickly or to gain Exp a lot faster but killing the extra 9 ram deers was the only option he could think of for this situation.

"There no other way besides getting a few extra kills to become level 10, Might as well deal with the hassle."

Allen let out a groan as he rolls over to the side while trying to find more of a comfortable spot to lay on his sides, Then he swiped for a new screen that was showing the 3 passive skill sets he has.

[ Skill sets: Passive skill enhance hearing Lvl 1, Passive skill enhance agility Lvl 1, Passive skill mana sense Lvl 1 ]

Allen had a finger hovering over the enhanced hearing skill as he presses the tab to see the more detailed information about the passive skill.

[Skills: Enhance hearing - The user's ability to hear sounds coming towards him at a further greater distance, and to hear sounds that's that would require Human ears to be near to be able to hear it. The more you use this ability the more experience you will get to be able to pinpoint a specific sound or extend the hearing to a further distance. ]

"Interesting... Lets test it out."

Allen rolled his head to Chad as he began to test the ability to see how much he could hear from the distance between the two, Allen would focus his mind on Chad as he opened his mouth.

"Use skill enhance hearing."

Allen could have easily mentally active the ability but he felt like he wanted to say it out loud the first time he was using this new ability of his. Allen's ears began to twitch a little as nothing new come through his eardrums making Allen face become full of disappointment at first until he heard breathing, Chad's breathing specifically as he was about 20 ft away from him, as he could easily hear Chad breath like if he was standing right next to him, then he could hear the faint night bugs cheep and chirp in the forest close by.

-Holy shit it works! I can hear Chad breathing!- Allen froze up a little as he realizes what he had just said to himself even if it was in his mind. He shrugged this notion quickly so he can move onto the other two different Passive skills while turning off the enhanced hearing.

"Let's see we have Sense mana and enhance agility huh?.. time for some info diving."

Allen press the Sense mana tab to bring it up in a smaller notification screen on his left side, which began to explain the specific details of this ability.

[ Skill : Sense mana, to be able to sense the general amount of mana that someone has, level up this skill for a more specific degree. Sense mana will also give the user to detect any mana around him but if the other being has a high level of hiding their source of mana, this skill will not be effective. To active this ability the user must relax their mind for a few seconds before detection occurs.

Allen would press his thumb and pointer finger upon his Chin as he slowly read the info description of the ability then he turns over toward Chad as he began to cook the ram deer meat on the fire. Allen began to close his eyes, as he relaxes his body letting all of the muscles in his body beginning to feel at ease, then soon his mind as he saw a faint glow of yellow light aura around the general of Chad, once he saw this Allen had open his eyes again.

"Sense mana check off the list."

Allen was now 2/3 of the way of checking out his newfound abilities and was debating if he should or shouldn't test out his enhanced agility since it was night time. He just ended up deciding not to test out his ability so he can rest up.

"So enhance agility huh? Let's see what's it about."

A ding sound effect could be heard as he presses the tab change popping up a third message box describing the enhanced agility and the status effect it gives.

[ Skills: enhance agility, this will give the user to run at a quicker pace, to be able to jump at higher heights but this skill will require both usage of the user Stamina and Mana. This skill will give +15 agility points to the stats when being used, the stats points will increase as this skill is leveled up. ]

Allen quickly exited out of the skills tab as he returns to the center of the bed only to look back up at the cave roof again. He hands his hands placed on the back of his head as he was silently resting there until Chad call him out for dinner, he would put on his boots and head over to the fireplace to eat. Once Allen had finished the dinner that was given toward him he laid back down on the bed as he gently closed his eyes and snuggled up in the bed, while Chad kept watching over the cave once more, Allen would drift off sleeping with a gentle smile on his face marking the end of the 3rd day.