Getting Stronger -Ninja and more training- (4)


Allen foot would land on a thick tree branch with one foot, then the other was following suit. Allen had successfully landed on the branch with a huge grind on his face, he was in the middle of an inner celebration as he slowly gets up but... He began to tilt backward with his cheerful face turn into *Oh shit*

Allen - "Not again! Not again Not~!"

Allen began to swing his arms around, and he thrust his body forward and backward but to no avail, he fell down headfirst into the ground. *Boom* A quiet crashing sound echo throughout the dense forest, taking 10 damage out of 654. He needed some time to recover from the damage, and especially to his head, his eyes blur and his entire body had barely any strength.

"Ah fuck me, man... *cough* I gotta be more careful with this practicing my jumping and landing in general."

Allen body was twitching slightly as he was trying to get himself to stand upright again, once he was standing he examines the tree he just felt off from as he prepares himself to jump up to the same branch once again, he bends his body and he spread his legs out he would jump up into the air.

"I'll succeed th-"

Allen celebratory return was interrupted mid-sentence with his head being slammed into the bark of the tree branch, his nervous system sent out a shiver throughout the entire body once more, falling back down onto the ground with a weird distorted face.

[ HP 640/654 -4 ]

"Eh.. hehehe... hehe."

He slowly began to fall down to the ground, as he weirdly laughs while free-falling downward. He crashes into the ground with the same weird expression on his face, but after a few seconds went by he shook his head left and right, and his concentration return back to him. Allen had an angry look on his face with a competitive nature that would set ablaze in his emotions as he stares at the same tree he fell twice from.

"I'll get the hand of this, and I'll... I'll eventually get the handle of this! Yeah. A handle on this... Ha..Haha... Hahaha!"

Allen awkwardly laughs like a bolstering muscular idiot that he knows in his life, then he took a few steps back to give himself more space, he glances up at the tree so he knows that there was enough clearing that he won't end up crashing into the branch again. He lowers his body and pushes out his legs as he turns on his ability.

"3rd times the charm! I hope I don't jinx myself."

Allen chuckled awkwardly at himself as he launches himself up into the air once more and was getting to the maximum height he could achieve, for now, then he started to descend down onto a tree branch with both of his boots touching the bark. Once landed he wobble his body back and forth, and he swings his arms in a circular motion before stabilizing on the tree branch.

Allen - "Almost fai- I mean I did it! I manage to successfully land on a tree branch without taking any damage this time."

He had a mix of a confident smirk and a nervous expression on his face, then he lifts up a hand and opens it up to stare at for few a seconds, then he places it on the side of the tree bark. Allen's nerves began to feel calmer as he slowly looks up at the higher tree branches, and the sunlight breaking through the leaves, His eyes would squint and a small gentle smile crept up.

A short moment of time passed by him while standing on top of a branch while staring up at the tree, beams of light would beam down onto him showing his bright white skin. He pulls his attention away from the tree so he can resume his acrobatics training.

"Alright, enough sightseeing, back to training!"

He smirked with his preparations preparing him to jump over to another tree that was close by, to the one that he was standing on. He bends his body forward and shuffles his legs away from each other, and then he vaults over himself over toward the next tree, he arches his jump to get more of a longer distance. As he was nearing the end of the jump he was close to reaching the other tree branch, but he ended up being a few ft short with his torso getting slammed into the thick bark of the tree branch.

"Oh shit- Ack!"

Another -4 damage was done to his health bar as he slides off the tree branch, and fell towards the ground for the third time in the row. And 4th time in the row he ended up laying flat on the dirt and grass ground. And 2nd time in the row he had made an ugly face while taking damage from a simple tree branch.

"The world really seems to be out to get me... what a pain in the ass."

Allen complain and he let out a quiet sigh as he got back up from the ground, then he patted his clothing to get off any dust that he could possibly get rid of. He then lunges into the air again so he can get the practice quest done, and be able to hone on his tree jumping skill. He landed back on the branch that he slammed his chest on then he began to search for another thick enough branch to jump towards.

Allen - "Here goes nothing."

Allen prepared himself for a jump while gritting his teeth so he could at least pair the pain mentality, he lowers his center of mass and hops into the air. He started to fall he got his legs into position to land on the tree branch, as soon as his foot touches the bark he slipped, but instead of falling backward this time he slips at a forward angle causing him to... fall for the 5th time.

"Son of a bi!-" *crash*

Allen had fallen into a large bush that softens his fall, he just sits on the bush with a mad expression on his face, but he only needed a few moments of silence to return his face back to normal.

== 2 hours later ==

Allen - "Ha ha!... Weee!!!... Woohoo!... Yes!!"

After countless times of him falling into the ground, crashing into the tree branches, coming up short on the jump, or overestimating how much power was needed and over jump. He was on the last 10 jumps needed to finish the acrobatics practice stunt quest, he was nowhere near comparable of doing any highly advance, flashy movements, like jumping from one tree branch to grapple onto the tree branch and swing around on it, or to instantly jump from one tree to the next. He still needed time to prepare himself to jump to the next tree over, and to estimate how much strength was needed to cover the distance, and he still wasn't able to nail the landing 100 percent of the time.


[ Quest log: Practice 60 acrobatics *Daily* Rewarded 35 Exp (Completed) bringing total Exp from 21 to 66/130 Exp ]

Allen was standing on a branch readying himself for another jump until he saw the message screen pop up in his face, He let out a happy cheer as finally he was done with the painful practice lesson of jumping from tree to tree. Allen hopped down from the tree branch, with both his legs and hands touching the ground for the landing, then he pop out his quest log.

"I can do more... training with Chad, or I can do some hunting."

Allen started to debate with himself but ended up choosing the deer hunting daily quest since he would receive more Exp out from it, which was just little more then enough Exp to level up to Lvl 10 and become a recruit rank 3 star as well.

"If I choose training with Chad, I'll only end up with 30 Exp, so adding 66 together with 33 I only get up with 99 Exp which is not enough to level up, But If I choose the ram deer hunting quest I'll get 45 Exp from simply killing 5 deers, and 25 Exp for completing the quest, which is 70 Exp in total, 70 plus 66 is 136 leaving me with 6 Exp out of 140, Which I'm guessing."

Allen started to head back to the cave so he can grab his spear and put on his light armor wolf fur, and then head straight back into the dense forest to kill some ram deers.

==roughly over half a hour later==

Allen had found one lone Ram Deer as he rushes at the animal to lash out a strike at it, and he thrust the spear into the animal body starting the battle between the two beings. A quick 10-minute battle would past by him as the animal lay dead on the floor only to turn up into money for him.


[ System message: You have just killed 1 Ram Deer you have been rewarded 9 Exp, processing Animal body, and core to system points and crystal pieces. ]

"1 done, 4 more to go until I can do the training quest with Chad... I wanna see how much Stronger

Allen said with a prideful tone as he spins his weapon above him then slamming the butt end of the spear onto the ground, He then took off toward another direction to fight another Ram deer.





[ Quest log: you have finished the (daily) kill 5 ram deer quest, you have been rewarded 25 Exp, total Exp gain 70 adding with pre-existing 66/130 Exp.. Level up to Lvl 10 6/140: you have 10 new stats point to be used. ]


[ System message: you have reached or surpass Lvl 10, you are now recruit stage 3, all of your stats have a permanent +5 ]

Allen saw the message system with the remaining 20 stats points he could use since he didn't bother to use his previous 10 points from leveling up to level 9 nor did he had the time, to input them into his stats since he was to busy with training. He searches around for a rock to sit on as he found one next to a tree, he sat himself down and made himself comfortable.

Allen - "Now lets see, I have 20 points remaining and 8 different kind of stats, I wonder how should I divide up these points?"

Allen quickly opened up his stats menu, as his eyes scan over the different numbers in his stats information box.

[ Stats : Str 29 / Agi 29 / Int 29 / Cha 27 / Dex 32 / Mana 31 / lck 26 / def 31 ]

He saw that his strength, agility, and intelligence was almost to 30 points so he added 1 point to each, then he added 3 into Chamisa, with a remaining 14 points left. He never was the type to focus on one kind of specific stats or only a certain amount since he likes to have an even number of stats. He added 4 to luck, now only with 10 points remaining he added 4 points to Mana, 2 in defense, and the remaining 2 into strength.

[ Stats : Str 32 / Agi 30 / Int 30 / Cha 30 / Dex 32 / Mana 35 / lck 30 / def 33 : Would you like to save changes to stats? Y/N ]

Allen selected yes on the new stats change, then he saw the usual bright glowing light wrap around his body then fade away quickly, he got up from the rock, as he grips his spear tightly in his left hand and took a few sips from his water bag, and left toward the hill flat top training area.