Getting Stronger -More exercising- (3)


[ System message: You have completed the body training quest, you have been rewarded 35 Exp bringing the total amount from 66 to 101/120 Exp to level up ]

Allen had one eye open while he read the system message with a heavy breath each time he inhales and exhales. Then a weak smile would appear across his face, with his emotions was happy from finishing the quest, and managing to push himself through doing all three different 50 sets.

Allen - "I- I did it..... Ha~"

Allen said while taking a long exhale as his lungs began to blow out all the carbon dioxide and then into the air which was consumed by the trees.

Allen - "I actually pulled through a exercising session for once in my life."

Allen childishly chuckle at this fact which was a self insult to himself but he does mind it, he knew the facts was staring straight at him which made him not say anything. Allen Brown color eyes glitter in the sun as he was staring straight up at the bright blue sky seeing the clouds past by.

Allen - "I thinks it about time to start another body training quest."

Allen would push himself up to sit up correctly with both of his hands place behind him, as he reopens his quest log. Allen saw the run 10 mile jog quest, to train his stamina and then the 60 acrobatic stunts to train his body to get use to doing unique kind of jumps.

His mind began to trail off as he took another gander at the sky, as he started to think about the other players beside him of course.

Allen - "If I think about it I never.. wonder... I wonder how are the others doing? I wonder how the other players are handling this situation, both emotionally, mentality and physically."

Allen eyes began to slowly close up and he started to imagine the other 6 shadowy dark figures during the orientation to enter this world, the more he thought about this, the more he felt like they could a potential Ally or enemy depending how they act, he would try his best to avoid violent tensions between their empires but if push comes to shove, Allen will not hesitate to.

Allen - "Crush them beneath my boot.. And probably make them my prisoner or- an entire racial *extinction*.."

Allen was no pacifist when it comes to war, he would have his enemy's bow before him to show his strength. He isn't a man of good, nor a man that stoop to the level to cause war crimes, just a simple middle man, in a more simplify way of how he acts is that, he has a warrior pride, a child like personality, a mindset of a psychotic business man.

Allen - "There is no such thing as a free work from me either, without a deal made or some form of benefit."

As a regular human being he has his morals to keep his mentally in balance with, his more business side of him. In terms of in civilization are at war with each other, He was not willing to send Aid unless he has a good reason to, or the benefits seem enough for him, or a deal was previously made.

Allen - "I do hope they are all prepared to fight against me in the battlefield.. Cause sure as hell, I won't grant them the chance beat me... Victory.. Or Death!"

Allen was the sweaty competitive tryhard back in the previous world, with any games he could play he always tried his best to dominate against the other players, casual game mode or not.

=Scene changes into multiple different landscape environments.=


Players 1-6 "Was someone talking about me?"

=End scene change=

Allen had his eyes open again as he glance down at his quest log screen deciding to do the 10 mile long run, to increase his stamina. He stretch out his body again then took a few small sip of water from his water bag.

Allen - "Time to get this 10 mile jog over with as well."

He started to jog in a singular place for a few seconds to warm up his legs, then he finally took off running into the forest, Allen had turned around some trees until he couldn't be seen from the clearing anymore.

Allen - "Huff.. huff.. huff."

Allen started to huff and puff his lungs with his eyes hastily scanning the surrounding, trying to found the most flattest area to run towards so he wouldn't need to adjust his legs for the height changes.

Allen - "Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these.But of all the world's brave heroes, there's none that can compare.With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British Grenadiers."

Allen began to sing in a British accent about the British grenadiers, a song about different regiments during the 17th century of Great Britannia. He sang, and hum to the song with a meter bar showing how much he ran so far. -6 miles already done huh? 4 more to go- Allen smile the progress as his mood began to lighten up from the songs he's been singing out loud.

Allen (The US field artillery) - "Over hill, over dale,We will hit the dusty trail,And those Caissons go rolling and out, hear them shout!Counter marching all about,And those Caissons go rolling along,For it's high high he,In the US Field Artillery,Shout out your "No" [numbers] loud and strong,For wher-e'er we go,You will always know,That those Caissons go rolling along!..." (This song is really suited for more marching)

*next song*

Allen then swap to another historical military marching song as this time it was german, so he broke out his best.. possible German, that he can muster but if there was a native German speaker around him, they would say he needed more practice.

Allen - " Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein (Drums or fifes)

und das heißt: (Drum or fifes) Erika. (Drums or fifes

Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein (Drum or fifes)

wird umschwärmt (Drums or fifes) Erika (Drums or fifes)

denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit, (Drum or fifes)

zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid. (Drum or fifes)

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein (Drum or fifes)

und das heißt: (Drums or fifes) Erika. (drums or fifes)

(Translation) >> On the heath, there blooms a little flower (xxx)

and she's called (xxx) Erika. (xxx)

Eagerly a hundred thousand little bees, (xxx)

swarm around (xxx) Erika. (xxx)

For her heart is full of sweetness, (xxx)

a tender scent escapes her blossom-gown. (xxx)

On the heath, there blooms a little flower (xxx)

and she's called (xxx) Erika. (xxx)


[ Quest log: You have just completed the 10 mile long jog, you have been be rewarded 40 Exp.. bringing your Exp count to 101 to 141/a

120. ]


[ System message: Lvl up, you are now level 9 21/130 Exp to level up: you have been given 10 new stat points. ]

Allen was tiredly bent over near a tree with his right hand place onto the tree bark, he was tirelessly breathing in and out trying his breath to recover his Breath and stamina.

Allen - "Now... that is... over... And I even got... a lvl up."

He said faintly to himself as he topples into the tree to rest his body again, the countless times he needed to rest was something that doing these exercise, would help with.

Allen - "Ah~~~ So damn tired... I wanna stop."

Allen complain to himself but he knew that with more seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months.. and maybe even years that passes by him. If he doesn't force his lazy self to train he won't be strong enough to beat his enemies.

Allen grab his water bag and began to slush it around near his ear to test how much was left. -About half huh? I guess I can survive with this amount left for the acrobatic trainings.. the one that's requires more skill and less willpower.- Allen thought to himself.

Allen - "I think it's almost about to be midday.. at this rate I can train with Chad and probably finish my kill quests as well."

The sun loom over the blue sky with Allen sitting under a shady tree, beams of light would manage to pierce through the thick tree leaves making this a very memorial scene. Once he had enough time to recuperate his strength and stamina, he got up from the tree trunk and then patted his pants.

Allen - "Alright.. back to ninja training!"

He took a edgy cringy position as he holds up his hands to guard himself and he spread out his legs.

Allen - "Ninja jump no-jutsu!"

His enhance agility skill began to turn on as he crouch down to prepare himself the jump, a sweat drop roll down his face as he focus all of his attention on simply trying to land on a tree branch, and not fall down like a dumbass.