Getting Stronger -Emperor/Empire- (8)

Allen finally returns to the cave to relax his body on the makeshift bed and to come up with a plan, a strategy of sorts for his future even if it was basic, as he got closer to the cave entrance he saw that Chad was digging some small potholes into the ground with some sticks tied together to create a longer, and thicker poles.

"What fancy idea are you making this time?" Allen slowly approaches from behind then he planted the end of the spear onto the ground, while still carrying his extra supplies.

"Ah young master, I hop-" Something caught his attention, his eyes were fixated on the towel, deodorant, and mix body and head shower soap. "I see that you made a gander in the system store shop." He points at the three items.

"Yeah, I did." A minor blush appearing on his face still remembering the special items that were also on sale. While he walks over by a rack shelf to put his showering materials away, but he kept his spear on his back. "I also saw the uh..uh.. the goods." He said awkwardly as he turns around to face Chad.

Chad was confused about what he meant by the goods until it hit him, a little smirk was shown on his face getting himself the ground. He would walk over to Allen and begin patting his back.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, young master! Do not be shame of what man lives for! That is a natural part of being a human male." Allen stared blankly at Chad seeing his huge smirk. Only to let out a sigh while blushing.

"Moving on.." He rolled his eyes, he points to the bundle of sticks that's been made into makeshift poles, and the holes that Chad made. "What are you planning with those bundles of sticks? And holes?"

Chad had finally stop smirking then he walks over to a bundle picking it up with one hand. "I thought about designing an entrance roof." He said as he places down the half finish bundle vertically up in the hole. "I'll place support beams here, and here, then I'll use some minor sticks to lay above these poles, then another layer of leaves and more sticks to tied together to make a makeshift roof."

Allen decided to take a couple of steps out from the cave, so he can imagine a picture of what an entrance roof would look like. He stood in place with both of his hand's place on his waist. "I don't see any problems with a little more cover for us, if you need any help I'm open for now." A giant smile with his white teeth showing.

"That would be most appreciated, young master, I'll finish up tying up the sticks, and making sure the holes are deep enough, while you gather the leaves, and sticks to be used as cover," Chad said with a straight forward tone.

"Ok.. I'll do just that." Allen raises up a thumb at Chad then immediately ran down the hill, and then into the forest to find some extra materials to be used for the outdoor cave entrance rooftop.

==20 minutes later==

Allen was now hugging multiple groups of sticks and leaves, and his leather bag was now completely filled up as well. He then finally came out from the dense forest marking his 3rd run.

"I'm back with more materials to be used for the roofing!" He said cheerfully while he drops them in a pile, a good amount of leaves and sticks were separated from each other to be more organized.

"Now we should have enough to cover the majority of the area," Chad said while he picks up a thin piece of stick. The roof entrance was roughly 6 ft long and 4 ft wide. "all we gotta do now is to tie them up with each other and then layer each other." he said with his face looking directly at Allen's.

"Right behind you Chad." Allen now began to start picking up some sticks and some vine rope, and then some leaves and began to tie them up with each other, he gave them to Chad who was putting them beam support outline.

Minutes past by with the roofing almost complete. "I can take care of the last remaining portion of the roof, thank you for the help young master." Chad had a smile on his face. "eh.. no worries, I didn't really have any plans to keep myself busy anyway." Allen would return the same quality of smile and then got off the ground.

"I should have the time to check out more of the empire-building section of this system.. Never really felt like I needed to check up on this until now." He said under his breath as he lays down on the makeshift bed with his boots off. Allen would open the system menu then he swipes away from more of the RPG aspects of it and more to the RTS.

"Hopefully I can get some information off of this." he finally stops on a title of the system menu.

[ Empire of unnamed empire. ]

Allen read the title of the menu and let out a soft sigh, he wanted to name his empire but he felt like it was too early for that, Allen wanted to have some troops and a population count, even if it's a small number before he inputted a name.

"What do we have here? infrastructure and economics.. research and development? interesting.. Military strength... Population details." four different tabs were shown under the title, which he Allen assume lead to even more different specific options, in their own tabs.

"Hmm.." Allen had press the infrastructure and economics tab as he waited for a pop-up message on in his eyesight.


[ System Empire infrastructure and economics: transportation/empire wealth/roads and buildings ]

Seeing the 3 he had made a rough understanding of they could be, so he didn't want to dive too deep into it. He wanted to check out the R and D tab and the military might. He exits out of the tabs and selected research and development.

[ System Empire research and development: Era of technology: Stone age level. | To increase the era system points are required to be inputted into this bar | 23/200 system points. | Note that learning more about this world, and gaining new experiences will be given points. ]

Allen began to rub his chin as he began to scroll down to see multiple labels and options, it was indicting that he could advance throughout all of the human eras.

[ Bronze age - Iron age- early to late middle ages- Industrial revolution - modern era - atomic era- Information era - future era ]

8 total different periods of time Allen can achieve in this new world, 8 different eras with their own unique form of living, traveling, and of course, fighting. He decided he has seen enough of the research and development tab quickly exiting out from it.

"Military might be next." Allen was eyeing the word military, from the start but he wanted to save that for later since he needed to check out the other tabs first. With one push of a button, he brought open a new map.

[ System empire military might : troop summon / soldiers equipments / training sessions / Tactical map / Global map / Support facilities ]

He quickly selected troop to summon which brought up a list of a dark outline figure shaded black, that looks like a Roman soldier. Everything was shaded black with a label.

[ You do not have the requirements to summon troops: requirements - Become rank corporal 1-star lvl 40 - have an empire name ]

"eh~~~" Allen had a shock facial expression with one of the requirements to become a corporal one 1 star.. which was at lvl 40, he just only lvl 10.

"Hey Chad what are the ranks? For each different level? you said there was 4?" Allen said with a curious expression on his face.

Chad was in the middle of finishing the last portion of the outdoor roof entrance as he turns to face Allen. "Yes.. that is correct 4 different levels, The enlisted level, the officer level, the senior officer, and chief commander stage. The enlisted are from recruit to private to corporal to sergeant to Sgt major."

Chad had cleared his throat and stand with both of his hands behind his back with his fingers interlocking with each other.

"Officers are ensign to lieutenant to captain to major, then we move onto the senior officer levels. You start off as colonel then brigadier general then major general. And now finally the chief commander stage, field marshal- Which is your position someday, young master." Chad said with a big huge smile on his face.

Allen's eyes began to blink widely from the sudden information drop onto him, seeing all the different ranks really made him feel like he was losing his mind.

"I- I see... It would seem that I have a LONG way to go huh." Allen awkwardly chuckles to himself while he rubbed the back of his head slowly, and gently.

"I'll keep on saying this young master, trust in your strength, and yourself like I do." Chad stood in a tight salute pose with his poots right next to each other. This gave Allen a warm feeling inside as a small smile appears across his face.

"Thanks." Allen spoke quietly "No problem" Chad replied back with a grin.

Allen had returned to his screen and exited out from the list of different kinds of troops and then out of the military tab. Then the last final tab was the population details, he quickly pushed the button to open it up.

[ System empire population details : living conditions / population count / local and regional population mentality ]

He then moves his finger over to population count seeing how the total population of 2 so far, and then it was divided up between job types. Farmers, soldiers, merchants, engineers, construction workers, and scientists. There was a special title label specialize beings.

"Specialize beings?" He was intrigued by this as he ended up pressing it.

[ Specialize beings: Lead scientists 0: renown generals 0: expert merchant 0 ]

"Huh." All saw the three top lists as he scrolls down to see even more special type of workers, something like this was good to know since having special kind of people can really help benefit your empire strength, and economy. He opted out of these many tabs floating in his face back to more of a clear vision.