Getting Stronger -Ahem.. DODGE!!- (5)

*kssh, kssh, kssh*

Sounds of footsteps walking over some grass, Allen was now back at the cave entrance, he took off his bloody armor and place it on the armor stance.

"Alright, time to head over to Chad, he may be stronger than me before... But who will be the stronger one now."

Allen sinisterly grins and cackle a little could be heard creeping itself out from.his mouth, He ventures over to the hill flattop area and saw that Chad was still in the middle of his training.

"Hey Chad, ho-"

Chad swung his spear around at Allen's left side as this time he was using a blunted spear for practice sparring, even blunted Chad still had the strength to make the air around him be blown away. Allen knew that Chad was going to pull another stunt like this, so he had his guard up, he twists his spear in a vertical holding position to block the incoming attack.

Even blocking the full blunt force of the attack Allen was skid to the side by some inches, in his last sparring match with Chad he usually would have been blown away, but this time he managed to hold his ground.

-hooo? Seems like Allen has gotten slightly stronger, That should have enough force behind it to knock him into the sky and land a couple of feet away... how interesting- Chad said to himself as his eyes squinted at Allen.

"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me the 3rd time, shame on both of us."

Allen said towards Chad with both of their spears still lock into place. Allen had a cocky and confident grin on his face seeing how he managed to defend against the attack.

"Sad that this time, that the batter won't hit a home run... kekeke."

Allen said jokingly while giving Chad a friendly jab.

"You say that young master, but I'm afraid that you're only halfway.."

Chad hastily pulls back his blunted sparring spear as he rotates his body around flinging his spear to the other side, this time he was aiming at the other side of Allen's body.

"Halfway to first base!"

Allen quickly moves his spear to the opposite side preparing to block the attack again, but once their weapons collided with each other Allen guard broke, he was forced to stumble and take some steps to the right.


His knees felt weak, he felt like his legs could collapse at any second.

"So let me guess, you were just playing with me before? And now you're going to became serious with me? Even just a little.. cliche don't you think?"

"you can say something like."Chad had the same cocky face like Allen had, but he was rubbing his nose then he began to flip his spear around figure 8 style, and got into his stance.

Allen saw this happens and let out a scoff but he wasn't prepared to give up just yet, he won't give up until every part of his body was aching, and to make sure he sees his quest finish.

Allen would then get into his form as he pointed his weapon right at Chad. They slowly began to inch toward each other. Suddenly

*sniff sniff.*

Chad began to have a disgusted face as soon as he smells something foul entering his nostrils. He had to drop his spear from how badly it stank.

"Yung muster, plwese gu cleen yourself up." Chad was pinching his nose, and covering his mouth from how smelly Allen was, he didn't mind the Ram deer blood on him, but the odor was now unbearable.

"Wha- what? Allen stood there confused about what Chad meant by cleaning up but was also confused why Chad just simply toss his spear away. He then raises up one of his armpits and began to sniff it.

"HMMGURH." The instance the smell had enter Allen's nose, he wishes he never smell himself since it almost wants to make him throw up.

Allen drop his spear and began to cover both his nose and mouth. And he turns his body toward the crystal clear pond near the cave to clean up the stink and get rid of it. "I'll take care of it, I'll be back."

Allen began to run over towards the pond and he began to quickly take his clothing off and glasses, and he jumped into the mildly cold water to clean the rubbish off his skin. Dust and other minor dirt built upon his skin began to be washed off from the water, then he cleans out his hair.

"God I Stink."He sniffs his armpits once more as he dove straight down into the water, letting the water flow around him felt nice. Without soap, he couldn't successfully clean off the stink 100 percent through until he has the supplies to make soap... Unless he could buy soap from the system store, he would begin to wonder if he should check out the store again to see the supplies tab.

Allen would swim up back to the water surface, the water glitter, his silky black hair flowing around from the water, his white skin would look smooth. "I can't forget to clean these up as well."

Allen swam over to the pond shore, and grab his clothing.

Allen dunk the top part of his clothing set first trying to wash the animal blood off the best way that he can. "And.... done." Allen would hang the clothing on a nearby tree with low hanging tree branches.

He then doves straight into the pond again so he can use this time to rest up again before he had to face his opponent again. Then something clicks inside his brain bringing up his quests log, feeling like something was missing.

[ Quest log: Become rank recruit 3 stars (completed) You have been rewarded 40 Exp bringing your total from 6 Exp to 46/130 Exp ]

Allen was to busy focus on training his body, finishing his other quests, and killing the 5 ram deers to become lvl 10 to achieve recruit 3 Stars, that he totally had forgotten about the quest to achieve 3 stars in the first place.

"What an idiot I am.. ah~~~" he let out a sad sigh as he floated along the water glimmering surface with his eyes staring up at the sky. It was half-day but he notices how many things he has already done in that short amount of time.

A small proud expression came upon Allen's face, then he swam back over to shore to put his glasses, and clothing back on, even if the clothes were a little wet still. Once Allen has made it back to the training area where Chad was, he pick up his spear, and got into position.

"Round 2, I hope you handle this again, otherwise underestimate me, and you will lose this." Allen threw an initiative sentence forcing Chad to get into his stance. "There isn't much to handle, young master, you clearly saw how you lost your footing to me." Chad in return threw a jab at Allen letting while silently chuckling to himself.

"Yeah, we're see about this!" Allen charges forth at Chad with his spear ready he thrust his weapon forward to Chad aiming for his chest area. "Naive!" Chad blocks the attack mix in with a parry, he knocks Allen back from the attack. He then returns a few thrusts at Allen, one at the left shoulders one in the middle of his chest, and one on the upper left of his right leg.

"Argh!" Allen took a huge step back with each hit was hitting him hard "I said DODGE!!" Chad screams out from his lungs then he swung his spear from the right. Allen heard the screaming as he took another step back, if the attack was in slow-mo he just.barely dodge the attack. "Good, now DODGE AGAIN!" Chad began to bombard Allen with multiple direction attacks, up above, left, right, center, below.

"Holy fuck! Jesus Christ man! Fuck!" Allen was having many attacks that were near misses from his body, but how long will his good luck last him? How long will his stamina keep up with Chad's? Then finally he saw an attack that was coming for his legs but he couldn't react in time, letting his legs be swept up. "Achk!"

Allen topples backward from Chad sweeping both of his legs, his body ended up crashing into the ground green grass surface. "Ha..ha..ha.." he was lying there, with him heavily breathing from that onslaught of attacks. "Damnit... Damnit it all to hell."

Allen slowly began to pull himself up with his legs being inclining toward him first, then he clutches his spear once more while he uses his other hand to push him up. He then would use his spear as a crutch until he was standing back on his own two feet.

"Excellent! Truly excellent young master! I please ask of you to not give up, otherwise that would ruin this moment." Chad said with.full confidence allowing Allen to regain his posture, and stance. "Yeah.. yeah I know, I'll try to make this as much entertaining for you as possible," Allen spoke with a heavy breath as he wipes off sweat droplets coming down from his forehead. "Good young master, Now listen closely... DODGE!" Chad threw out his spear at Allen again resuming the sparring match between the two.