Getting Stronger -The victor?- (6)

*Crack, crack, crack, thump*

Sounds of spears colliding into each around surge around the hill flat top, with both of the spear wooden sticks hitting each other, blocking each other, parrying each other. "Ha!!" Allen yelled out a war cry as he jumps up into the air but he wasn't going to use his skills, just yet, he was going for a downward slash. "Ah Haaa!"


Chad raises up his spear horizontally to block the incoming attack above as he was forced to take one step back, Allen weight back to pull him back down into the ground, but before both, his feet landed on the ground he notices Chad took a step back.

"Seems like I'm doing something to you Chad, I.hope you can keep up with me." He chuckles while he eases up his muscles and relaxes his mind, and he forms his stance again. "That is indeed an improvement, young master, but don't expect me taking a single step back means total victory for you." Chad replies back to Allen's comment.

Allen shook his head no and scoffed. "Of course not, Chad, But that does mean I'm getting closer to besting you someday." Allen pops out a confident smile then he slowly inches himself closer to Chad, bit by bit. Up to the point when the tips of their spears were only feet(meters) away from touching each other.

"Make your move already," Allen said with a smirk as he still has his confidence in himself to back him up. "I believe you should be the person making the first move, Young master." Chad had a teasing look on his face then he lets his guard down a little.

"Alright, if you say so, If something bad happens then just saying, I warn you."

He cock his head to the left, and right seeing that he could at least land a single blow on Chad, who to this point of time was beating him in sparring match, But this time he felt different, a more prideful self was taking over.

"Enough talk, come at me! young master."

Hearing Chad spoke out for him to charge at already, he prepares his legs muscles and activates his enhanced agility skill. Chad felt a surge of energy flowing around Allen's body, something was changing physically so he upped his defense.

"prepare yourself!"

In one motion of taking a single forward, he lunges ahead at Chad while thrusting his spear at Chad as he covered the small distance quickly. This caught Chad off guard since he never knew that Allen already had abilities within himself, he raises up his spear to block the attack but it slipped right though, the last option he had was moving his side to the left to dodge.

-Damnit! I almost had him!-

Allen thought to himself as the tip of his spear only made a small graze on Chad's clothing. Chad then brought his training spear up into the air and slam it down on Allen's body smashing him into the ground.


Allen felt the strike that came from his back forcing him to painfully groan while his face was planted into the ground with his body lying flat down. Each major strike that lands on his body feel like a large rock was tossed right at his body, and with no way to stop it.

"You're one tough bastard to beat, you know that?"

He began to move his arms and legs to push himself back up, off the ground then he dusted his clothing. He then reaches for his spear to continue the training session.

"That makes me a valuable companion to have, and once you're at the level to use me in battle, that makes this makes it more worth it, Hands-on experience you could say."

Chad had a loud laugh that sounded like he was bolstering his own ego, with one hand on his waist, and the other grip around his spear, the scene would almost make him look like a hero in the making, then Allen even needed to double-check Chad's smile thinking that he saw it actually shine for a moment.

"Then I can't wait to fight alongside you then Chad after I beat you in a sparring match of course."

A childish smile appeared on Allen's face as he was rubbing his nose then he got back into his stance once more. He had his spear ready and securely tighten in his hands, he then charges at Chad once more, bringing up his weapon to Chad's head.

==20 minutes later==

"Take this!"

Allen launch out multiple thrusts at Chad but it was a futile effort with each jab, it was blocked, parried away or he just simply dodge out of the way. Allen at this point had already finished his quests minutes before but he kept the sparring match going, he wanted to gain as much combat practice as he possibly can.

"Quiet dodging, and let me hit you!"

Allen whines as he was nearing the end of his stamina as he each attacks felt heavier and heavier, each time he tries to thrust or swing his spear at Chad. Sweat was pouring down from his face, and his entire body was cover in bruises and sweat.

"No can do, young master, that will ruin the whole purpose of this sparring match."

Chad still had a smirk on his face, at this point he didn't really need to put too much effort into canceling Allens attacks since they became rough and sluggish. But he felt like he had enough fun for one day, he stood in place so Allen would swing his weapon at him but Chad reaches out his hand to grab Allen's weapon before it reaches to him.

"I think we should end this sparring match, Young master."

He casually lets go of the weapon letting it fall out from his grasp. Allen's breathing was heavy and slow from each time he needed to inhale to exhale.

"Fine... My quest is already over with anyways....Ha~~"

He started to fall backward letting himself lay on the ground, his body aches from pushing himself on the sparring match, but he had a curious look on his face.

"Is that my 3rd or 4th lost in a row?"

"Your 3rd lost in a row, young master, but don't worry when you were at your best condition, you did make me get a little serious so you are improving."

Allen chuckled at himself, seeing how Chad was trying to make his 3rd loss in a row seem less worst, then what it originally is. He felt his mood lighten up from what Chad had said, since he cannot deny the fact that he manages to almost land a hit on him, and he was forced to take a step back.

"A little more practice and body training to make myself stronger and I'll probably end up beating you," Allen spoke confidently.

"Don't expect that I'll be just lying around on my ass all day, young master, regular training may be the only time I earn Exp so if you mess up majorly then don't expect me to go easy on you."

Allen sighed at Chad's comment, he knew that Chad had a much slower time of earning Exp and leveling himself up, hell he only needed another 10 levels until he reaches Recruit 5 stars. But even with such a head start, he won't let the advantage slip right by him.

While Chad was starting to heal Allen's body, he opens his quest log menu, and character description to see what had changed during the sparring match between the two.

[ Quest log: practice combat training (Daily) (completed) You have been rewarded 30 Exp, bringing from 36 to 66/140 Exp ]

[Quests: Slay 2 greater ram deers reward 60 Exp ]

He quickly closes the menus once he had refreshed his memory on the remaining quest he had left, which was the killing of two greater ram deers. He let out a sigh seeing how much trouble fighting first Greater ram deer was, and how painful he felt during the aftermath of the fight.

"I'm just about to finish healing you up, young master."

Allen gave a nod to Chad seeing how filthy and sweaty he was, he wanted to go take another bath in the pond, but before he enters the pond he would like a look at the System supplies store to see if he could buy soap, and a towel hopefully.

Feeling like he was ready to move his body again once the stress on his muscle faded away, he got up from the dirt ground that he was laying down on, then he dusts off any dirt that stained his clothing. Then he went in reach for his spear and headed straight toward the pond.