Getting Stronger -4th day- (2)

The early morning dawn would rise from the faraway distant horizon with the sun brightly shining upon the world of Norairus that Allen was resided at turning the sky color, from a dark pitch black to a light orange then to a bright blue sky, birds chirp, animals waked up for the day, adventurers hunting monsters, monsters harass or destroyed villages, towns, and minor cities, and harming the locate populace that lives in that area.

Yep... another classic day in this world full of magic and legendary beasts, but also scientific discovery- but that's only revealed further within the story, as Allen continues growing his strength to someday rule the land, and stumble upon these yet to be shown deep magical knowledge or scientific intellect.

Allen's eyes started to twitch from the sunlight coming up, and the occasional birds chirping in the distance in the forest, then finally he open his eyes to see the world once again, he began to slowly get up from the makeshift bed as he pushes off the fur blanket off from him, and now was sitting upright.

"What crazy shit is going to happen today huh?"

Allen let out a sarcastic chuckle as he grabs onto his pleasant style boots and puts them on, then he got off from the bed which allows him to have a better night then the last previous 2 days, he thanked Chad that he made this for him so his muscles won't ache every time he woke up.

"That was the best sleep I have in the past 4 days.. I really need to thank Chad for making this."

Allen patted the flat top of the bed as he walked over to the cave water pond as he washes his hands and splashes water on his face again. Both his face and the front of his hair was wet as water droplets fell from there.

Allen would open his menu again seeing the third passive skill he had which was the enhanced agility, feeling like he should test this ability he headed from the cave to more of an open area in front of the cave so he doesn't bump his head into the walls or roof.

"Alright, let's see what I can do with this skill, lets do this!"

Allen cheered at himself while he was rubbing both of his hands together, he would glance at the specific details once more then he turns his head forward as he got into a sprinting position, he mentally activated this ability as he began to take off running down the hill, the cave from the forest was roughly 60 meters (196 Ft) which would usually take about a minute and a few extra seconds for him to fully travel that distance with his old speed, but with the ability, it would shave it down to an over half a minute.

"I can feel the cold wind blowing against my face!"

Allen's mouth was wide open as he was never this fast before and this new speed of his he felt joyful and was pleasantly happy about this.

"I'm almost at the tree line I can m-"

As he was jinxing himself he lost his footing and began to tumble, and roll towards the tree line of the forest, and he ended up headfirst crashing into a tree shaking off any loose leaves.

[ HP 647/654 -7 ]


Allen slowly began to get up from the ground as he was staring up at the tree, he gave the tree a death glare as he raises his leg and kicks it when his foot made contact against the tree bark, a sting went up throughout his body as he recoils in pain.

[ HP 642/654 -5 ]

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

Allen hops around while clutching his foot in pain after a few moments have gone by the pain his in foot would mostly be gone with a lingering sting could be felt, Allen was holding back his tears from how much it hurt.

"I really need to get back to testing this ability, instead of hurting myself the entire day."

Allen had a burst of sad sarcastic laughter came out from his mouth as he began to look around the area with a tall enough tree that should be able to support his weight if he was standing on one of the branches.

"Well here goes nothing," Allen got himself into position and took an edgy ninja stance " time to commence ninja jumping Jutsu... Always wanted to do something like this."

Allen gave himself a running start as he bends his knees downward and his body along with it, he jumps upward getting up to roughly 20 ft in the air doubling what the ram deers can accomplish.

He stretches out his legs so he prepares himself for the landing.

-I got it, I got it, I.. Don't got it!- Allen had a confident smile on his face expecting he would have landed this on the first try, but that's not how proper character development so work, they need to face harsh shipments, not only mental harsh ships but physical obstacles as well, not simply for the plot reason. (COUGH)

Allen had thought he nailed the landing once he had a foot on the tree branch, but why the time his second foot landed his body was not at the right angle as his center of mass effected the landing causing him to slip back and fall back down into the ground.

-God damnit this is going to hurt~!-

Allen screams internally as he turns his head to look straight at the fast approaching ground, as he tries to rotate his body to land on his legs, but he was to slow to recover and just ended up falling on his back.

[ HP 636/654 -6 :D ]

Allen saw the message as he was rubbing his back while trying to get up from taking that fall damage, but he saw the smiley face at the end of the damage number of the system. This made Allen angry seeing his own system was now taunting him now.

"Ah what the hell man! I thought you were on my side whats with that smiley face anyways? You trying to say something! Huh?!"

Allen just stared at the damage log, with his eyes twitching, and both of his hands were made into a ball of fists, but nothing new was said as he let out a sigh telling himself that he needed to relax. Then another ding occurs from his system.


[ System message: New quests has unlocked and added | Quest: jog at least 10 miles {16 Km} (Daily) reward 40 Exp / Quest: perform 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 squats (Daily) reward 35 Exp / Quest: Perform 60 aerobatic stunts (daily) reward 35 Exp ]

Allen saw the *simple* exercise quests that had recently pop up in front of him as he saw the specific requirements that needed to be finished to get his Exp rewarded to him, a 10-mile jog, 150 split into 3 different exercising routines, and then stack another one of doing 60 aerobatics, this already made his mind tired of just thinking about doing it.

"Should I just quickly finish one of these quest? Or should I move onto the usual daily quests?"

Allen didn't know which quest to finish first, the combat training quest and the farming quest? Or the newly added exercising quests that just showed themselves a few seconds ago.

"I uh..i uh.."

Allen began to mumble on and on as he slaps himself to get his brain to think straight.

"I think- I think I'll do the exercising quest first then the other daily quest... I never really exercise before in my previous life."

Allen self pity laugh at his body patting his slightly chubby body, then he looked like down at it then squish a part of his fat and sighed. Allen began to stretch out his entire body so he can prepare himself for the workout that he was about to do.

" Ok... lets begin this training exercise."

Allen slowly walk away from the tree line and more central of the clearing as he tries his best to found the most flattest area near him, then he started to do the 50 squat firsts, going down then back up. -This will be the start of the multi-pacer test, at the sound of the beep you will start.

*beep* Down.. up 1.. down.. up 2- The sounds of a recorded DVD tape of a exercising test crept up into his mind as he began to start having flash backs, starting from elementary, school then middle and then high school.

Allen always hated doing the pacer test since he wasn't an very athletic kid growing up but now, strength means every thing in world, so he wasn't going to back down without a fight that is what his inner warrior pride is telling him.

25 minutes had gone by with Allen now about to finish the 50 squats.

"50! its finally done!"

Allen fell back as his legs mainly his thighs were hurting, Allen began to rub them for a few seconds but he ended up rolling on his front with his stomach to the ground.

"This.. this is going to hurt."

Allen was now in a push up position with his arms steadily lowering his body then he pushes back up doing 1 push up.

"That was 1.. 49 more to go."

Allen groan as he resumes doing push ups until he reach the half way point of doing the push up sets, he completely collapse out of exhaustion.

"Ha... ha... damn my body so weak.."

His head was turnt in a way that he wasn't kissing the dirt making his eyes focus on his hands, he felt angry at his stamina, on how fast he needed to take a break to catch his breath.

-What's the point of having a lot of strength but a very weak stamina? that's like throwing 5 punches that can destroy a car but then the person needs a huge break right afterwards.- Allen thought to himself.

"No! I won't allow myself to rest.. not now!" Allen scream out loud.

He would scrunch his hands into a fist pulling up some grass blades as he got back into the push up form and resume going down and up again. He gritted his teeth as his muscle began to apply more and more pressure and stress but he had to fight it through.

Another 15 minutes had past by which seems like hours for Allen as he finish with the 50th push ups.

"Now.. I'm.. done.. with those... I have 50.. sit ups.. to do."

Allen began to breath deeply and heavily from each words he spoke, he disgruntly roll onto his back again and he slides his leg inward closer to his body, sweat was already forming in his head, arms and legs.

"Lets just get this over with."

He annoyingly said as of now his entire body muscle began to ache from him doing all of these *lightweight* exercise. He did a fee sit ups then he flat out took a break after doing a few then he got himself back up to continue the rest.

=30 minutes later=

Roughly a hour and a half had already past by as he was now finish with all three exercise sets, the 50 sit ups, 50 push ups, 50 squats. Allen laid tirelessly on the green grass dirt floor, while staring up at the somewhat cloudy blue sky, a gentle breeze wash over Allen then the trees began to sway a little, this was a relaxing moment for him mentally, but physically he was still in pain and was also sweating.